A Note on the Sources
No single bibliography could ever begin to list the
many hundreds of books and articles that cite significant events,
people, and places in Yosemite's long and involved history. The
following is merely suggestive of the major published works and archival
sources that must be consulted by every serious writer. My notes, in
turn, should also be consulted for detailed evaluations of primary and
secondary materials not mentioned in this essay.
The majority of this book has been written from
archival collections. These include the records of the Yosemite National
Park Research Library, California; Record Group 79, the files of the
National Park Service, housed at the National Archives in Washington,
D.C.; relevant collections of the Bancroft Library, University of
California at Berkeley, especially the Sierra Club Papers; and the
Records of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, also of the University of
California at Berkeley. Other collections of importance include the
Frederick Law Olmsted and John C. Merriam Papers, Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C.; the Carl P. Russell Papers, Washington State
University, Pullman; and the archives of the Federal Records Center, San
Bruno, California.
The richness of these collections is borne out by my
notes. However, there are some significant gaps, especially when the
subject turns from general management to park science. For this reason,
the Records of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley loom even
larger for further research. Joseph Grinnell, the director of the museum
between 1908 and 1939, insisted that his students and associates keep
meticulous notes, along with copies of everything they wrote as
representatives of the university. Grinnell's correspondence by itself
is incredibly instructive, containing many insights and much information
about the national parks found in no other collection. Clearly, for
scientists and historians who wish to understand the origins of national
park research, the Records of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology are a
mandatory source.
By themselves, the records of the National Park
Service show frustrating gaps. In keeping with the history of the agency
itself, research was usually concentrated on sources of controversy. For
that very reason, however, the material on bears is excellent, both at
the National Archives and the Yosemite National Park Research Library.
The record is more sporadic for the so-called lesser animals, such as
smaller birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. So too, there is not a
great deal on vegetational changes in Yosemite, that is, not unless
those changes became noticeable. Like wildlife, vegetation generated the
most controversyand therefore increased investigationwhen
long-standing perceptions were either challenged or rudely
Important insights into natural resource issues may
also be gleaned from the official monthly and annual reports of the park
superintendents and, for the earlier period, the biennial reports of the
Yosemite Park Commission. Regrettably, the practice of preparing
detailed monthly reports, which began under the military supervision of
Yosemite National Park (1891-1913), gradually lost favor by the
mid-1960s. Afterward such comprehensive analyses of park affairs and
problems were all but discontinued. Accordingly, the more recent the
report, the less likely it is to contain the same degree of
sophistication and specificity. Generally absent, for example, are the
former day-to-day observations about weather, animal movements and
sightings, important visitors, and the comings and goings of the
superintendent and staff. Granted, there is some compensation in the
greater volume of other documentation. The point is that researchers
looking at the modern period must now pull together many of the events
formerly reported as a matter of course.
One way to follow recent events is through California
newspapers. The Fresno Bee, for example, reports almost weekly on
activities in nearby Yosemite National Park. So too, the San
Francisco Examiner and the San Francisco Chronicle are
important sources of park history, both past and present. The same may
be said of the Los Angeles Times and, on occasion, the New
York Times, the Washington Post, and the Christian Science
Monitor. Of course, the larger any controversy, the more likely it
was to have been covered outside California. Newspapers, in that regard,
lend further dramatic proof to Yosemite's nationwide significance.
In general, the secondary literature about Yosemite
has not lived up to the park's reputation. Almost without exception,
historians and writers have concentrated on the nineteenth century,
telling and retelling those already familiar tales about Native
Americans, the mountain men, John Muir, and Hetch Hetchy. The standard
work in this regard is Carl P. Russell, One Hundred Years in
Yosemite: The Story of a Great Park and Its Friends (Yosemite:
Yosemite Natural History Association, 1957). Separate chapters also
discuss early tourism, transportation, concessions, interpretation, and
administration. There is very little, to reemphasize, about natural
resource issues. That omission is somewhat puzzling, since Russell, who
loved western history, also held a Ph.D. in ecology. Margaret Sanborn,
Yosemite: Its Discovery, Its Wonders, and Its People (New York:
Random House, 1981), is better organized and more interpretive but still
repeats a good deal of the standard information.
Unquestionably, the best human history to date is the
massive report by Linda Wedel Greene, Historic Resource Study:
Yosemite: The Park and Its Resources: A History of the Discovery,
Management, and Physical Development of Yosemite National Park,
California 3 vols. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the
Interior, National Park Service, 1987). Unlike her predecessors, Greene
does not give short shrift to the natural environment. This remains,
however, a government-commissioned study. Some historians, accordingly,
will undoubtedly take issue with Greene's interpretations, such as her
defense of Park Service realignment of the old Tioga Road. Still, what
these volumes may lack in critical insight is largely offset by their
comprehensiveness and detail. The research is thorough, and therefore of
lasting value to future historians.
Francis P. Farquhar, History of the Sierra
Nevada (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press,
1965), is also widely cited for Yosemite's early years. The role of
pioneer artists and photographers in Yosemite is another popular topic.
David Robertson, West of Eden: A History of the Art and Literature of
Yosemite (Berkeley, Calif.: Yosemite Natural History Association and
Wilderness Press, 1984), is among the more recent compilations and
interpretations. Peter E. Palmquist, Carleton E. Watkins:
Photographer ofthe American West (Albuquerque: Amon Carter Museum
and the University of New Mexico Press, 1983), is also instructive,
whereas Gordon Hendricks, Albert Bierstadt: Painter of the American
West (New York: Henry N. Abrams, 1974), concentrates on the first
artist to bring Yosemite worldwide acclaim. Ted Orland, Man and
Yosemite: A Photographer's View of the Early Years (Santa Cruz,
Calif.: Image Continuum Press, 1985), is another book that stays
comfortably locked in the earlier period. In other words, the subject is
still wide open for additional interpretation, perhaps modeled after
Barbara Novak, Nature and Culture: American Landscape and Painting,
1825-1875 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980). Giving further
attention to the natural environment, Novak masterfully demonstrates
what a truly comprehensive history of the art and photography of
Yosemite would have to include.
Meanwhile, any history of Yosemite inevitably invites
comparison with the history of other national parks. The obvious
counterpart is Yellowstone, which shares with Yosemite both longevity
and fame. Richard A. Bartlett, Yellowstone: A Wilderness Besieged
(Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1985), is the latest professional
scholarship. Alston Chase, Playing God in Yellowstone: The
Destruction of America's First National Park (Boston: Atlantic
Monthly Press, 1986), may also invite comparisons with my work and that
of Bartlett. Exact comparisons, however, would ignore great differences
in style and purpose. A major book with application to both Yosemite and
Yellowstone is Stephen J. Pyne, Fire in America: A Cultural History
of Wildland and Rural Fire (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1982). Similarly, Susan R. Schrepfer, The Fight to Save the Redwoods:
A History of Environmental Reform, 1917-1978 (Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1983), contributes to our understanding of natural
resource problems and controversies.
Interpretive insights also improve with a discussion
of Yosemite's establishment as a state and national park. Hans Huth,
Nature and the American: Three Centuries of Changing Attitudes
(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1957), and
also his "Yosemite: The Story of an Idea," Sierra Club Bulletin
33 (March 1948): 47-78, broke important ground regarding Americans'
perceptions that eventually inspired scenic preservation. Likewise,
Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind, 3d ed. (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1982), is standard in this regard. My own
National Parks: The American Experience, 2d ed. (Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1987), is also a social, cultural, and
intellectual history of the parks and, inevitably, contains much on
Yosemite. John Ise, Our National Park Policy: A Critical History
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961), should also be
consulted for management issues in Yosemite and its counterparts.
Traditionally, the Hetch Hetchy debate is the one
controversy that always comes to mind. A comprehensive account is Holway
R. Jones, John Muir and the Sierra Club: The Battle for Yosemite
(San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1965). Jones should be supplemented with
Elmo R. Richardson, The Politics of Conservation: Crusades and
Controversies, 1897-1913 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1962), along with individual chapters in many of the
above-mentioned works, particularly those of John Ise, Roderick Nash,
and Linda Wedel Greene. Stephen Fox, John Muir and His Legacy: The
American Conservation Movement (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown
and Co., 1981), also devotes several pages to the controversy and, in
the process, reinterprets the importance of John Muir as America's most
renowned preservationist.
Other writings by and about Muir are further
mentioned in my notes. For Yosemite's early period I have chosen to
concentrate on Frederick Law Olmsted, who preceded Muir into Yosemite
Valley, both as a philosopher and as a preservationist. Two important
biographies are Laura Wood Roper, FLO: A Biography of Frederick Law
Olmsted (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973), and
Elizabeth Stevenson, Park Maker: A Life of Frederick Law Olmsted
(New York: Macmillan, 1977). Charles Beveridge, et al., eds., The
Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, 3 vols. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1977-1983), provide another superb introduction to
Olmsted and his contributions.
Important biographies of Park Service personnel also
yield material on Yosemite. These include Robert Shankland, Steve
Mather of the National Parks, 3d ed. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
1970); Donald C. Swain, Wilderness Defender: Horace M. Albright and
Conservation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970); and
Horace M. Albright as told to Robert Cahn, The Birth of the National
Park Service: The Founding Years, 1913-1933 (Salt Lake City and
Chicago: Howe Brothers, 1985). Biographies, understandably, deal
essentially with administration. Similarly, the more autobiographical
such volumes tend to be, the more self-serving and less critical they
also tend to become. Conrad L. Wirth, for example, in Parks,
Politics, and the People (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
1980), defends his role as director of the Park Service (1951-64),
especially his support of internal improvements, including widening and
straightening Yosemite's Tioga Road. In much the same genre is George B.
Hartzog, Jr., Battling for the National Parks (Mount Kisco, N.Y.:
Moyer Bell Limited, 1988). Memoirs, in the final analysis, are a very
personal perspective on events.
Perhaps least known among Yosemite's defenders is
Joseph Grinnell. His life is nonetheless pivotal for understanding the
evolution of park management in the twentieth century. Grinnell's most
important publication on the park, with Tracy I. Storer, is Animal
Life in the Yosemite: An Account of the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and
Amphibians in a Cross Section of the Sierra Nevada (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1924). Also instructive is Joseph
Grinnell's Philosophy of Nature: Selected Writings of a Western
Naturalist (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California
Press, 1943), a collection of original essays assembled by his friends
and associates as a memorial to his career.
Regrettably, few naturalists since Grinnell and
Storer have matched the sweep and comprehensiveness of Animal Life in
the Yosemite. Most of the natural history written in recent times
appears in smaller volumes and pamphlets discussing trees, wildflowers,
birdlife, or geology. California at large has been somewhat more
fortunate. A recent natural history of the state is Elna Barker, An
Island Called California: An Ecological Introduction to Its Natural
Communities, 2d ed. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1984). Barker, though covering the entire state, still
gives Yosemite its due. Her bibliography of relevant works is also an
important checklist for literacy in the biological sciences and includes
texts by E. J. Kormondy, E. P. and Howard Odum, and Victor E. Shelford.
To her selection I would add Raymond F. Dasmann, Environmental
Conservation, 4th ed. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1976), as well
as a broad range of specialized journals, such as Ambio, Bioscience,
Ecology, Journal of Mammalogy, and Journal of Wildlife
Outside the natural sciences, historians of the
environment continue to work their favorite themes. Walter L. Creese,
The Crowning of the American Landscape: Eight Great Spaces and Their
Buildings (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985), devotes an
entire chapter to development in Yosemite Valley. But again, much as his
title implies, Creese is not overly critical of the park's early
structures. More controversial, and therefore harder hitting, is Michael
P. Cohen, The History of the Sierra Club, 1892-1970 (San
Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1988). Cohen provides a long awaited
sequel to the work by Holway R. Jones, who dropped the discussion of the
Sierra Club after the struggle for Hetch Hetchy. Accordingly, although
development in Yosemite National Park is just one of Cohen's important
topics, there is much that is new here, not only about Yosemite but also
about the Sierra Club, definitely the park's strongest advocate in the
twentieth century.
In Yosemite and other parks, future trends may be
suggested by work still in progress. Scientific research, it appears, is
definitely on the rise. Suggestive examples would include David Murry
Graber, "Ecology and Management of Black Bears in Yosemite National
Park" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, 1981);
and Theodore C. Foin, ed., "Visitor Impacts on National Parks: The
Yosemite Ecological Impact Study" (bound report, Institute of Ecology,
University of California at Davis, 1977). Another model study is Richard
J. Hartesveldt, "Effects of Human Impact upon Sequoia gigantea
and Its Environment in the Mariposa Grove, Yosemite National Park,
California" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1962). Normal
L. Christensen, et al., "Review of Fire Management Program for
Sequoia-Mixed Conifer Forests of Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon
National Parks" (special report to the Western Region, National Park
Service, 1987), is another example suggestive of future cooperation
between park managers and resource scientists. Allegedly, prescribed
burning in the sequoia groves has needlessly scarred many trees, a
criticism that led, in 1987, to the Christensen study. Finally, Michael
L. Smith, Pacific Visions: California Scientists and the Environment,
1850-1915 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987), reexamines the
origins of scientific debate and includes further discussions of
Yosemite, although the book is mostly about geology.
Debate about visitation in national parks also
continues to sharpen. Don Hummel, for example, in Stealing the
National Parks: The Destruction of Concessions and Public Access
(Bellevue, Wash.: Free Press, 1987), argues that preservationists are
closing out the general public and, in the process, excluding necessary
services. Hummel, not surprisingly, is a former concessionaire. A less
strident view, although no less committed to the opposite argument, is
Joseph L. Sax, Mountains Without Handrails: Reflections on the
National Parks (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1980). Sax
maintains that national parks are in fact for preservation. Every
visitor, accordingly, must be conscious of the need to protect the
Yosemite, in every case, remains central to these and
many other debates, suggesting its continuing importance as a field of
investigation into the management of the national park system at