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The Field Of Education In The National Parks

The Educational Program And Its Place In National Parks Administration

Museums In The National Parks

Planning A Park Museum

Museum Technique

Administration Of Park Museums

Nature Trails

Exhibits In Place

Guiding In The National Parks

Lectures In National Parks

Scientific Aspects Of The Park Protection Program

The Research Program In The National Parks

Use Of Recorded Scientific Data

Research Reserves


Libraries In The National Parks

Photography And Visual Education

General Administrative Problems

Proceedings Of The First Park Naturalists' Training Conference Held At Educational Headquarters, Berkeley, California:
November 1-30, 1929
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This topic was assigned to Park Naturalists Been and McKee, and was divided into the following two papers:

3-A Frank T. Been
3-B Edwin D. McKee

3-A Frank T. Been

In conducting the administration of a national park efficiently and according to the commonly recognized National Park standards, there is need of investigations by men who are equipped to conduct them. These men are the Park Naturalists because they have the fundamental knowledge which warrants their carrying on this work. At least, they are better qualified than the usual park employee. If a condition requires the attention of a specialist, the Naturalist is able to interpret the findings of the investigation for the administration, conduct preventive or remedial measures, observe the results, and prepare reports and records for the National Park references and for the use of interested outside organizations.

To stimulate the interest of the people in the park, the Naturalist's work now is primarily searching out the most interesting features of the park, examining their natural and historical phenomena, and making these findings presentable to the public in interesting everyday language. This work is closely related to the park administration because it deals primarily with the park visitors who require a great deal of the time and effort of the park employees.

However, an extended field is opening up. This is the carry-out of investigations and experiments as they may have to do with safeguarding the attractions of the park. Some of the problems that may come up are the investigation and control of plant, tree, and animal diseases, the investigation of predatory animals, of animal food with regard to quality and abundance, of the condition and numbers of park animals and birds, the effect of grazing, the effect of road and trail construction, the desirability of certain regions for wilderness areas, and the condition of fish and fish food. These illustrate a few of the problems that involve park administration, but because of the differences in parks there is a wide divergence of park problems which Park Naturalists may be called upon to solve.

There seems to be far reaching possibilities for the Naturalist in park administration as explained above, but can this be considered educational? The primary purpose of the Naturalist is to guide, teach, and explain to the park visitor the natural features of the park. This work naturally requires much investigation and research, but if we take upon our shoulders problems of park administration may we not so burden ourselves that we may lose sight of the main purpose of our position? We have stated in previous meetings that we are so new in the Service that our status is not definitely determined. If we are to establish our place, we should concentrate upon the job of contracting park visitors, devising means for their enlightenment, and improving existing methods of educational work--in other words, concentrate upon the job of popularizing natural science. We shall naturally come in contact with scientific, research, and educational organizations, but if we give much time to investigations not related to our department we will fail in our purpose of showing the people how to enjoy the parks. We are working in the midst of regions so advantageous for scientific investigations that, for our personal gratification, we may become so deeply immersed in research that we will neglect education.

3--B Edwin D. McKee -- How can the program of investigation be correlated with cooperative organizations?

While the participation of the National Parks' educational staffs in scientific investigations and research is necessarily of prime importance in its relationship to the park administration, nevertheless such research may also have another and equally great value; namely, its assistance to the work of other institutions, especially those of a scientific nature such as biological and geological surveys, museums, etc. Science must precede technology. We must first thoroughly understand a principle before we can well popularize or present it. The American nation today possesses many institutions whose primary function and purpose is to act as pioneers in the various fields of science. It is frequently our assignment and our privilege to assist in this work where it is related to the national parks, and in many cases we are better fitted and batter situated to carry on such investigations than are any others.

There are many and varied types of research which a Park Naturalist or members of his staff may be called upon to undertake in cooperation with National Park Service projects. They may be along biological, archeological, geological, or any of a great number of other lines. Indeed, the possibilities for such work are so numerous that it is almost impossible to enumerate the various opportunities. I say opportunities for they can be nothing less. If we expect to have a clear, concise idea of the thoughts and facts which we are to present the public in our educational work, and if we are to continue to gain new material from the study of our problems by other institutions, it is about the least that we can do to supply cooperation and assistance in scientific work whenever possible.

A few examples of the type of work which may be done along these lines might perhaps be appropriate at this place. Systematic collections of plants and animals, and careful records of the birds might well serve in the study of ecological problems by the Biological Survey. It has been my experience that all such material is not only gladly but gratefully received by the Survey. The collecting of fossils and geological structures is another field of this work which is highly valuable. Many of our leading museums and other institutions are not only very appreciative of any such specimens presented or even loaned but also will be glad to cooperate by using their experts to classify and identify them. Still another important type of scientific work which should be carried on in some of our national parks is the excavation and study of archeological ruins. In every field of natural science, indeed, there is much material deserving of considerable study in advance of any publication or other use. It is very important for us, therefore, to do our share at least in this advance work of the educational program.

Discussion following the above two papers brought out the vital necessity of including scientific investigations as part of a Park Naturalist's personal program as well as activities involving public contacts. It was furthermore brought out that in parks where educational activities are just being established it may at first be necessary for the Park Naturalist to confine his efforts largely to public contacts and current service to the public but that this should be accompanied by work on the accumulation of scientific information from sources where it is already available in written form. This period of intensive service to the public should be followed by a program of activities containing reasonable allocation of time for investigations on scientific subjects and to allow the Park Naturalist the opportunity of keeping in touch with all branches of natural history.

Another important point brought out was that the Park Naturalist should correlate all scientific research activities pertaining to his park and should especially make efforts to correlate the activities of specialists engaged in cooperative work with the scientific research undertaken by members of the Park Service.

Continued >>>

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