Legacy of the Gold Rush:
An Administrative History of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
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Chapter 1

1 Dan and Nan Kaiper, Tlingit: Their Art, Culture, and Legends (Saanichton, B.C., Hancock House, 1978), 2.

2 Ertec Northwest, Additional Cultural Resources Survey and Summary Assessment of the West Creek Hydroelectric Project (Anchorage, the author, March 25, 1983), IV-13 to IV-21; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, Skagway, August 9, 1988.

3 Silas Dennis, Sr., interview by author, Skagway, March 5, 1985; J. Bernard Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval (New York, Vantage Press, 1968), 15-16.

4 Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval, 123-124, 173; Roy Minter, The White Pass: Gateway to the Klondike (Fairbanks, Univ. of Alaska Press, 1987), 23-24.

5 Catharine McClellan, "Tagish," in June Helm, ed., Handbook of North American Indians: Vol. 6, Subarctic (Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1981), 489.

6 Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval, 117; Richard Dick, interview by author, Skagway, June 5, 1984.

7 Kaiper, Tlingit, 14.

8 Archimandrite Anatolii Kamenskii, Tlingit Indians of Alaska: Odessa, 1906 (Fairbanks, Univ. of Alaska Press, 1985), 28; Kaiper, Tlingit, 34.

9 Kaiper, Tlingit, 38; Aurel Krause, The Tlingit Indians: Results of a Trip to the Northwest Coast of America and the Bering Straits, translated by Erna Gunther (Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 1956), 85-93.

10 Edwin C. Bearss, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park: Historic Resources Study (hereafter known as Klondike Park Study) (Washington, D.C., Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, November 15, 1970), 1; McClellan, "Tagish," 482-483.

11 McClellan, "Tagish," 482-485.

12 Richard J. Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass and the Great Gold Rush of 1898 (Ottawa?, Parks Canada, March 31, 1978), 4-5; McClellan, "Tagish," 483.

13 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 1; McClellan, "Tagish," 489.

14 McClellan, "Tagish," 489-490; Catharine McClellan, "Tutchone," in Sturdevant, Handbook, 494.

15 Bruce B. MacLachlan, "Tahltan," in Sturdevant, Handbook, 459; Catharine McClellan, "Inland Tlingit," in Sturdevant, Handbook, 478; McClellan, "Tutchone," 495.

16 McClellan, "Tagish," 482; Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 5; Minter, The White Pass, 23.

17 Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 4; Kamenskii, Tlingit Indians of Alaska, 27.

18 Aurel Krause, Journey to the Tlingits by Aurel and Arthur Krause, 1881/82, translated by Margot Krause McCaffrey (Haines, Haines Centennial Commission, 1981), 59-61; Lt. Frederick Schwatka, "A Military Reconnaissance in Alaska," Senate Document 1023 (Washington, GPO, 1888), 293-295; Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval, 94.

19 Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 20; Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval, 39; Allen A. Wright, Prelude to Bonanza: the Discovery and Exploration of the Yukon (Sidney, B.C., Gray's Publishing, 1976), 144-145.

20 McClellan, "Tagish," 482.

21 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 60, 74; Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 5.

22 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 2; Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 55, 119.

23 Pierre Berton, The Klondike Fever: The Life and Death of the Last Great Gold Rush (New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1977), 7-8, 12-14.

24 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 132-133.

25 Robert N. DeArmond, Early Visitors to Southeastern Alaska: Nine Accounts (Anchorage, Alaska Northwest, 1978), 68, 210; Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 6.

26 DeArmond, Early Visitors, 76-78; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 2.

27 Donald J. Orth, Dictionary of Alaska Place Names, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 567 (Washington, GPO, 1967), 22, 290, 941.

28 Berton, Klondike Fever, 6.

29 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 143; Krause, Journey to the Tlingits, 19.

30 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 190; Minter, The White Pass, 21.

31 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 135; Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore, "The Northwest Passes to the Yukon," Alaska Journal 3 (Summer 1973), 145. Scidmore's article is a reprint from the April 1898 National Geographic Magazine.

32 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 133-134; Berton, Klondike Fever, 8-9.

33 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 136.

34 Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 19; Minter, The White Pass, 21-22.

35 Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 20; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 14; McClellan, "Tagish," 482.

36 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 137-138.

37 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 11.

38 Frederick Schwatka, A Summer in Alaska (St. Louis, J. W. Henry, 1894), 11.

39 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 11, 14-17.

40 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 167-169.

41 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 20-22.

42 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 22; Minter, The White Pass, 25-26.

43 Minter, The White Pass, 28-31; Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 192-193; Choteau (Montana) Calumet, May 24, 1886, 3; Choteau Calumet, September 9, 1886, 7.

44 Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval, 102-106, 115-127.

45 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 160.

46 Ibid., 266.

47 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 194; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 37-39.

48 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 40-42. Many suggest that Carmack is the legitimate discoverer of gold due to his ownership of the discovery claim, and Carmack himself proclaimed himself to the world as the gold discoverer. Many Canadians consider Robert Henderson, a Nova Scotian, to be the actual discoverer, because it was he who directed the three over to the Rabbit Creek drainage. Henderson had previously prospected the creek and found small colors. He was doubtless denied great riches himself because of his prejudice against Carmack's Native partners.

49 Berton, Klondike Fever, 47-48.

50 Ibid., 33, 51-55, 71.

51 Ibid., 50, 74; Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 41-42.

52 Robert L. S. Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 1884-1912: Building the Gateway to the Klondike, Occasional Paper No. 36 (Fairbanks, Univ. of Alaska Cooperative Park Studies Unit, September 1983), 5; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 47.

53 Berton, Klondike Fever, 104-118.

54 Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 45-46; Berton, Klondike Fever, 110-114, 253-254.

55 Berton, Klondike Fever, 123-126.

56 Ibid., 203; Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 47, 55, 62-63.

57 Berton, Klondike Fever, 225-243.

58 Ibid., 211-224.

59 Ibid., 205-211.

60 Ibid., 244-245.

61 Wright, Prelude to Bonanza, 267. Josiah Edward Spurr, in "Through the Alaska Gold Diggings," Alaska Magazine 43 (March 1977), 33-34, suggests that the improved pack trail was not opened until the spring of 1896. A corduroy road is composed of logs laid in a long, parallel row.

62 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 51-53.

63 Ibid., 54-56.

64 Moore, Skagway in Days Primeval, 172-174; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 80.

65 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 81-84; Pacific and Arctic Railway and Navigation Company, "Map of Pacific and Arctic Railway and Navigation Company's Constructed Line from Harbor at Skaguay Bay to Summit of White Pass, Alaska," c. 1900; British Columbia-Yukon Railway, "Map Showing Located Line of British Columbia-Yukon Railway from the Summit of White Pass to Lake Bennett, Showing Timber and Meadow Lands," c. 1900. Both maps in WP&YR Company Archives, Skagway.

66 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 92-96; Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 11, 41-42; Berton, Klondike Fever, 158-161.

67 Frank Norris, "A Directory of Businesses in Dyea, Alaska," in Norris, Dyea-Chilkoot Trail Historic Structures Report, draft (hereafter known as Chilkoot HSR), unpub. mss., 1986, KLGO Collection; Harry L. Suydam, "Fool's Gold," Alaska Sportsman 8 (April 1942), 12.

68 Berton, Klondike Fever, 149; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 111-113; Frank Berkeley letter, p. 3, KLGO Collection.

69 Frank Norris, comp., "Officials in the Skagway/Dyea Area During the Gold Rush," 1, KLGO Collection.

70 Berton, Klondike Fever, 160-161, 340-342, 346-350.

71 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 54, 93.

72 Ibid., 116-122.

73 Norris, Chilkoot HSR, chapters on "Finnegan's Point," "Canyon City," "Pleasant Camp," "Sheep Camp," and "The Scales."

74 Friesen, The Chilkoot Pass, 93-95, 176; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 55; KLGO Collection, photos L6, L7, L8 and L14; David Neufeld, [various notes and maps regarding historical resources between Chilkoot Summit and Stone Crib], KLGO Collection. Mr. Neufeld is the Yukon and western Canada historian for Parks Canada in Whitehorse.

75 KLGO collection, photos CV11, CV12, CV13, CV19; Berton, Klondike Fever, 269-271, 276-277.

76 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 216.

77 Ibid., 199-210.

78 Ibid., 210-211.

79 Ibid., 216-217.

80 Ibid., 212, 217, 219, 220.

81 Ibid., 81-83.

82 Minter, The White Pass, 137-139, 270; KLGO collection, photos WM1, BW1, BW12.

83 Property Deed Books, Skagway Magistrate's Office, v. 17, p. 39; v. 5, p. 180.

84 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 105-106; Robert L. Spude, comp., Chilkoot Trail: From Dyea to Summit with the '98 Stampeders, Occasional Paper No. 26 (Fairbanks, University of Alaska Cooperative Park Studies Unit, 1980), 12-19.

85 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 124; KLGO collection, photos DB1, DB6, DC1; L. C. Wilkes, "Packers on the Dyea Trail," Alaska Sportsman 14 (June 1948), 8-9.

86 Engineering and Mining Journal, December 11, 1897; Spude, Chilkoot Trail, 199.

87 Harley Tuck, Klondike Diary, (Monroe, Wash., the author, 1974), 9-10; Property Deed Books, Skagway Magistrate's Office, v. 17, pp. 62, 106, 107, 171.

88 "Mrs. Kelsey's Ride Across in the Aerial Tramway," Redwood City Times-Gazette, March 5, 1898; Dyea Trail, May 7, 1898; Edward B. Lung, as told to Ella Martinsen, Black Sand and Gold (Portland, Binford and Mort, 1956), 385.

89 Spude, Chilkoot Trail, 201-203.

90 Archie Satterfield, Chilkoot Pass: the Most Famous Pass in the North (Anchorage, Alaska Northwest, 1978), 101.

91 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 127; Spude, Chilkoot Trail, 195-198.

92 Minter, The White Pass, 97-98, 102, 156, 191.

93 Ibid., 153, 161-165.

94 Ibid., 180, 186-189.

95 Ibid., 190, 220, 225.

96 Ibid., 209, 228-230.

97 Ibid., 235, 238.

98 Ibid., 235, 257-258.

99 Ibid., 266-269.

100 Ibid., 308-311, 353-355.

101 Ibid., 199, 252, 303-304.

102 Berton, Klondike Fever, 300-301; Kathryn Winslow, Big Pan-Out: the Story of the Klondike Gold Rush (New York, W. W. Norton, 1951), 170-178.

103 Berton, Klondike Fever, 410-413.

104 Lewis Green, The Gold Hustlers (Anchorage, Alaska Northwest, 1977), 18, 20, 59.

105 Norm Bolotin, Klondike Lost, A Decade of Photographs by Kinsey and Kinsey (Anchorage, Alaska Northwest, 1980), 90. This was Volume 7, No. 4 (November 1980) of Alaska Geographic.

Chapter 2

1 Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 27, 32, 35, 36.

2 Berton, Klondike Fever, 358-365; Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 60, 62.

3 Spude, Chilkoot Trail, 53, 55; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 273-276.

4 U.S. Census Bureau, Twelfth Census of Population, 1900, Alaska, individualized returns; Vol. 5, Southern District, Enumeration District #7, pp. 1-11; Daily Alaskan (Skagway), February 7, 1901.

5 Robert D. Jones, "A Municipal Farmer," Alaska-Yukon Magazine, August 1907, 488-492; Mrs. C. R. Miller, "Alaska's Deserted City and its Flourishing Rival," Leslie's Weekly, August 2, 1906, 112.

6 Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 65; Alaska Federation of Women's Clubs, (1936-1937 Year Book), 99.

7 Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 30, 65.

8 Ibid., 65, 142-161. Because of the geological process of glacial rebound, Skagway's land is rising about one-half inch per year throughout the twentieth century. No high tides were known to intrude onto Broadway after 1908.

9 Ted C. Hinckley, "The Inside Passage: A Popular Gilded Age Tour," Pacific Northwest Quarterly 56 (April 1965), 69-71.

10 Daily Alaskan (Skaguay), July 25, 1898; Daily Alaskan (Skagway), May 10, 1899.

11 Frank Norris, Gawking at the Midnight Sun: The Tourist in Early Alaska (Anchorage, Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History #170, 1985), 33; White Pass and Yukon Route, "A Tour Through the Land of Nightless Days," c. 1906, 3, in WP&YR Collection, Yukon Archives; Daily Alaskan (Skagway), June 23, 1908; July 20, 1908.

12 White Pass and Yukon Route, "Travels in Alaska and the Yukon Territory," 1913, in WP&YR Collection.

13 White Pass and Yukon Route, "A Handbook of Vacation Trips in Alaska, Atlin and the Yukon on the White Pass and Yukon Route," 1928, in WP&YR Collection; Martin Itjen, The Story of the Tour on the Skagway, Alaska Street-Car (Skagway?, the author, 1938), 73.

14 W. D. Gordon, WP&YR River Division, "Superintendent's Annual Reports on Operations," 1923, pamphlet II-1, WP&YR Collection, Yukon Archives. The effect of the Princess Sophia's sinking on the north country's economy is explored at length in Ken Coates and William R. Morrison's The Sinking of the Princess Sophia; Taking the North Down With Her (Fairbanks, University of Alaska Press), 1991.

15 Cy Martin, Gold Rush Narrow Gauge (Corona del Mar, Calif., Trans-Anglo Books, 1974), 53.

16 Martin, Gold Rush Narrow Gauge, 54-60; Stan Cohen, Gold Rush Gateway; Skagway and Dyea (Missoula, Mont., Pictorial Histories Pub. Co., 1986), 104-113. Martin (p. 60) notes that on one extraordinary day, August 4, 1943, the MRS ran 38 trains over the line.

17 Barbara Kalen to author, November 17, 1994.

18 Martin, Gold Rush Narrow Gauge, 64; Helen Clark, interview with author, Skagway, March 13, 1985; Skagway City Council minutes, July 17, 1944 and August 7, 1944, in Trail of '98 Museum Collection. Phillip Allen, in One Came Late (Edmonton, the author, 1992) has several photographs showing the tracks still in place as of September 1947, and the November 3, 1947 council minutes also note that the tracks were still there. By May 1952, however, council minutes suggest that tracks had already been removed as far north as Eleventh Avenue and that the WP&YR was preparing to remove still more trackage.

19 Edward McCourt, The Yukon and Northwest Territories (New York, St. Martin's Press, 1969), 29-30.

20 Mary J. Barry, "Alaska Steamship Company: A Legacy of Nostalgia," in Transportation in Alaska's Past (Anchorage, Office of History and Archaeology, Publication No. 30, 1982), 287; E. Theed to WP&YR Employees, December 6, 1955, in Parks Canada Collection, Whitehorse; Barbara Kalen to author, November 17, 1994; Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994.

21 "The Alaska Marine Highway System," Alaska Review of Business and Economic Conditions 7 (October 1970), 3; Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994.

22 Robert L. Spude, "Historic Use of the Chilkoot Trail, Alaska," data compiled for BLM Case File AA-37758, KLGO (Anchorage, NPS, March 1984), 6-8.

23 Robert L. Spude, "Historic Use of the Chilkoot Trail, Alaska," 8-10; Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994.

24 Oren Kincaid and Harriet Pullen to [Charles S.] Flory [Regional Forester], October 29, 1932; John J. Chambers, etc. to Flory, October 29, 1932; both in "Dyea Road" file, in Box 1, Program Planning and Research Correspondence, 1894?-1958, RG 30 (Bureau of Public Roads/Alaska Road Commission), NARA ANC.

25 Royal R. Pullen (Lead, S.D.) to ARC, March 22, 1934; Ike P. Taylor to Pullen, April 5, 1934; Taylor to J. Ludwig Frolander, February 15, 1935; all in "Dyea Road" file, NARA ANC. No funds, however, were granted for a pedestrian bridge to cross the Taiya.

26 W. C. Blanchard to Taylor, May 25, 1937; Taylor to Blanchard, June 28, 1937; both in "Dyea Road" file, NARA ANC.

27 Walter W. Sipprell to Taylor, January 30, 1940; Hawley Sterling (ARC) to Taylor, May 7, 1940 in "Dyea Road" file.

28 Taylor to Col. Atkins, May 11, 1940; Frolander to Sterling, May 31, 1940 (telegram); "Engineer's Estimate for Skagway Highway, Skagway-Dyea Section," August 20, 1940; Frolander to Taylor, December 2, 1940; G. H. Skinner to Gruening, June 20, 1941; all in "Dyea Road" file. Frolander, the local road foreman, told local residents that there were no funds available for new road construction. Gruening, therefore, convinced the ARC to build the road using maintenance funds. Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994.

29 Ruth Hampton to Taylor, April 19, 1941; Taylor to Frolander, April 19, 1941; both in "Dyea Road" file.

30 J. G. Shepard to Taylor, April 27, 1941; Taylor to Gruening, July 11, 1941, in "Dyea Road" file; Alaska Road Commission, Annual Report for 1941, 1942, and 1943, all on page 7; Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994. After 1941, no further word was heard about the proposed Dyea airport.

31 Frolander to Taylor, November 27, 1944, in "Dyea Road" file; Alaska Road Commission, Annual Report for 1944 through 1947, all on page 7.

32 Wesley W. Patterson, et. al., to ARC, September 30, 1946; Frolander to Taylor, November 3, 1946; both in "Dyea Road" file.

33 ARC, Annual Report for 1948, 8; Chuck and Helen Clark, interview with author, March 13, 1985; Frolander to Taylor, September 2, 1948; R. J. DeLaHunt to H. B. Schultz, September 29, 1952; both in "Dyea Road" file.

34 As many longtime residents have noted, the completion of the road made it easier for Skagway residents to scour the old townsite, and the trail, for bottles and other historical relics.

35 Spude, "Historic Use of the Chilkoot Trail, Alaska," 10-11; Edward A. Hosford, interview by author, June 7 and 9, 1986, in Klondike Gold Rush NHP Administrative History Collection (hereafter known as AHC). The "trappers' cabin" is near the lakeshore within the old Lindeman City townsite, between present-day Upper Cabin and Lower Cabin.

36 The company constructed at least two pile bridges across the Taiya River and another over West Creek. Its first Taiya River bridge was located just north of the mouth of West Creek, while a later bridge was located just north of the Patterson homestead. Both bridges were washed away, and today almost no trace remains of either one. As noted in Chapter 8, Hosford's West Creek bridge was built by the state forest division and remained open until it was closed by the state in June 1988. It was rebuilt three years later, and it remains open to vehicular traffic. Ed Hanousek, Sr., who homesteaded on land north of West Creek, built a predecessor to Hosford's bridge 1000 feet east of it during the 1950s; it was ordered torn down shortly after Hosford's bridge was completed. Skagway News, July 8, 1988, 3.

37 Edward Hosford interview; Edward A. Hosford to Ike P. Taylor, October 23, 1948; Taylor to Hosford, October 26, 1948; John C. Fox to William J. Niemi, November 25, 1953; Niemi to Fox, July 19, 1954; all in "Dyea Road" file.

38 The previous airport had been located between Main and Alaska streets north of Thirteenth Avenue. Skagway City Council Minutes, September 23, 1949, in Trail of '98 Museum Collection.

39 George Sundborg to R. A. Smithson, January 16, 1950, in TR-3 (1949-51), Series 53, RG 314, Alaska State Archives (ASA); Skagway Chamber of Commerce resolution, December 1, 1949; Haines Common Council resolution, December 19, 1949; both in "Skagway-Dyea" file, Box 77, Project Correspondence, 1923-1960, RG 30, NARA ANC.

40 Skagway City Resolution, November 16, 1950; Noyes to Morgan Reed, December 4, 1950; both in "Dyea Road" file.

41 Elizabeth Selmer to John R. Noyes, January 22, 1951; Noyes to Skagway Chamber of Commerce, January 26, 1951, in "Dyea Road" file.

42 John C. Fox to Chief, Operations Division, August 29, 1952; ARC Headquarters to Fox, January 5, 1953; both in "Dyea Road" file.

43 Joseph J. F. Ward, "Skagway Highway Project" (unpub. mss., 1932), KLGO Collection.

44 Ibid.

45 Ibid.

46 See untitled packet of material in Box 26, Program Planning and Research Correspondence, 1894?-1958, RG 30, NARA ANC.

47 E. W. Rasmuson to Ike Taylor (ARC), August 21, 1933; W. J. Mulvihill to Gov. John W. Troy (telegram), August 31, 1933; W. J. Mulvihill to John W. Troy, C. H. Flory, and I. P. Taylor, December 15, 1933; all in File 15-4-4 (1933-52), RG 101, ASA (on MF Roll 232, NARA ANC).

48 The old road cut is located approximately 100 feet above the WP&YR tracks between mileposts 4 and 5. ARC, Annual Report for 1934 (p. 12), 1935 (p. 33), and 1938 (p. 33); W. C. Blanchard to Ike P. Taylor, May 25, 1937, in "Skagway-Dyea Road" files, RG 30, NARA ANC.

49 Lynn Canal News, May 21, 1981, 6.

50 House Memorial 51, in Alaska House Journal, 1951, pp. 793, 1233-34.

51 George Sundborg to Files, March 16, 1951; Sundborg to Kent Fuller, March 26, 1951; both in File TR-3 (1949-51), Series 53, RG 314 (ADB), ASA.

52 Sundborg to Kent Fuller (ARC/Skagway), March 26, 1951, in TR-3 (1949-51), Series 53, RG 314, ASA; Chester to O. P. Flynn (Skagway), April 20, 1951, in File 18-2-e (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

53 Morgan Reed to Gruening, June 6, 1951; E. L. Bartlett to Mrs. Osborne Selmer, June 11, 1951; both in File 18-2-e (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

54 Joseph T. Flakne to Harold G. Crandall, June 19, 1951; John F. Walker to F. D. Calkins, June 16, 1951; Gruening to Angelo F. Ghiglione, July 18, 1951; all from File 18-2-e (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

55 E. L. Bartlett to Angelo F. Ghiglione, July 26, 1951; Bartlett to Oscar L. Chapman, August 18, 1951; Bartlett to Ghiglione, December 29, 1951; all from File 18-2-e (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

56 A. F. Ghiglione to E. L. Bartlett, January 9, 1952; Skagway Chamber of Commerce Road Committee to Ghiglione, March 3, 1952; Ernest Gruening to John O'Daniel (Skagway), May 6, 1952, all in File 18-2-e (1953-58), RG 101, ASA; George Sundborg to F. D. Calkins, May 9, 1952; J. Aubrey Simmons (M.P./Yukon) to Sundborg, June 5, 1952; Sundborg to Simmons, June 11, 1952, all in File TR-3 (1951-53), Series 53, RG 314, ASA.

57 Gruening to Chapman, September 6, 1952, in "Skagway-Dyea Road" File, RG 30, NARA ANC.

58 James P. Davis (Office of Territories, USDI) to Gruening, September 18, 1952; Skagway Chamber of Commerce Road Committee to Irving Reed, September 7, 1953; both in File 18-2-g (1953-58), RG 101, ASA; Lynn Canal Weekly, April 28, 1955, 1.

59 Gagliari to Cy Coyne, November 13, 1957; Coyne to Waino Hendrickson, August 12, 1958; both in File 411.7, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; Whitehorse Star, August 7, 1958, 2.

60 U.S. Department of the Interior, Alaska: A Reconnaissance Report on the Potential Development of Water Resources in the Territory of Alaska for Irrigation, Power Production and Other Beneficial Uses (House Document 197, 82nd Congress, 1st Session), January 1952, 148-50; Claus-M. Naske, "The Taiya Project," BC Studies 91-92 (Autumn and Winter 1991-92), 7-9, 23-25. Naske's 46-page article provides a thorough account of activity related to the project between 1946 and 1957. Only the most significant events will be recounted in this study.

61 Naske, "The Taiya Project," 7-9, 23-25; Robert E. Howe to State Coordinator, Alaska, January 7, 1970, in "Yukon Taiya Water Power Project" file, AHC. As plans progressed over the next few years, the length of the tunnels and penstocks changed, but the basic concept remained.

62 Naske, "The Taiya Project," 10, 31; BLM, Public Land Order 436, January 13, 1948; BLM, Power Site Classification No. 396, April 23, 1948. The area within PLO 436 went from the Canadian border south to Dyea Point. Its eastern boundary was the drainage divide between the Taiya and Skagway rivers, while the western boundary was a line which connected Mount Hoffman, Mount Yeatman, and Face Mountain.

63 Naske, "The Taiya Project," 9-11, 19.

64 Ibid., 13-14, 36.

65 Ibid., 16-17, 26.

66 Ibid., 19, 21, 25.

67 Ibid., 23, 26.

68 Ibid., 18, 22-23, 25.

69 House Memorial No. 1, in Alaska House Journal, 1951, pp. 55, 1208; House Memorial No. 28, in Alaska House Journal, 1951, pp. 352, 1221-22.

70 Naske, "The Taiya Project," 37, 39, 50.

71 Ibid., 27-28, 39-40.

72 Ibid., 28-29.

73 Ibid., 30-31.

74 Ibid., 35-36.

75 Ibid., 36-37; Pacific Northwest Public Power Bulletin, September 12, 1952, 1, in File WA-6 (1951-53), Series 53, RG 314, ASA.

76 Naske, "The Taiya Project," 36-37.

77 BLM, Public Land Order 868, October 21, 1952.

78 Naske, "The Taiya Project," 37, 41-42.

79 Ibid., 42-43.

80 Ibid., 44-46.

81 Ibid., 46.

82 Ibid., 46-47; Battelle Memorial Institute, Transport Requirements for the Growth of Northwest North America, 87th Congress, 1st Session, House Document 176, volume 2 (Washington, D.C., GPO, May 25, 1961), V-133, V-137.

83 Alaska Northwest Books, The Milepost, 44th edition (Bothell, Wash., the author, 1992), 134, 137; Yukon Energy Corporation, "Whitehorse Fishway" (brochure), c. 1994.

84 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 281.

85 Ibid., 281-82.

86 Ibid., 282; Barry Mackintosh (NPS) to author, email, June 14, 1995.

87 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 282-83.

88 Ibid., 283-84.

89 Lynn Canal Weekly, June 30, 1955, 3; Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 160. A contemporary article noted that "As in all accumulations of personal possessions there is a great quantity at the Pullen House that is worthless. On the other hand there are many rare old pieces of furniture, fine glassware and china and mementos of a bygone age that can never again be replaced once they are gone." Anchorage Daily News, September 9, 1959, 1.

90 George L. Collins to George W. Rogers, March 17, 1954, in File 15-15 (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

91 Black to Supt GLBA, February 3, 1954, in File 15-15 (1953-58), RG 101, ASA. Rangers had been assigned to Glacier Bay only since 1950.

92 Merriam to Director NPS, February 15, 1954, in File 15-15 (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

93 Merriam to Director NPS, February 15, 1954; Herbert E. Kahler to Ben H. Thompson (Chief of Cooperative Activities), March 3, 1954; George L. Collins to George W. Rogers, March 17, 1954; both in File 15-15 (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

94 Anchorage Daily News, September 9, 1959, 1.

95 John A. Hussey to Regional Naturalist, Region Four, November 4, 1953, in "H-34 Historic Landmarks - Alaska, Skagway and White Pass," NRHP Files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

96 Merriam to Director NPS, February 15, 1954, in File 15-15 (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

97 George L. Collins to George W. Rogers, March 17, 1954, in File 15-15 (1953-58), RG 101, ASA.

98 Lawrence C. Merriam to Cyril A. Coyne, February 12, 1959, in "H-34 Historic Landmarks - Alaska, Skagway and White Pass."

99 Conrad L. Wirth (Director NPS) to Ronald F. Lee (NPS Chief of Interpretation), January 19, 1959, in "H-34 Historic Landmarks - Alaska, Skagway and White Pass."

100 Lawrence C. Merriam to Cyril A. Coyne, February 12, 1959, in "H-34 Historic Landmarks - Alaska, Skagway and White Pass."

101 Herbert Maier (Asst. Regional Director, Region Four) to Director NPS, April 5, 1960, in "H-34 Historic Landmarks - Alaska, Skagway and White Pass."

Chapter 3

1 Charles W. Pfeiffer to Bob Baham, March 17, 1961; Pfeiffer to Bob Henning, May 16, 1961; both in "Chilkoot Trail Reading Files" folder, Series 136, Department of Health and Social Services Records (RG 06), ASA; Swem to Deputy Director, Operations, February 2, 1970, in Correspondence Files (hereafter known as CF), AHC; Michael Leach, interview by author, October 12 and October 16, 1995.

2 Mike Leach to A. Earl Plourde, May 23, 1961, in "Chilkoot Trail History Construction" (CTHC) folder, KLGO. (This folder was copied from material in RG 06, ASA.)

3 Pfeiffer to Dick White, June 7, 1961; Y&AA to T. D. Gregg, June 9, 1961; both in "Chilkoot Trail Reading File," KLGO; Leach to Plourde, July 25, 1961, in CTHC.

4 Leach to Plourde, July 25, 1961; Lawrence A. Dutton to Leach, July 2, 1962; both in CTHC.

5 Leach to Sigurd Olson, September 5, 1963, in CTHC; Leach interview, October 16, 1995.

6 Barry Mackintosh, The Historic Sites Survey and National Historic Landmarks Program: A History (Washington, NPS, 1985), 5-6.

7 Mackintosh, The Historic Sites Survey, 12-13, 19-21, 34.

8 National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings, Theme XXI, Political and Military Affairs, 1865-1910: Special Study, Alaska History, 1741-1910 (Washington, NPS, 1961), ii.

9 Ibid., 172-75.

10 Ibid., 176-78.

11 Ibid., a, foreword, 220; National Park Service, National Historic Landmarks: A Preservation Program of the National Park Service (Washington, the author, 1976), 9; National Park Service, Skagway, A Study of Alternatives, preliminary working draft (San Francisco?, the author, March 1969), 4; Herbert E. Kahler to Carl E. Mulvihill, January 8, 1964; Charles W. Snell to Supt. SITK/GLBA, March 17, 1966; both in "H-34 Historic Landmarks - Alaska, Skagway and White Pass," NRHP Files, AKSO-RCR Collection. The NPS did not actually designate the area an NHL in June 1962 because designation required the agreement of landowners or, as in Skagway's case, a municipal official. That request, by Mayor Malcolm Moe, was made in January 1964, and on February 28, 1964, the site became an officially-designated Registered National Historical Landmark. That summer, a plaque designating the NHL was mailed to city officials, and in early 1966 NPS officials mailed the city an NHL certificate. The former is now visible on Broadway, south of the NPS visitor center; the latter was (until 1995, at least) on the wall of the city's Trail of '98 Museum.

12 NPS, National Historic Landmarks, 7-9.

13 The NHL had no boundaries. Before the passage of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act, an NHL "was an honorary recognition of national significance and did not require boundary definition." A. R. Mortenson to Gordon Reno, February 6, 1975, in "Skagway/White Pass Correspondence" folder, NHL Files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

14 Dutton to Leach, July 2, 1962; Leach to Plourde, July 23, 1962; Leach to Plourde, August 28, 1962; all in CTHC; Alaska Department of Health and Welfare, Youth and Adult Authority, Annual Report, 1965, 17.

15 Dutton to Leach, July 5, 1963; Leach to Sigurd Olson, September 5, 1963; both in CTHC; J. R. Lotz, "The Chilkoot Trail To-Day, Dyea to Bennett," unpub. mss., Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Development (Canada), October 1963, 1; Mike Leach to author, October 19, 1995.

16 Barry Mackintosh, C&O Canal: The Making of a Park (Washington, NPS, 1991), 68-73; Egan to Douglas, January 28, 1964, in "Skagway" folder, Series 233, Department of Economic Development (RG 15), ASA; Egan to Udall, March 28, 1966, in Folder 870, Series 41.2, RG 01, ASA.

17 Bearss trip report, September 2, 1969, in Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 287-92; Southeast Alaska Empire, June 2, 1972, 3; Scott Home, interview by author, April 27, 1995; Leach interview, October 16, 1995; Archie Satterfield, Chilkoot Pass, Then and Now (Anchorage, Alaska Northwest, 1973), 148; NPS, "Chilkoot Trail Report," 1974, 20, in KLGO Archives, Skagway.

18 Michael Leach, of the Division of Lands, recalls that corrections personnel performed trail maintenance until a new corrections director decided that inmates should remain incarcerated rather than work in remote situations. In their stead, Division of Lands personnel maintained the trail. In 1970, the Division of Parks was created, and workers from the new division maintained the trail thereafter. Dutton to Leach, February 20, 1964; Henry Hall to Leach, August 25, 1965; both in CTHC; North Wind, September 1965, 11, and June 1966, 4; Barbara Kalen, "Part of Chilkoot Pass Ship-Shape for Hikers," Southeast Alaska Empire, July 23, 1968, 9; Michael Leach interview, October 12, 1995.

19 W. E. Garrett, "Alaska's Marine Highway," National Geographic Magazine 127 (June 1965), 801; Southeast Alaska Empire, April 9, 1979, 4.

20 Leach to Olson, September 5, 1963, in CTHC.

21 NPS, "Skagway and White Pass" nomination form, July 13, 1965, in NRHP Files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

22 North Wind, August 1965, 1; Folder #2, National Parks and Recreation Subcommittee, Legislative Bill File, Ralph Rivers Collection, UAF; Stanley Cain, "Trip Report...Accompanying the Advisory Board...on its Annual Field Trip, July 30 to August 10, 1965, in Alaska," 4-5, in E. L. Bartlett Collection, UAF.

23 Rivers to Hartzog, August 27, 1965, in File 882, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; North Wind, September 1965, 5.

24 Howard R. Stagner to Rivers, November 3, 1966, in CF, AHC.

25 NPS, Skagway, A Study of Alternatives, 29; William R. Thomas, Alaska Gold Rush Trails Study, preliminary draft (Anchorage, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1975), i. The other five trails planned for study included the Dalton Trail, the Seward-to-Nome (Iditarod) Trail, the Valdez-to-Fairbanks Trail, the Valdez-to-Eagle (WAMCATS) trail, and the Wiseman Trail (Koyukuk-Chandalar routes). But the Iditarod and WAMCATS trails, studied in 1973-74, and the Wiseman Trail, studied in 1974-75, the were the only routes given thorough scrutiny, and the Iditarod was the only trail added to the National Trails System.

26 Leach advocated the state park idea, but his superior, Ted Smith, recognized that the state, in those pre-oil days, would be fiscally unable to manage it. Guy Martin, "Testimony of the State of Alaska," May 12, 1975, in File NR 1-2 (1975), File 88, RG 01, ASA; Mike Leach interview, October 16, 1995; Michael S. Leach to Ted G. Smith, October 10, 1966, in Box 4578 (Urban Renewal Projects, Alaska State Housing Authority), in Department of Commerce and Economic Development Records (RG 08), ASA; Ted Smith to the author, November 14, 1995. The October 1966 study has not yet been located.

27 William J. Stanton, Economic Aspects of Recreation in Alaska, Part 1, Volume 1 of Alaska Recreation Survey (Washington, NPS), 1953; Charles B. West, Mr. Alaska, The Chuck West Story: 40 Years of Alaska Tourism, 1945-1985 (Seattle, Weslee, 1985), 68-73; Marybeth Holleman, Tourism: An Overview of the Industry (Anchorage, UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1989?), 2.

28 Rodger W. Pegues to Stanley T. Albright, March 27, 1974, in CF; Southeast Alaska Empire, March 26, 1974, 3.

29 G. R. Stevens, History of the Canadian National Railways (New York, Macmillan, 1973), 401; North Wind, July 1963, 4; West, Mr. Alaska, 82-85; "The Alaska Marine Highway System," Alaska Review of Business, 3. Lynn Canal News, August 21, 1980, 1, notes that the Princess Patricia began serving Skagway in 1963.

30 North Wind, June 1963, 1; "The Alaska Marine Highway System," Alaska Review of Business, 3.

31 North Wind, June 1963, 1; Carl Mulvihill to the author, December 5, 1994.

32 North Wind, September 1967, 7; West, Mr. Alaska, 101-02; San Francisco Examiner, September 18, 1968, 16; Wall Street Journal, November 12, 1968, 19.

33 North Wind, August 7, 1963, 1; March 1966, 1; Juneau Empire, February 21, 1995, 9.

34 North Wind, April 1964, 6; July 1965, 11; May 1966, 1; Carl E. Mulvihill, "Seventh Meeting Minutes," November 5, 1964, in "Skagway" folder, Series 233, RG 15, ASA. Alice Cyr, interview by author, December 21, 1993; Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994.

35 The hotel was built at the northwest corner of Third Ave. and Spring St.; subsequent additions, in 1973, 1976, 1980, and 1982-83, have been built on both sides of Third Avenue. The Klondike also expanded in 1974 when it acquired the Gold Rush Motel, a hostelry at the corner of Second Avenue and Spring Street which had been constructed in 1972. North Wind, December 1966, 4; January 1967, 1; March 1967, 6; April 1972, 7; June 1973, 6; April 1974, 11; J. Thomas Ritter to Area Director, Alaska, March 4, 1976, in File L58, CF; Lynn Canal News, February 14, 1980, 1; Skagway News, July 28, 1982, 3; August 11, 1982, 1. Other Skagway hotels included the Golden North, which had been operating since the gold rush days, along with the Skagway Inn, the White House, and the Sourdough Inn. The Skagway Inn is still open, but the White House and the Sourdough Inn succumbed to fire damage in December 1977 and July 1979, respectively. North Wind, January 1978, 7; Lynn Canal News, July 17, 1979, 1.

36 "Skagway Centennial Grant File" correspondence folder, Series 233, Department of Economic Development Records (RG 15), ASA. During the first several years of Centennial Committee activity, the major project was to be an auditorium-sized community center, but the impending closure of the White Pass Hospital, announced in August 1966, militated a change in priorities. In July 1967, the city had decided to build both a $150,000 Centennial Building and a $50,000 Health Building, but by January 1968 the community center had been dropped. The health clinic was named for Dr. Peter Dahl, who had worked at the White Pass Hospital for 26 years. North Wind, August 1966, 1; July 1967, 6; December 1967, 6; January 1968, 1; June 1968, 1; July 1968, 2; August 1968, 7.

37 North Wind, February 1964, 6; May 1965, 1; Carl E. Mulvihill, "Seventh Meeting Minutes," November 5, 1964, in "Skagway" folder, Series 233, RG 15, ASA.

38 Juneau Alaska Empire, August 30, 1964, 2; North Wind, September 1964, 7; Herb Adams to Ron Saroff, July 22, 1966, in "Skagway" folder, Series 233, RG 15, ASA; Barbara Kalen to author, November 17, 1994.

39 In early 1962, prior to Engine 52 being moved to town, Engine 195 had been moved from the railroad yards to the museum grounds, where it has served as an outdoor display ever since. "Skagway" correspondence folders, Series 233, RG 15, ASA; Southeast Alaska Empire, August 30, 1964, 2; David P. Morgan, "The Call of the Yukon is a Locomotive Whistle," Trains 23 (February 1963), 25.

40 Concrete sidewalks were no stranger to Skagway. During the late 1940s and early 1950s, several businesses, including the Pack Train Inn and the Eagles Hall, had laid their own concrete sidewalks, and several city council members favored their installation citywide. During the Alaska Purchase centennial period, concrete sidewalks were laid throughout the city, except on Broadway. Skagway City Council minutes, April 4, 1949; June 13, 1949; June 22, 1949; and May 1950, all in Trail of '98 Museum Collection; North Wind, July 1966, 2; December, 1966, 4; July 1967, 2; August 1967, 4; September 1967, 7; July 1968, 10; Martin F. Schafer to Merrill J. Mattes, October 25, 1968, in CF.

41 Stan Cohen, The White Pass and Yukon Route; A Pictorial History (Missoula, Mont., Pictorial Histories Pub. Co., 1980), 77; Roy Minter, "Ninety Years of White Pass History in Fifteen Minutes," (speech at WP&YR Historic Site Dedication, Whitehorse, August 5, 1988), unpub. mss., 9-10, in KLGO Collection.

42 Cohen, White Pass and Yukon Route, 79, 83; North Wind, September 15, 1967; North Wind, December 15, 1967; Thomas Healy, Skagway City Manager, interview by author, September 14, 1988.

43 Carl E. Mulvihill to G. Dean Olson, June 16, 1966, in "Skagway" folder, Series 233, RG 15, ASA; Alaska Highway Department, Alaska Historical Markers and Centennial Plaques (Juneau, the author, 1969), 16-22; Carl Mulvihill to author, December 5, 1994.

44 Adams to Benesch, February 27, 1964, in "Canada-Chilkoot Pass" folder, Series 231, Department of Commerce and Economic Development Records (RG 15), ASA.

45 Egan to Udall, March 28, 1966; Centennial Meeting Minutes, July 11, 1966, 5; both in Folder 870, Series 41.2, RG 01, ASA; Micheal Leach to Roscoe Bell, March 27, 1967, in CTHC.

46 Alaska Highway Department, Alaska Historical Markers, 16. "North to the Future" was the state's slogan during the mid-1960s; it appeared on license plates and on official state stationery.

47 Southeast Alaska Empire, July 28, 1967, 1; August 2, 1967, 3; North Wind, August 1967, 3.

48 Gov. Walter Hickel to C. R. Porter, April 12, 1967; Udall to Hickel, May 22, 1967; Herb Adams to Frank Murkowski, August 1, 1967; "Boy Scouts Leave for Chilkoot Pass Ceremonies" (press release), August 1, 1967; all in "Canada-Chilkoot Pass" folder, Series 231, RG 15, ASA.

49 Herb Adams to File, August 30, 1967, in "Canada-Chilkoot Pass" folder, Series 231, RG 15, ASA.

50 Alaska Department of Natural Resources, The Chilkoot Trail: A Guide to the Goldrush Trail of '98 (Juneau, the author), 1968; Mike Leach interview, November 1, 1995.

51 Edward Woozley (Director BLM) to Ernest Gruening, USS, April 15, 1960, in Box 85, Gruening Collection, UAF.

52 Holdsworth to Egan, August 11, 1960, in File 311.1, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

53 David E. Clinkenbeard (Arthur D. Little) to Burke Riley, September 14, 1960; Riley to Clinkenbeard, September 21, 1960; both in File 741, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

54 Clinkenbeard to Riley, October 14, 1960, in File 741, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

55 Gary Thurlow (Asst. Atty. General) to Egan, December 28, 1960, in File 421.1, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

56 Egan to John R. Derry (AEC), February 1, 1961; William K. Maher (AEC) to Egan, February 10, 1961; both in File 421.1, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

57 Ernest Gruening to R. A. Learnard, March 28, 1961; Gruening to Leon Hickman, January 25, 1962; Gruening to Cyril A. Coyne, February 12, 1962; all in Box 85, Gruening Collection.

58 BLM, Power Site Classification No. 396, in Federal Register, March 11, 1961, 2138.

59 Gruening to Stewart Udall, March 20, 1961, in Box 85, Gruening Collection.

60 Gruening to James W. Burton, March 20, 1961, in Box 85, Gruening Collection.

61 Gruening to James W. Burton, April 3, 1961; Irving Sengel (BLM) to Gruening, April 28, 1961; both in Box 85, Gruening Collection.

62 Federal Register, April 29, 1961, 3703.

63 File A 061057, in BLM Alaska State Office, Anchorage. The state applied for 203,023 acres of land in ten townships; only five of those townships were located in the Taiya River drainage system.

64 North Wind, March 1964, 1; H.Res. 10 (1964), in ASA; Alaska House Journal (1964), 248, 308; U.S. Department of the Interior, Rampart Project, Alaska: Market for Power and Effect on Natural Resources, vol. 2 (Juneau, the author, January 1965), 444-457.

65 Ray G. Williston, "Alaska-British Columbia-Yukon Conference, Northern Power Resources" (speech), in File 421.1, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; North Wind, September 1964, 10.

66 Phil R. Holdsworth to Carl McMurray, February 21, 1967, in File 421, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; North Wind, June 1965, 5; North Wind, April 1966, 5.

67 Cy Coyne to Hickel, April 29, 1967; Hickel to Coyne, May 3, 1967; both in File 421, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; Alaska Senate Journal (1967), 25, 295, 779.

68 Alaska Senate Journal (1967), 101, 113, 597; Arthur Laing (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development) to Engstrom, May 15, 1967, in File 421, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

69 SB 356, in "Yukon-Taiya Commission," file, Series 100 (1968), Box 5055, RG 01, ASA; Alaska Senate Journal (1968), 237, 252, 361.

70 Charles W. Pfeiffer to Paul Winsor, May 11, 1961, in Chilkoot Trail Reading File, KLGO.

71 Leach to Lotz, May 24, 1963; Leach to Lotz, September 5, 1963; Lotz to Murton, October 21, 1963; all in CTHC; North Wind, August 1963, 3; J. R. Lotz, "The Chilkoot Trail To-Day," 1963; Lotz, "On the Trail of '98," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 31, 1964, PR 10-12.

72 J. R. Lotz, "The Chilkoot Trail To-Day, Dyea to Bennett," unpub. mss., December 1965; Leach to Phil R. Holdsworth, May 19, 1964; Leach to Bob Knox, January 27, 1967; both in CTHC.

73 Gary McLaughlin to the author, February 19, 1995.

74 As Dick North noted in a 1993 letter to Supt. Alderson, "We did it [the press campaign to open the trail] on behalf of Dick Morrow." Herb Adams to L. J. Wallace, March 23, 1967; W. R. Morrow to Correctional Supervisor, Adult Camp, Palmer, May 8, 1967; Morrow to Leach, July 17, 1967; Morrow to Leach, March 7, 1968; all in CTHC; Yukon Daily News, July 10, 1967, 4, 16; "Newspapers" section, KLGO Collection.

75 Southeast Alaska Empire, August 11, 1967, 1; Yukon Daily News, August 11, 1967, 1; North Wind, August 1967, 4; September 1967, 2; Gary McLaughlin to author, February 19, 1995; Mike Leach to author, October 19, 1995. Leach was on the trail when the Juneau woman became lost and unsuccessfully tried to locate her. He recalls that the woman, claiming a knowledge of the trail route, had advertised in a Juneau newspaper for hiking companions. The three young people that answered the ad, however, soon discovered that she did not know her way, and she was also physically unable to complete the trip. The trio, hiking southbound, deserted her but reported the incident to Leach and his party near Long Lake. McLaughlin, recalling the crew that marked the trail over Labour Day weekend, noted that "Like every one else who hiked the trail back then, [the crew] missed the original trail."

76 Morrow to Leach, March 7, 1968, in CTHC.

77 Morrow had recommended the refurbishment of the Lindeman City "trappers' cabin," which dated from the first decade or two of the twentieth century. Perhaps at the suggestion of Mike Leach, however, a new cabin was built several hundred yards to the south. Leach to Morrow, March 19, 1968, in CTHC; Gary McLaughlin to author, February 19, 1995.

78 Chilkoot Trail Logbook, 1968, in Parks Canada files, Whitehorse; Ogison to Leach, September 19, 1968, in CTHC. South of Lindeman, the crew easily found the original trail and reused it. North of Lindeman, however, signs were more difficult to trace. Gary McLaughlin, who was assigned to mark the trail to Bennett, spent two summers looking unsuccessfully for signs of a historic pathway. He finally "concluded that the majority of gold seekers used Lindeman Lake to reach Bennett by boat." He then found an old game trail that he followed to mile 37.4. Before long, however, the number of hikers walking the tracks began to concern White Pass officials. Corrections officials responded by cutting a new trail west of the tracks, and between 1974 and 1976 a new trail was blazed that ran north from Bare Loon Lake, passed the cemetery south of Bennett, and ran abreast of the old church before descending to the railroad station. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, The Chilkoot Trail: A Guide to the Goldrush Trail of '98, 1974; Parks Canada and NPS, The Historic Chilkoot Trail, Trail Guide, c. 1976; Gary McLaughlin to author, February 19, 1995.

79 V. L. Ogison to Commissioner, Y.T., January 22, 1969, in Parks Canada files, Whitehorse.

80 Chilkoot Trail Project, 1969 [logbook]; [Chilkoot Trail] 1969 Visitors Book; both in Parks Canada files, Whitehorse. The two staff members, John Maloney and Gary McLaughlin, were later joined by R. J. Dunlop and Harry Deneron.

81 R. B. Harvey, "International Gold Rush Park, Report of September 1972," CF; "Klondike '73 Canoe Pageant Itinerary," in CF; Alaska DNR, Chilkoot Trail Guide, 1968, 18. Plans hatched during the late 1960s had called for the construction of cabins at the summit and at Deep Lake. These projects, however, were never implemented. Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 289.

82 [Lake Lindeman] Visitors Book for 1968-1969, in Parks Canada files, Whitehorse; Don McCune to John A. Rutter, May 13, 1971, in CF; Canadian Environmental Sciences, Ltd., Chilkoot Trail: Provisional Master Plan Study (Ottawa, National and Historic Parks Branch, February 1972), 12; NPS, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Master Plan, hereafter known as KLGR Master Plan (Denver, the author, May 1973), 25, 44.

83 North Wind, March 1966, 1; Whitehorse Star, May 29, 1967, 5; North Wind, April 1969, 4; Malcolm Moe comments, May 26, 1971, in CF; North Wind, February 1971, 6 and July 1971, 8; NPS, "Chilkoot Trail Ranger Reports," 1973 through 1978, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives.

84 Richard Stuart, "Recycling Used Boom Towns: Dawson and Tourism," Northern Review 6 (Winter 1990), 118-21; "Klondike Gold Rush Theme for Four New National Historic Sites" (press release), Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, November 1969, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" file, Box 1, Swem Collection, Denver Public Library. During the early 1960s, the National Historic Sites Branch was part of the Department of Northern Affairs and National Development.

85 National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Klondike Gold Rush International Historic Park, Provisional Development Plan: Canadian Sites (Vancouver?, the author, c. 1970), "Background Data and Current Position" section, paragraphs 1 and 2; "Judd Buchanan Outlines Parks Canada Developments in the Yukon" (press release), June 2, 1975, in "L58 1965-76" folder, AHC. The S.S. Klondike was refurbished during the 1970s, and on Canada Day, July 1, 1981, it was dedicated by Honorable John Roberts, Canada's Minister of the Environment. Both the Keno and the Klondike are now on display, in Dawson and Whitehorse, respectively. The Casca and the Whitehorse were destroyed in a Whitehorse fire on June 20, 1974.

86 Environment Canada-Parks, Proposed Chilkoot Trail National Historic Park, Management Planning Program, Newsletter No. 1 (May 1986), 2.

87 National Historic Sites Service, Klondike Gold Rush International Historic Park, paragraphs 4 and 9; Bennett to Luntey, April 25, 1968, in CF; Stuart, "Recycling Used Boom Towns," 124, 126.

88 John W. Bright to Chief, Office of Resource Planning, SSC, January 24, 1968, in CF.

89 Bennett to Luntey, April 16, 1968; Bennett to Luntey, April 25, 1968; both in CF.

90 Mattes to Chief, Resource Planning, SSC, May 8, 1968; Mattes to Howe, June 12, 1968; both in CF.

91 Robert S. Luntey to Peter Bennett, March 8, 1968, in CF.

92 Ted Swem, interview by author, November 18, 1994. The so-called Federal Field Committee had been created in 1964 following the disastrous Good Friday earthquake; since that time, the committee had served as a conduit for federal assistance funds. These monies had initially been directed to specific impact areas, but later were used for more broad-based economic development projects.

93 NPS, Skagway: A Study of Alternatives, 4; Hartzog to Hickel, December 7, 1967, in File 882, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; Theodor Swem, interview by author, November 18, 1994. As Swem noted years later, Hickel "made no further real commitments to help us out except in the case of the Skagway-Chilkoot Pass study. In that case he opened the door for us with the Skagway town fathers, and this enabled us to look at the area in a more open fashion during 1968." Swem to John Kauffmann, November 9, 1976, in "Roger Allin 1966 Report" file, Box 6, Swem Collection.

94 Robert S. Luntey (Chief, Office of Resource Planning, SSC) to RD/WRO, March 8, 1968, in CF.

95 John W. Bright (Acting Chief, Division of New Area Studies and Master Planning) to Chief, Office of Resource Planning, SSC), January 24, 1968; Luntey to RD/WR, March 8, 1968; Hall to RD/WR, March 26, 1968; Hall to Edward Hanousek, April 15, 1968; Bennett to Luntey, April 16, 1968; all in CF. Bennett, though a resident of Ottawa, had a longstanding interest in the Klondike, having first visited Dawson in 1948. Bennett to Ted Swem, November 26, 1974, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" file, Box 1, Swem Collection.

96 Mattes to Chief, Resource Planning, SSC, May 8, 1968; Mattes to Bob Howe, June 12, 1968; both in CF; Southeast Alaska Empire, May 8, 1968, 8.

97 Mattes to Carl Mulvihill, September 18, 1968; Team Captain, RPSSC to Chief, RPSSC, January 29, 1969; both in CF.

98 Luntey to Assistant Director, Cooperative Activities, March 19, 1969; Mattes to Bailey Breedlove, March 20, 1969; both in CF.

99 Reed Jarvis, the team's historian, noted at the time that "I often feel that the Service gets bogged down in having a greater number of historic structures than it can really use for interpretive purposes. If we cannot find uses for the historic structures, they are for all purposes dead; just being there to complete a picture is not a sound economic or interpretive reason. At Skagway, I have tried to keep the actual number of Service-owned structures to a minimum, yet including all those historic structures needed to convey the essence, spirit, character of the gold rush era to the visitor." Jarvis to Mattes, March 26, 1969, in CF.

100 NPS, Skagway: A Study of Alternatives, 33-41.

101 Ibid., 23-24, 35.

102 The idea of a locomotive on Broadway was not new. Tracks had been a fixture on Broadway from 1898 to the end of World War II, and in 1964 Cy Coyne, the local newspaper editor, suggested "that we mount Engine 52 on a concrete pedestal in the middle of Broadway." North Wind, August 1964, 7.

103 NPS, Skagway: A Study of Alternatives, 42.

104 Luntey to Assistant Director, Cooperative Activities, March 27, 1969; Ernest Allen Connally (OAHP) to Associate Director, Planning and Development, April 14, 1969; Arthur C. Allen to Associate Director, Planning and Development, April 7, 1969; all in CF.

105 Bowen to Chief, Office of Resource Planning, SSC, April 3, 1969, in CF.

106 NPS, "Proposed Skagway National Historical Park," May 1969, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" file, Box 1, Swem Collection; Luntey to Assistant Director, Cooperative Activities, April 15, 1969, in CF.

107 Mattes to Chief, Resource Planning, SSC, May 8, 1968, in CF.

108 Mattes to Schafer, September 20, 1968; Minter to Schafer, October 31, 1968; both in CF.

109 Mattes to Martin Schafer, September 20, 1968; John Rutter (RD/WRO) to Ted G. Smith, October 16, 1968; both in CF. Rutter's letter had been written by Luntey a month earlier; it noted, with an admirable prescience, that "If a preservation plan based on national recognition by the Congress of the United States becomes a reality, preservation of the old depot by the Government would become a distinct possibility. It might be conceivably adapted as a future NPS headquarters and museum."

110 Schafer to Mattes, October 25, 1968; Minter to Schafer, October 31, 1968; both in CF; Southeast Alaska Empire, November 19, 1968, 7; North Wind, November 1968, 1.

111 Theodore G. Smith to John A. Rutter, November 14, 1968, in CF.

112 Mattes to William J. Murtagh, January 20, 1969; Mattes to Bailey Breedlove, March 20, 1969; Luntey to Assistant Director, Cooperative Activities; all in CF.

113 Hartzog to Brown, April 7, 1969, in CF.

114 Minter to Hartzog, May 27, 1969; Minter to Robert A. Frederick, May 27, 1969; Mattes to Martin Schafer, April 21, 1969; all in CF.

115 Mehring to Mattes, June 18, 1969, and Koue to Chief, Branch of Restoration, July 17, 1969, both in CF; NPS, Project Prospectus, Preservation of Historic Railroad Structures, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, October 1969, 2.

116 Koue to Chief, Branch of Restoration, July 17, 1969; Luntey to Assistant Director, Cooperative Activities, March 19, 1969; Bearss to Chief Historian, September 2, 1969; all in CF. CF.

117 Mattes to Rutter, June 30, 1969; Minter to Rutter, September 30, 1969; both in CF; North Wind, November 1968, 1; March 1969, 1; November 1969, 1.

118 Luntey to District Director, Northwest District, September 18, 1969; NPS, Project Prospectus, Preservation of Historic Railroad Structures, 6.

119 Director NPS to The Directorate and all Regional Directors, October 3, 1968, in CF; "Bodman to Accept Historic Skagway Depot for National Park Foundation" (press release), May 24, 1972, in Alaska Parks/Miscellaneous, Box 2, HFC.

120 Mattes to DD/NWD, June 30, 1969, in CF.

121 Mattes to DD/NWD, October 13, 1969, in CF.

122 NPS, Project Prospectus, Preservation of Historic Railroad Structures, 7-12.

123 Mattes to DD/NWD, October 13, 1969; William J. Bowen to DD/NWD, October 31, 1969; both in CF.

124 Robert R. Garvey, Jr. to Roy Minter, March 12, 1970, in CF.

125 NPS, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Master Plan, preliminary working draft, March 1971, 31; Douglas Cornell to Reed Jarvis, June 8, 1971; "Briefing Statement for the Alaska Field Committee on the Proposed Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park," February 8, 1972; both in CF; Property Deed Books, Volume 17, page 151, in Skagway Magistrate's Office; Marvin Taylor, interview by author, March 19, 1996.

126 "Bodman to Accept Historic Skagway Depot for National Park Foundation" (press release), May 24, 1972, in Alaska Parks/Miscellaneous, Box 2, HFC; North Wind, May 1972, 1; June 1972, 1; Southeast Alaska Empire, May 29, 1972, 4; Judy Smith (NPF), interview by author, February 23, 1994.

Chapter 4

1 Bennett to Luntey, April 25, 1968; Mattes to Howe, June 12, 1968; Luntey to RD/WRO, June 24, 1968; all in CF.

2 Howe to Bennett, August 9, 1968, in "Chilkoot Trail History Construction" file, KLGO.

3 North Wind, September 1969, 2; Whitehorse Star, September 4, 1969, 1.

4 Whitehorse Star, September 4, 1969, 31.

5 Director NPS to Secretary of the Interior, November 6, 1969, in CF.

6 Mattes to District Director, Northwest District, October 13, 1969; NPS, Project Prospectus, Preservation of Historic Railroad Structures, October 1969, 2.

7 Hartzog to Secretary of the Interior, November 6, 1969, in CF; Harthon Bill (Acting Director, NPS) to Secretary of the Interior, November 7, 1969, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" file, Box 1, Swem Collection.

8 "Klondike Gold Rush Theme for Four New National Historic Sites" (press release), Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, November 11, 1969, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" folder, Box 1, Swem Collection.

9 Hartzog to Secretary of the Interior, November 6, 1969, in CF.

10 Mattes to DD/NWD, October 13, 1969; Hartzog to Secretary of the Interior, November 6, 1969; both in CF. Hickel gave more specific approval to the agency's plans at a January 6, 1970 meeting attended by Ted Swem of the NPS and Yvonne Esbensen, Hickel's assistant. Both Swem and Esbensen had taken part in the Labor Day hike; both showed slides to Hickel describing the trip over Chilkoot Pass. Ted Swem, interview by author, November 17, 1994.

11 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, "First Canadian-U.S. International Historic Park Planned" (press release), December 30, 1969, in "Chilkoot Trail/International Park" folder, AHC.

12 North Wind, January 1970, 1; "Briefing Statement, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," April 1970, in CF; National Historic Sites Service, Klondike Gold Rush International Historic Park, c. 1970.

13 National Historic Sites Service, Klondike Gold Rush International Historic Park.

14 Swem to Deputy Director, Operations, February 2, 1970; "Briefing Statement, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," April 1970; both in CF.

15 Reed Jarvis to Director, WSC, April 7, 1970, in CF.

16 Hickel to Eldon Engstrom, April 21, 1970, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" file, Box 1, Swem Collection; Hickel to Miller, May 22, 1970, in folder NR 1-1, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

17 North Wind for March 1970, 1; April 1970, 4; May 1970, 5.

18 Everett W. Buness (Commissioner, Dept. of Economic Development) to Gov. Keith Miller, June 4, 1970, in Series 100 (1969-70), RG 01, ASA.

19 North Wind, September 1970, 4; NPS, KLGR Master Plan Draft, March 1971, 5.

20 Egan succeeded Miller as Governor in December 1970. Egan to Morton, February 2, 1971, in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; State of Alaska, "Comments on the Draft Master Plan, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," November 21, 1972, in CF.

21 Bearss, Klondike Park Study, i, 287-290.

22 Nathaniel Owings to Secretary of the Interior, April 1971; NPS (PNRO), "Preliminary Proposal for Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," May 4, 1971; both in 1971 CF.

23 NPS, KLGR Master Plan Draft, March 1971, 8, 11, 13, 19.

24 Ibid., 7.

25 Rutter to Peter Bennett, April 26, 1971, in CF.

26 North Wind, May 1971, 1; Charles F. Herbert to John A. Rutter, May 10, 1971, in CF.

27 Joseph E. Herpst to Richard Nixon, June 29, 1971, in folder NR 1-3, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

28 Section 111(a) of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act noted that "any Federal agency...may lease an historic property owned by the agency to any person or organization, or exchange any property owned by the agency with comparable historic property, if the agency head determines that the lease or exchange will adequately insure the preservation of the historic property." NPS, Federal Historic Preservation Laws, 1993, 25.

29 Cornell to Reed Jarvis, June 8, 1971, in CF.

30 Pegues to Cornell, addendum to June 8, 1971 memo, in CF.

31 North Wind, August 1971, 1, 2; NPS, KLGR Master Plan, May 1973, 56, 63-65. Berton's book was published in the U.S. as Klondike Fever.

32 Donald A. Purse to Chief, Office of Planning and Design, San Francisco Field Office, December 6, 1971, in CF.

33 NPS, Map 20009 and 20009A, AKSO-EL Collection.

34 Gerald D. Patten to Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Regional Office (hereafter known as RD/PNRO), December 17, 1971; "Briefing Statement for the Alaska Field Committee on the Proposed Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park," in 1971 CF.

35 Egan to Rutter, February 3, 1972; Rutter to Egan, February 14, 1972; both in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; Archie Satterfield to Rodger Pegues, July 1, 1972; James E. Wiedeman to Pegues, November 21, 1972; both in CF.

36 "Minutes of the Lake Lindeman Meeting," August 9-10, 1972, in CF.

37 Clark R. Noble to Rodger W. Pegues, April 25, 1972; Laurin Huffman to Pegues and Campbell, October 11, 1972; both in CF; Files AA-6272, AA-6528B, and AA-6529C, in AKSO-EL Collection.

38 Rutter to Wes Uhlman, Brock Adams, etc., November 1, 1972, in "L58 1965-76" folder, AHC; Rodger W. Pegues to Paul B. Crews, Jr., December 8, 1972, in CF.

39 Acting RD/PNRO to Director DSC, April 20, 1973; KLGR Master Plan, 39, 59. The Tanner Building was to be moved from the corner of Fifth and State to the corner of Fifth and Broadway; Boss Bakery was to be moved from Broadway midway between Fourth and Fifth, to Broadway midway between Second and Third.

40 Bennett T. Gale to Director DSC, February 26, 1973; Gale to Director DSC, March 28, 1973; Gale to Director DSC, May 15, 1973; Gale to Stuart G. Cross (NPF), August 16, 1973; Robert E. Howe to ARD/PNRO, February 15, 1974; Rutter to Michael Leach, February 22, 1974; Minutes to Klondike Gold Rush International Advisory Committee (hereafter known as KGRIAC) Meeting, September 13-14, 1974, 2; all in CF. The master plan was dated May 1973, but revisions were made until June. Publication was complete by August, but the Washington and Alaska congressional delegations did not release it as a public document until the following February.

41 KLGR Master Plan, 36-49; "The Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Plan Released" (press release), n.d. (February 1974), in CF.

42 KLGR Master Plan, 36-49; "The Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Plan Released" (press release), n.d. (February 1974); Campbell to Mr. and Mrs. John Cleveland Kirmse, August 23, 1973; both in CF.

43 Rutter to Uhlman, May 5, 1971; Bennett T. Gale to Henry M. Jackson, May 17, 1971; Pegues to Cornell, addendum to June 8, 1971 memo; Minutes of First Meeting of the Klondike Gold Rush International Advisory Committee (KGRIAC), September 23, 1971; Pegues to Rutter, January 31, 1972; all in CF; Seattle Times, August 1, 1971, B6. The Klondike Festival was originally known as the "Klondike '72 Festival," and was to have lasted for just one month.

44 Donald A. Purse to Chief, Office of Planning and Design, San Francisco Field Office, December 6, 1971, in CF; Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 5, 1972, A15.

45 The new owners, as it turned out, were unable to restore the building. Within a year they sold it to a company headed by Norman Volotin, which was able to carry out the restoration. Bennett T. Gale to Director, DSC, July 28, 1972; Joseph T. Shubert to Team Manager/PNRO, DSC; Gale to Director DSC, April 20, 1973; all in CF; Russell Jones, Preliminary Estimate for Restoration and Stabilization of Buildings, Skagway (Denver, NPS, August 1972), 13-14; Seattle Times, January 27, 1974, C1.

46 Egan to Rogers C. B. Morton, February 2, 1971, in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; Minutes, KGRIAC meeting, September 21-23, 1971, 3.

47 Gerald Patten to RD/PNRO, December 17, 1971; "Briefing Statement for the Alaska Field Committee on the Proposed Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park," February 8, 1972; "National Park Service Action Plan for National Park System Alaska Plan, 1972-73;" Albert G. Henson to Director PNRO, July 14, 1972; all in CF; Bennett T. Gale to Curtis McVee (BLM), June 27, 1972, in "L58 1965-76" folder, AHC.

48 Swem and Bennett, "Outline of Program for Possible International Historic Park in Alaska, British Columbia and Yukon Territory," September 4, 1969; "Briefing Outline for Walter J. Hickel," January 6, 1970; Chrétien to Hickel, March 5, 1970; all in "Chilkoot Trail/International Park" folder, AHC.

49 Ted Swem, "Canada-United States Joint Committee on National Parks," in 1975 CF.

50 "Briefing Paper on the Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park," late 1975, in CF; George Hartzog to Egan, May 26, 1971, in folder NR 1-1, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

51 Tim Sookocheff, Klondike Gold Rush International Advisory Committee (Winnipeg, [Parks Canada] Prairie Regional Office), 1983, in AHC.

52 Canadian Environmental Services, Chilkoot Trail: Provisional Master Plan Study, February 1972, 31, 37, 41; "Second Meeting of KGRIAC," March 24, 1972, 4; L. H. Robinson to Bennett T. Gale, September 7, 1972, in CF.

53 V. P. Rolfson to R. P. Malis, January 28, 1972, in CF; "Second Meeting of KGRIAC," March 24, 1972, 4.

54 "Minutes of the Lake Lindeman Meeting, August 9-10, 1972;" R. B. Harvey, "International Gold Rush Park, Report of September 1972," in "Chilkoot Trail International Park" folder, AHC.

55 "Second Meeting of KGRIAC," March 24, 1972, 3; R. H. Ahrens to John Rutter, July 20, 1972; Erik Karlson to Rod Pegues, June 14, 1973; all in CF; Whitehorse Star, June 13, 1973, 1; North Wind, June 1973, 10-11; Southeast Alaska Empire, June 18, 1973, 12; June 19, 1973, 4.

56 C. R. Nelson and W. S. Sappington, "Chilkoot Trail: Summer Season, 1973," 11; "Chilkoot Trail Reports," 1973, in Parks Canada files, Whitehorse.

57 Arthur Laing (Minister of Indian Affairs & Northern Development) to Engstrom, May 15, 1967, in File 421, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; "International Notes Exchanged for Yukon-Taiya Study," December 17-19, 1968, in Series 100 (1969-70), RG 01, ASA.

58 "Transcript of the first meeting, State of Alaska, Yukon-Taiya Commission," December 20, 1968, in Series 100 (1968), RG 01, ASA.

59 "State of Alaska, Yukon-Taiya Commission, Second Meeting, March 21, 1969," 4; Elmer Titus to Gov. Keith Miller, April 1, 1969; both in Series 100, RG 01, ASA.

60 Gov. Keith Miller, Press Release, December 5, 1969; Commission Resolution, dated April 6, 1970; both in Series 100 (1969-70), RG 01, ASA; Engstrom to Hickel, April 8, 1970, in "Klondike Gold Rush NHP" file, Box 1, Swem Collection.

61 Miller to Titus, April 23, 1970, in 1969-70 folder; Titus to Ted Stevens, December 21, 1971, in 1971 folder; John Rutter to Charles F. Herbert, December 23, 1971; all in Series 100, RG 01, ASA.

62 Titus to William A. Egan, January 29, 1971, in Series 100 (1971), RG 01, ASA.

63 Titus to Egan, December 30, 1971, in Series 100 (1971), RG 01, ASA.

64 Nathaniel Reed to Christine Thompson, October 8, 1971, in "Yukon-Taiya Water Power Project, 1970-74" folder, AHC.

65 Southeast Alaska Empire, November 18, 1971, 3.

66 Rush Hoag, The Promise of Power; Potential Economic Development in Southeast Alaska (Juneau, Department of Economic Development and Yukon-Taiya Commission, January 1972), 28, 81; Charles F. Herbert to William A. Egan, April 17, 1972, in Series 100 (1971), RG 01, ASA.

67 Archie Satterfield to Rodger Pegues (NPS), July 1, 1972, in CF.

68 Southeast Alaska Empire, December 8, 1972, 8; Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, December 8, 1972, 2.

69 H.B. 125 was sponsored by Mike Miller (D-Juneau) and Mildred Banfield (R-Juneau); S.B. 72 was sponsored by Bill Ray (D-Juneau). Alaska House Journal, 1973, page H 124.

70 Alaska House Journal, 1973, pp. H 198, H 454, H 491, H 510.

71 Alaska Senate Journal, 1973, S 863; William A. Egan to Tom Fink (Speaker of the House), January 31, 1974, in Alaska House Journal, 1974, H 100.

72 Southeast Alaska Empire, April 9, 1973, 10. As noted below, the collection was auctioned off three months later. Oddly enough, however, H.B. 125 was still alive, because the notice of reconsideration had merely delayed the bill for one legislative day. In January 1974, therefore, the bill was dutifully brought from the Senate back to the House and sent on to Governor Egan. On January 31, the governor vetoed the bill as superfluous, and on February 19, both the Senate and the House voted down the by-now-irrelevant bill. The House vote was 31 to 6, while the Senate voted 18 to 2 against the bill. Alaska House Journal, 1974, H 20, H 100.

73 Southeast Alaska Empire, June 11, 1973, 3; July 6, 1973, 1; Anchorage Daily Times, July 6, 1973, 1; Anchorage Daily News, July 7, 1973, 2; North Wind (Skagway), September 1973, 7; Howard Clifford, The Skagway Story (Anchorage, Alaska Northwest, 1975), 62-63. Many of the items which had at one time belonged to outlaw Jefferson "Soapy" Smith, and had come into possession of Mrs. Pullen through an apparent close association between the two, were returned to the Smith family. Randolph J. Smith, Soapy's grandson, successfully bid for several items, including the outlaw's headstone ($625) and his roulette wheel ($4,200). Ten years later, a public auction sold items that belonged to Maxine Selmer; most of those items had belonged to Mary Pullen Kopanski. Skagway News, June 8, 1983, 3.

74 T. D. Sherard to Richard A. Downing, October 21, 1960, in File 411.7, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; Lynn Canal News, May 21, 1981, 6.

75 William A. Egan to Richard Sullivan (Skagway), March 14, 1962, in File 411.7, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

76 Skagway Chamber of Commerce to Alaska International Rail and Highway Commission, March 16, 1961; William A. Egan to Ben B. Scott (Skagway), February 17, 1962; both in File 411.7, Series 41, RG 01, ASA.

77 North Wind, June 1963, 1; October 1963, 4; October 1964, 1; October 1966, 3.

78 North Wind, August 1963, 3; September 1964, 10.

79 North Wind, October 1965, 1; October 1966, 3.

80 Roger Allin, Alaska: A Plan for Action, typescript, November 1966, in "Roger Allin 1966 Report" file, in Box 6, Swem Collection.

81 SJR 44 (1968), in ASA; Rufus Z. Smith to Walter J. Hickel, March 6, 1967, in File 411.7, Series 41, RG 01, ASA; Southeast Alaska Empire, May 18, 1967, 1; North Wind, September 1967, 5; November 1967, 6; Alaska Senate Journal (1968), 235, 252.

82 Canadian Environmental Sciences, Chilkoot Trail, Provisional Master Plan Study (interim report), August 1, 1970, in Parks Canada files, Whitehorse; North Wind, June 1969, 1; August 1969, 1; June 1970, 1.

83 North Wind, September 1969, 6; August 1970, 9; June 1971, 3; August 1971, 2; Lynn Canal News, May 21, 1981, 6.

84 North Wind, September 1971, 3; Southeast Alaska Empire, July 22, 1971, 5.

85 North Wind, February 1972, 1; James H. Isbell to Warren E. Wild, September 28, 1972, in CF; Alaska Department of Highways, Skagway to Canadian Border: Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 1972.

86 North Wind, November 1972, 1; Bruce Campbell to Rutter, December 7, 1972, in folder NR 1-2; Egan to Rutter, December 12, 1972, in folder NR 1-1; both in Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

87 North Wind, March 1973, 1; May 1973, 6; Alaska Division of Parks, Initial Historical and Archaeological Reconnaissance of Alaska Department of Highways Project S-0999(8), Skagway to Canadian Border, August 1973.

88 Richard T. Myren (Juneau Group, Sierra Club) to Alaska Department of Highways, March 16, 1973; Sandy Sagalkin to Warren Wild, April 25, 1973; Michael Frome to Ronald Walker, June 16, 1973; all in CF.

89 North Wind, June 1973, 1; July 1973, 1; Southeast Alaska Empire, June 26, 1973, 3.

90 Skagway City Resolution, November 16, 1950; Col. John R. Noyes to Mayor Morgan Reed, December 4, 1950, in "Dyea Road" file, RG 30, NARA ANC; Mike Leach to A. Earl Plourde, May 23, 1961, in CTHC.

91 Warren Wiley to Wes Coyner, January 19, 1971, in folder NR 1-1 (1970), Series 88, RG 01, ASA; KGRIAC, minutes of March 24, 1972 and October 13, 1972 meetings.

92 KGRIAC, minutes of March 24, 1972 and October 13, 1972 meetings; Bennett Sub-Committee, minutes of April 3, 1973 meeting.

93 Rutter to Bruce A. Campbell, December 1, 1972, in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

94 State of Alaska, "Comments on the Draft Master Plan, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," November 21, 1972, in CF; Bruce Campbell to Rutter, December 7, 1972, in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

95 Egan to Rutter, December 12, 1972, in folder NR 1-1, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; KLGR Master Plan, 48.

96 S. 1622, introduced April 17, 1973, in CF.

97 North Wind, September 1973, 4; May 1974, 1.

98 North Wind, August 1974, 1; September 1974, 1; Southeast Alaska Empire, September 20, 1974, 1.

99 North Wind, June 1975, 1; August 1976, 1; September 1976, 1.

100 North Wind, September 1977, 1; Skagway News, June 15, 1978, 3; Lynn Canal News, May 21, 1981, 6.

101 North Wind, October 1973, 1; July 1975, 5; House Joint Resolution 54 (1975); Senate Concurrent Resolution 90 (1975).

102 North Wind, March 1976, 1.

103 North Wind, September 1977, 1; Skagway News, August 3, 1978, 1; September 7, 1978, 5; Seattle Times, August 13, 1978. Both Thomas Healy and Jeff Brady have chronicled the long effort to complete the Skagway-Carcross road; their efforts are published in the Skagway News, October 12, 1978, page 4, and the Lynn Canal News, May 21, 1981, page 6, respectively.

104 Skagway News, October 12, 1978, 5; Lynn Canal News, May 21, 1981, 6. Jim Masson, a truck driver for the contractor, and Bill George, a Fraser customs officer, were the first Canadians to cross the pass; Skagway residents John Edwards and Bob Bissell were the first Americans to travel over the completed highway. During September and October 1978, U.S. customs officials recorded 671 vehicles, and 1758 passengers, travelling southbound into Skagway over the road; the following year, between May and October, traffic volume grew to 11,730 vehicles and 50,306 passengers. Skagway News, February 10, 1995, 6.

105 Lynn Canal News, September 25, 1980, 1; April 23, 1981, 1. The bronze plaque that was unveiled at the ceremony was stolen during the mid-1980s. The whereabouts of the sign remained a mystery until early 1995, when it was found in an abandoned house in Fresno, California. But as of printing time, it had not yet been returned to Skagway. Skagway News, May 12, 1995, 1.

106 Rutter to James L. Nelson, January 21, 1974, in CF.

107 Luntey to State Director, Alaska, August 4, 1975, in CF.

108 Rutter to Egan, January 6, 1972, in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

109 "Planning Directive, Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," February 4, 1971; Rutter to Director NPS, April 29, 1971; Frank A. Bracken to George P. Shultz, March 3, 1972; Donald W. Campbell to Realty Officer, PNRO, July 17, 1972; all in CF; C. F. Herbert to Egan, February 18, 1972, in folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

110 Ted Stevens to Bennett T. Gale, August 28, 1972, in CF.

111 Stevens to Rep. Don Young, April 2, 1973, in CF.

112 Stevens to Don Young, April 2, 1973, in CF; Marilee Cogswell, comp., Legislative History for Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Washington and Alaska, 93rd Congress through 96th Congress, Volume I (Seattle, NPS, April 1986), 5-16; Congressional Record 119 (1973), pp. 12635, 12650-51, 12820.

113 Richard K. Griswold to Chief, Division of Legislation, June 20, 1973; Griswold to Director, Office of Program Planning and Budget, August 7, 1973; Director, OPPB to Chief, Division of Legislative Coordination and Support, August 23, 1973; Ina Whitlock to RD/PNRO, August 27, 1973; all in CF.

114 Director NPS to Legislative Counsel, December 19, 1973; Russell Dickenson (Acting Director NPS) to Legislative Counsel, January 22, 1974; Rutter to Charles Herbert (DNR), April 18, 1974; all in CF. Because the bill was not considered further, neither the NPS nor Congress asked the State of Alaska about the proposed change. But DNR head Herbert caught wind of it and asked the three members of the Alaska Congressional delegation to include such a provision in all future park bills. Herbert to Young, etc., April 26, 1974.

115 Alaska House Journal (1974), 194, 213, 238, 463; J. R. Gibson to Ted Stevens, May 15, 1974, in CF; Louise Dewey to Wes Uhlman, etc, December 1, 1975, in CF. The Washington state legislature never passed a park resolution, but Governor Daniel Evans "officially extend[ed] the full support of the State of Washington to the Park proposal," noting that the proposed park areas were "of great historical significance and value and therefore most appropriate for designation as a National Historic Park." Daniel J. Evans to Peter H. Bennett, July 3, 1974, in CF.

116 Bowers to Edward J. Kurtz, July 21, 1974; n.a. (PNRO), "Summary of the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Activities for 1974," November 1974, 4, 10; both in CF; Congressional Record 119 [Index], 1796, 2059.

117 KGRIAC, September 13-14 minutes, 4, in CF; Dave Neufeld to author, June 24, 1994.

118 Bailey O. Breedlove to Carl E. Mulvihill, March 13, 1969, in CF; NPS, Skagway; A Study of Alternatives, 39.

119 Breedlove to Director, Western Service Center, March 24, 1970, in CF; NPS, KLGR Master Plan Draft, March 1971, 10.

120 Robert E. Price to RD/PNRO, April 16, 1971; Richard A. Bradley to Robert E. Price, July 15, 1971; both in CF.

121 F. O. Eastaugh to Rodger W. Pegues, July 24, 1972; Skagway City Ordinance No. 72-54; Southeast Alaska Empire, October 11, 1972, 3.

122 Alma Joan Everson to NPS, June 3, 1972; Everson to Campbell, July 24, 1972; Bennett Gale to Vic Watras, December 14, 1973; all in CF.

123 Gale to Frank G. Morelli, September 24, 1973; Howe to ARD/PNRO, February 15, 1974; Campbell to Gale, June 3, 1974; Campbell to Morelli, June 10, 1974; Campbell to Morelli, July 10, 1974; all in CF.

124 John P. Bowers to Don Campbell, July 6, 1973; Campbell to Bowers, July 25, 1973; Gale to Frank G. Morelli, September 24, 1973; Gale to Vic Watras, December 14, 1973; all in CF.

125 John McDermott to Rodger Pegues, October 27, 1973; Howe to ARD/PNRO, February 15, 1974; both in CF.

126 Rutter to John L. Frisbee III, November 21, 1973; Frisbee to Rutter, December 4, 1973; Frisbee to Shirley Bowers, January 25, 1974; Howe to ARD/PNRO, February 15, 1974; Bowers to Campbell, March 29, 1974; National Trust for Historic Preservation, March 1974 Field Report; Skagway Ordinance 74-14; all in CF.

127 Howe to State Director, Alaska, June 4, 1974; Campbell to Gale, June 3, 1974; Stanley T. Albright to RD/PNRO, June 6, 1974; all in file L58, AHC; Southeast Alaska Empire, November 21, 1974. Renovation projects taking place in late 1974 included the so-called "Ore House" at Eighth and Broadway and the Reno-Mulvihill House at Seventh and Alaska.

128 Edward J. Kurtz to State Director, Alaska, June 24, 1974; Kurtz to John P. Bowers, June 24, 1974; Rutter and Bowers, "Cooperative Agreement to have an architect come up and work with the Skagway Historical Commission," July 22, 1974; all in CF.

129 Campbell to Robert S. Luntey, November 5, 1974; Huffman to Luntey, December 18, 1974, both in CF; Rutter to Edward C. Hanousek, December 4, 1974, in L58, AHC.

130 Campbell to Luntey, November 5, 1974; Howe to State Director, Alaska, December 13, 1974; both in CF.

131 Howe to State Director, Alaska, May 9, 1975, in CF; City of Skagway, Ordinance No. 75-19, November 25, 1975.

132 Kurtz to Assoc. Director, Legislation, December 11, 1975, CF; J. Thomas Ritter to Area Director, Alaska, August 17, 1976, in L58, AHC; Ordinance 76-10, June 3, 1976; Ordinance 76-22, September 2, 1976; Ordinance 77-3, April 7, 1977.

133 Rutter to Stuart G. Cross, January 30, 1973; Rodger W. Pegues to Cross, April 27, 1973; John L. Bryant, Jr. (NPF) to Rutter, September 27, 1973; all in CF.

134 Rutter to Director NPS, September 20, 1973, in CF.

135 Bennett T. Gale to Stuart Cross, August 16, 1973; Cy Coyne to Patrick Brito (PNRO), September 19, 1973; both in CF.

136 Rutter to Director NPS, September 20, 1973, in CF.

137 Bryant to Rutter, September 27, 1973, in CF.

138 Rutter to Bryant, October 9, 1973; Rutter to George W. Gowen, October 9, 1973; both in CF.

139 Charles F. Bohannon (PNRO) to Rapuzzi, December 17, 1973; Rutter to Michael S. Leach, January 21, 1974; Howe to ARD/PNRO, February 15, 1974; Bryant to Rutter, August 27, 1974; all in CF; Property Deed Books, Volume 1, page 27, in Skagway Magistrate's Office.

140 Bryant (NPF) to Rutter, September 27, 1973; George Gowen to Rutter, October 19, 1973; Bryant to Lowell Thomas, Jr., etc., October 24, 1973; all in CF.

141 Gale to Phil Clemnet, March 25, 1974; Don Campbell to Bruce K. Chapman, March 28, 1974; Bryant to Rutter, April 22, 1974; Bryant to Rutter, August 27, 1974; all in CF; Anchorage Daily Times, April 2, 1974, 8.

142 Gale to State Director, Alaska, January 29, 1974; Howe to ARD/PNRO, February 15, 1974, both in CF.

143 Bob Howe to Associate Regional Director, Professional Support, PNRO, February 15, 1974; Campbell to Luntey, November 5, 1974; Huffman to Luntey, December 18, 1974; L.C. Huffman, "Roof Repairs for Railroad Terminal Annex, Skagway, Alaska," n.d. [1974], all in CF.

144 Howe to State Director, Alaska, March 31, 1975; Bob Howe to State Director, Alaska, July 25, 1975; Huffman to Luntey, August 14, 1975; all in CF.

145 Cheri Burns to Bob Howe, January 30, 1974; Gale to Bryant, February 26, 1974; Bryant to Burns, March 26, 1974; all in CF; Howe to State Director, Alaska, June 4, 1974, in L58, AHC.

146 Campbell to Kurtz, October 15, 1975; Rutter to Bryant, October 29, 1975; Kurtz to State Director, Alaska, December 10, 1975, all in CF; Dickenson to John L. Bryant, June 17, 1976, L58.

147 Bryant to Burns, March 26, 1974; Rutter to Goodfellow, September 25, 1975, both in CF; Goodfellow to Rutter, September 2, 1975; Eldon Elder to Tom Ritter, December 4, 1975; both in L58, AHC.

148 Eldon Elder to Russell Dickenson, January 28, 1976; Eldon Elder to Tom Ritter, December 4, 1975; Mike Gravel to Roy Helms, February 10, 1976; all in L58, AHC; "From Ketchikan to Dillingham, Nine Communities Plan New Arts Facilities," Arts in Alaska, January 15, 1976, 5.

149 Stevens to Dickenson, February 20, 1976; Edward S. Kurtz to Stevens, March 2, 1976; Young to Dickenson, April 1, 1976; Kurtz to Stevens, July 6, 1976; Glenn D. Gallison to Elder, July 16, 1976; all in File L58, AHC. During the period when the depot was being considered for alternative uses, Skagway was "near the top" of a list of Alaska communities being considered for the funding of a cultural center. But a prime mover for the project, Twyla Coughlin, left town in June 1977, and the project was not seriously considered after that time. Gary Higgins to Mark Berry Hill, February 23, 1978, in "L58 Southeast Regional Arts Council" file, AHC; Skagway News, December 7, 1978, 3.

150 Howe to State Director, May 9, 1975; Howe to State Director, July 25, 1975; both in CF; Howe to Lillian Litzenberger, June 2, 1975, in L58, AHC; Howe to State Director, June 11, 1975, in "L58 1965-1976" folder, AHC.

151 Curtis V. McGee (BLM) to RD/PNRO, August 10, 1972, in CF.

152 "Minutes of the Lake Lindeman Meeting, August 9-10, 1972;" L. H. Robinson to Bennett T. Gale, September 7, 1972; KGRIAC, Minutes of October 13, 1972 meeting; all in CF.

153 C. R. Nelson and W. S. Sappington, "Chilkoot Trail: Summer Season, 1973," 1-2, 11, 15, in RG 70, KLGO Archives; Southeast Alaska Empire, June 11, 1973, 3; Christine Hedgecock, interview with the author, February 14, 1994; Scott Home, interview with the author, April 27, 1995; Hoffman to Jane Saunders, Waterloo, Ont., October 13, 1977, in CF.

154 Nelson and Sappington, "Chilkoot Trail: 1973," 9, 11, 20; Manfred Hedgecock and Christine Jones, "Report of the 1976 Chilkoot Trail Crew," in RG 70, KLGO Archives. The mileage markers remained for several years, but by the early 1980s most had been obliterated or removed.

155 W. S. Sappington, "1974 Chilkoot Trail Report," 8, in RG 70, KLGO Archives; R. B. Harvey, "Chilkoot Trail Interim Report," September 11, 1974, in CF; Christine Hedgecock interview, February 14, 1994.

156 Bennett to Pegues, May 17, 1973; Sappington, "1974 Chilkoot Trail Report," 2; KGRIAC minutes, September 6, 1973; Harvey, "Chilkoot Trail Interim Report," September 11, 1974; George R. Newell to Gallison, July 23, 1974, in L58, AHC.

157 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 44.

158 Nelson and Sappington, "Chilkoot Trail: 1973," 11, 15; Sappington, "Chilkoot Trail: 1974," 4, 20-22. Up until this time, Chilkoot hikers had little trouble finding trailside relics: horseshoes, clothing, appliances, animal bones, and the like. As the 1974 Final Environmental Statement noted, "Historical artifacts are prominent within the [trail] corridor, numbering in the hundreds at many sites. However, artifacts are rapidly disappearing as the number of users increases along the trail." Rangers recognized that artifacts along the recreational trail were being lost; thus they fought any efforts to relocate the trail to its historic right-of-way. National Park Service, Final Environmental Statement: Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Alaska-Washington, hereafter known as FES/KLGR (Seattle?, the author, 1974), 41.

159 Harvey, "Chilkoot Trail Interim Report," September 11, 1974, 2; Howe to Members, Operations Sub-Committee, KGRIAC, May 9, 1975, in CF; NPS, Chilkoot Trail Ranger Reports for 1975 and 1976; Hedgecock and Jones, "Report of the 1976 Chilkoot Trail Crew," both in KLGO Archives; Christine Hedgecock interview, February 14, 1994.

160 Nelson and Sappington, "Chilkoot Trail: 1973," 11; Bob Howe, "Preliminary Summer Report, Chilkoot Trail, 1974," 2.

161 KGRIAC minutes, September 13-14, 1974, 2-3; Howe to Members, Operations Sub-Committee, KGRIAC, May 9, 1975; Bob Howe to State Director, Alaska, July 25, 1975; Philip Koehl and Doug Sanvik, "1976 [NPS] Trail Report," 9; J. Thomas Ritter to Area Director, Alaska, August 17, 1976, in L58, AHC.

162 KGRIAC minutes, April 3, 1973 and September 6, 1973; both in CF.

163 Alaska Department of Natural Resources, The Chilkoot Trail, A Guide to the Goldrush Trail of '98 (Juneau, the author), 1972 and 1974 editions; KGRIAC Minutes for meetings of October 13, 1972, September 6, 1973, and September 13-14, 1974; Robert Luntey to Karl Crosby, September 25, 1975; Glenn Gallison to Karl Crosby, June 18, 1976, both in CF; Tom Ritter to Area Director, Alaska, March 4, 1976, in L58, AHC.

164 Bennett Gale to Ken Tapman (ACHP), January 23, 1973; Wayne R. Howe (Acting RD/PNRO) to ARD Operations, March 16, 1973; Rutter to Stevens, May 17, 1974; all from "KLGO General (Planning)" folder, AHC; Robert M. Utley (OAHP) to Assistant Director, Park Management, April 10, 1973; Glenn Gallison to Peter H. Bennett, March 13, 1974; both in CF.

165 Richard T. Myren (Sierra Club) to PNRO, June 30, 1974, L58; Director, Bureau of Mines to RD/PNRO, July 11, 1974.

166 Bea Thompson to Jim Rouse, etc., July 10, 1974; [Don Campbell], "Summary of KGRNHP Activities in 1974," [December 1974], 5, both in CF; Kurtz to Associate Director, Park System Management (WASO), September 18, 1974; David Barrett to Rutter, December 24, 1974, both in L58; Cordova Times, December 27, 1974, 4.

167 KGRIAC Minutes, October 13, 1972.

156 Bennett to Rutter, July 13, 1973; Rutter to Associate Regional Director, Professional Services, August 3, 1973; Campbell to Acting Assistant RD/PNRO, September 26, 1973; all in CF.

169 Field to Campbell, February 15, 1974; Glenn Gallison to Peter Bennett, March 13, 1974; both in CF.

170 NPS, Contract CX-9000-4-0112, May 28, 1974; [Campbell,] "Summary of the KGRNHP Activities for 1974," 5; both in CF.

171 Campbell to Gale, June 3, 1974; Barron and Casavant, Economic Impact of Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Skagway, Alaska, December 1974; Rutter to Ted Stevens, January 29, 1975; G. D. Acker to Daniel H. Babbitt, November 17, 1975; all in CF; Babbitt to Edward C. Hanousek, October 24, 1975, in "L58 Proposed Areas, Alaska, 1/1/75-11/26/75," AHC.

172 Luntey to Clyde Courtnage, December 9, 1975, in CF.

173 Wells, "Trip Report, Skagway, Alaska, July 1-31, 1974;" Stephen Wells to Donald Campbell, May 23, 1975, Earl E. Chase to Donald Baldwin, June 18, 1975; all in CF.

174 Wells, Skagway: A Frontier Community Investing Its Past in Its Future (Seattle, CPSU), March 1978.

175 Bennett to Gallison, April 29, 1974; Gallison to Bennett, May 13, 1974; Field to Robert S. Luntey, November 1, 1974; all in CF.

176 Gallison to Bennett, April 21, 1975, in "L58 Proposed Areas, Alaska, 1/1/75-11/26/75," AHC.

177 Earl E. Chase to Proposal Bidders, January 13, 1976, in CF; Womble to R. B. Harvey and Tom Ritter, October 18, 1976, in Folder 4, RG 70, KLGO Archives; Womble, Wolf, and Field, Hikers on the Chilkoot Trail: A Descriptive Report (Seattle, CPSU, January 1978), v-vi, 1, 5.

178 National Trust for Historic Preservation, "Field Report," March 15, 1974, in CF.

179 "Contract for Services, Comprehensive Planning Assistance Project between Division of Community Planning, Department of Community and Regional Affairs and City of Skagway," April 10, 1974, in CF.

180 M. P. Taylor to Campbell, May 9, 1974; M. P. Taylor to Campbell, May 28, 1974; Campbell to Bennett T. Gale, June 3, 1974; all in CF.

181 Gillian Smythe to Campbell, June 3, 1974; Edward J. Kurtz to State Director, Alaska, June 24, 1974; both in CF; M. P. Taylor and Associates, City of Skagway, Land Use and Structural Inventory and Recommendations for a Preservation Plan, June 1974, in AHC.

182 Egan to Rutter, February 3, 1972, in File NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

183 Michael S. Leach to Pegues, May 11, 1973; G. Thomas Wade to Campbell, August 13, 1973; Wade to Rutter, February 26, 1974; all in CF.

184 Howe to State Director, Alaska, June 4, 1974, in File L58, AHC.

185 Alan G. Olson, Haines-Skagway Area Land-Use Management Study, preliminary first draft, December 9, 1974; Howe to State Director, Alaska, December 13, 1974; Huffman to Luntey, December 18, 1974; Howe to State Director, Alaska, April 4, 1975; all in CF; "Klondike Park: Highlights of State Involvement and Cooperation," in File NR/1-1, Series 88 (1978), RG 01, ASA.

186 Supt. KLGR to Director, AAO, January 13, 1978, in CF; Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Volume I, (draft) Resource Inventory (Anchorage, the author), June 1978; DNR, Volume II, (draft) Haines-Skagway Area Landmark Planning Study, Regional Analysis, June 1978; DNR, Volume III, (draft) Haines-Skagway Area Land Use Plan (April 1979; final issued in June 1979). Also see the following newspaper articles: Skagway News, June 15, 1978, 1; July 3, 1978, 3; Lynn Canal News, April 19, 1979, 1; April 26, 1979, 3; May 10, 1979, 1, 4; June 6, 1979, 1; June 14, 1979, 1.

187 J. A. Hagans (BLM) to Alaska Division of Lands (file A-061057), June 25, 1974, in "Tract 102-29" file, AKSO-EL.

188 Congressional Record 121 (1975), pp. 213, 509; Cogswell, Legislative History, Volume I, 17, 37.

189 Howe to State Director, Alaska, December 13, 1974, in CF.

190 Lillian Litzenberger to Mike Miller, January 23, 1975, in CF.

191 Campbell to Luntey, November 12, 1974; Howe to State Director, January 29, 1975; both in CF.

192 Howe to State Director, Alaska, January 29, 1975, in CF.

193 Marvin P. Taylor to Donald Campbell, May 9, 1974; Taylor to Campbell, May 28, 1974; Campbell to Robert S. Luntey, November 5, 1974; Taylor to Ted Stevens, December 12, 1974; Rutter to Stevens, January 29, 1975; all in CF.

194 Howe to State Director, March 3, 1975, in CF.

195 Carlton and Margaret Brown to Mike Miller, telegram, February 6, 1975; Howe to Mike Miller, February 10, 1975, both in CF; William C. Fackler (DNR) to Rutter, February 5, 1975; Howe to State Director, Alaska, February 19, 1975; Kurtz to Stevens, February 21, 1975; Hammond to Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Brown, February 21, 1975, all in L58, AHC.

196 Howe to State Director, March 3, 1975, in CF.

197 Mike Miller to Bob Howe, March 12, 1975; Richard C. Curry to Don Young, April 3, 1975, both in CF; Rutter to Stevens, March 17, 1975, in L58. Miller was careful to note that the state, as part of the proposed plan, was comfortable in its continuing role as owner of its Taiya Valley lands. In a letter to Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK), Miller wrote that DNR representatives at the meeting "were quick to emphasize that the state would in no way 'bargain away' control of those lands in ways which would be detrimental to the state." Miller to Gravel, April 14, 1975, in CF.

198 Stevens to Rutter, February 6, 1975, in L58, AHC; Stevens to Miller, April 16, 1975; Mike Gravel to Miller, April 17, 1975, both in CF.

199 Alaska House Journal, 1975, 1174.

200 Robert Landau to Director NPS, May 23, 1975; U.S. Senate, "Hearings on...S. 98, Establishment of the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park...," May 12, 1975, 34-40, both in CF; Guy Martin, "Testimony of the State of AK...," May 12, 1975, in Folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

201 Campbell to Rutter, May 22, 1975; [Campbell], "Summary of KGRNHP Activities for 1974" [amended], 6; both in CF.

202 [Campbell], "Remarks for the Klondike Gold Rush International Advisory Committee," n.d. [May 1975]; Gary Everhardt to Jay Hammond, May 27, 1975; Anchorage Daily News, May 27, 1975, 22; Seattle Times, June 16, 1975, A12.

203 Mike Miller to Glenn Gallison, June 2, 1975; Gallison to Miller, June 30, 1975; both in CF.

204 Pritchard, "Your Congressman Reports" [newsletter], September 1975; Pritchard to Taylor, September 24, 1975; Taylor to Pritchard, October 23, 1975; both in CF; Anchorage Daily Times, April 7, 1976, 2.

205 Lowell Thomas, Jr. to Roy Taylor, November 5, 1975, in L58, AHC; Douglas S. Wheeler to Roy Taylor, November 12, 1975, in CF; Hammond to Roy Taylor, November 12, 1975, in Folder NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

206 U.S. House of Representatives, "Transcripts of Proceedings, Hearing Held Before Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Internal and Insular Affairs, H.R. 1194...," Monday, November 17, 1975, in CF.

207 Norman Banfield to NPS, September 9, 1975; Rutter to Associate Director, Legislation, October 23, 1975; Banfield to Taylor, November 12, 1975; all in CF.

208 It may be remembered that in the 93rd Congress, the same disagreement had taken place; S. 1622 as introduced included specific Yukon-Taiya language, but Interior Department lawyers had excised it. Southeast Alaska Empire, November 20, 1975, 3.

209 Rutter to Assoc. Dir. Legislation, December 3, 1975, in CF; Gravel to Hammond, June 21, 1976, in File NR 1-3, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

210 Keith G. Sebelius (R-KS) to Everhardt, December 1, 1975, in CF.

211 Ken M. Brown to Rep. Roy A. Taylor, December 29, 1975; John A. Rutter to Associate Director, Legislation, December 3, 1975; Brown to Rep. Keith G. Sebelius, January 6, 1976; all in CF.

212 Kurtz to Associate Director, Legislation, December 11, 1975; Ken M. Brown to Keith G. Sebelius, January 6, 1976, both in CF; Kurtz to Stevens, March 2, 1976, in L58, AHC.

213 Anchorage Daily Times, April 7, 1976, 2.

214 Congressional Record 122 (June 8, 1976), 16872-75; Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, June 9, 1976, 2; Jim Rouse to Gallison, June 18, 1976, from "KLGO General (Planning)" folder; Cogswell, Legislative History for Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, 2-3.

215 Eldon Elder to Tom Ritter, December 4, 1975, in "L58 Proposed Areas, Alaska, 1/1/76-12/31/76"; Gravel to Hammond, June 21, 1976, in Folder NR 1-3, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; Eldon G. Reyer to WASO Directorate, July 15, 1976, in L58. As Nancy Mirshah of the Gerald R. Ford Library noted in a November 28, 1995 letter to the author, there was no signing ceremony.

216 North Wind, August 1976, 10; "Don Young, Washington Report," Fall 1976, in North Wind, October 1976, 9.

Chapter 5

1 RD/PNRO to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976, in L58, AHC.

2 Acting Associate Director, Legislation (Ira Whitlock) to RD/PNRO, August 17, 1976, in L58; Dickenson to Area Dir., AK, September 14, 1976, in L58; James S. Rouse to Manager DSC, September 1, 1976, from "KLGO General (Planning)" folder; all in AHC.

3 RD/PNRO to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976, in L58, AHC.

4 Gary Higgins, interview by Sandra Faulkner, June 17, 1988; G. Bryan Harry to Gary Higgins, December 17, 1976, in Gary Higgins File, AHC; North Wind, December 18, 1976, 1.

5 Higgins interview; Robert L. Spude, "Management Decisions at Klondike Gold Rush NHP," CRM Bulletin 2 (September 1979), 1-2.

6 Richard E. Hoffman, interview by Sandra Faulkner and William Hanable, August 22, 1988.

7 Whitehorse Star, November 18, 1977, 8; NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report" (hereafter SAR), 1982, 1; Candace Wellenhoffer, Frank Norris, and Karl Gurcke, "Personnel List for the U.S. and Canadian Parks in Skagway and Along the Chilkoot Trail," unpub. mss, 1996, in KLGO Collection.

8 Whitehorse Star, March 18, 1977, 2; Gary Higgins to John Edwards, March 30, 1977, in "Gary Higgins" file, AHC.

9 Anchorage Daily Times, June 4, 1977, 7; June 5, 1977, A-2; Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, June 6, 1977, A-2, A-4; Anchorage Daily News, June 6, 1977, 20; The North Wind, June 4, 1977, 2; July 13, 1977, 8.

10 The North Wind, June 4, 1977, 3; Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

11 Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, June 6, 1977, A4.

12 Anchorage Times, June 29, 1977, 6.

13 NPS, Land Resources Division, "Master Deed Listing, Status of Lands as of April 30, 1994," AKSO-EL files; Campbell to Rutter, April 17, 1975, in CF; Philip O. Stewart (Division of Land Acquisition) to Chief, Div. of Legislation, April 29, 1975, in CF.

14 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 36-39.

15 Whitehorse Star, November 18, 1977, 8.

16 NPS, Land Resources Division, "Master Deed Listing," April 30, 1994.

17 Messegee to Hoffman, November 30, 1977, in "Gary Higgins file"; Hoffman to Director, AAO, December 30, 1977, in CF.

18 Hoffman to Gil Acker, January 19, 1978, in CF; NPS, Land Resources Division, "Master Deed Listing," April 30, 1994.

19 Hoffman to Chief, Lands Division, PNRO, February 16, 1978, in "L58, General Correspondence, 1978-85," AHC; NPS, "Master Deed Listing," April 30, 1994.

20 NPS, "Master Deed Listing," April 30, 1994.

21 Hoffman to Chief, Lands Division, PNRO, January 6, 1978, in "L58, Gen'l Corresp., 1978-85" file, AHC.

22 NPS, "Master Deed Listing," April 30, 1994; SAR, 1980, 5.

23 NPS, "Master Deed Listing," April 30, 1994; SAR, 1980, 5.

24 U.S. Congress, Public Law 94-323, June 30, 1976.

25 SAR, 1980, 2; Federal Register, May 14, 1980, 31805; NPS press release, May 14, 1980, in "D62-Museum Activities" file, KLSE.

26 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, October 1976, 44, 62; Robert L. Peterson (Acting Area Director, AAO) to Robert E. LeResche (Commissioner, Alaska DNR), April 7, 1978, in CF.

27 Peterson LeResche, April 7, 1978.

28 Russell Dickenson to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976, in L58; Dickenson to ARD, M&O, December 7, 1976; Thompson to Chief, I&VS, December 7, 1976; all in CF.

29 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, October 21, 1977, in CF.

30 Temple A. Reynolds (ARD, M&O) to Charles Gebler and Glenn Hinsdale, January 15, 1979, in "Space Acquisition File, 1/78-4/79," KLSE Collection.

31 Hoffman interview, August 22, 1988.

32 Jay Cable, interview by Sandra Faulkner, February 27, 1989; Richard E. Hoffman to RD/PNRO, January 12, 1978, and Hoffman to Director AAO, January 23, 1978, both in CF; SAR, 1991, 1; Skagway News, August 3, 1978, 3. As early as the summer of 1977, Hoffman had requested two Interpretation and Resource Management positions. Cable's, however, was the only permanent I&RM position filled during Hoffman's tenure.

33 Skagway News, August 3, 1978, 3; Robert Spude to Michael Gates, August 16, 1978, in Spude 1978-79 file; Spude to "NPS, PNRO," (interim report), October 1, 1978, in KLGR--Historic Structures file; Gary Higgins to Bill Brown, November 2, 1978, in KLGR--Historic Structures: file, all in AHC; Spude, "Management Decisions," 1-2.

34 Hoffman to Director AAO, October 21, 1977; Hoffman to Glenn Gallison (ARD/PNRO), October 21, 1977, both in CF; Acting RD/PNRO to Director AAO, January 27, 1978, in "Statement for Management" file; Dickenson to Supt. KLGR, October 18, 1978, in "General/Planning Correspondence, 1973-1978" file; NPS, Statement for Management, KGRNHP, October 1978; all in AHC.

35 North Wind, August 1977, 3, and January 1978, 3; Gary Higgins to Ed Holm, September 29, 1977, in "Gary Higgins file," AHC.

36 Lynn Canal News, August 9, 1979, 1; Gary Higgins to Superintendent KLGR, Feb. 2, 1978, in "Gary Higgins" file; Higgins to Bill Brown, November 2, 1978, in KLGR--Historic Structures: file, both in AHC. Hoffman's unauthorized use of a bulldozer near Dyea's Pullen Barn, and the effect of that action on the salmon-bearing West Branch of the Taiya River, played a major role in Hoffman's transfer.

37 Lynn Canal News, August 16, 1979, 4; October 11, 1979, 1.

38 Richard Sims, interview by Sandra Faulkner, August 24, 1988.

39 Jay Cable, interview by author, October 13, 1994.

40 Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, ii; Brown to various, January 7, 1980, in "KLGR-Personnel, budget" file, AHC; Lynn Canal News, May 17, 1979; SAR, 1980, 2; SAR, 1982, 1.

41 SAR, 1983, 1; SAR, 1984, 1. As of this writing, Warder and Beierly are still park employees; Duncan-Clark remained in her Skagway position for more than eleven years; then, in December 1994, she transferred to Klondike's Seattle unit.

42 SAR, 1983, 1, 4.

43 Lynn Canal News, March 13, 1980, 4; March 27, 1980, 6; Jay Cable interview, January 26, 1995.

44 U.S. Department of the Interior, Department of the Interior Budget in Brief (Washington, GPO), fiscal years 1985-1991.

45 SAR, 1984, 1.

46 NPS, Statement for Management, KLGO, May 7, 1984.

47 William E. Brown, "Summary Meeting Minutes and Action List, KLGR Resource Planning Session, 2/25 to 2/27/80;" William E. Brown to Jay Cable, October 12, 1983, in "KLGO RMP Comments" file; Bill Welch to Supt. KLGO, March 23, 1983, in "Dyea Plan" file; SAR, 1982, 1; all in AHC.

48 SAR, 1984, 4: SAR, 1985, 2; Skagway News, November 1985, 2, 3.

49 Skagway News, August 20, 1986, 1; Clay Alderson, interview by Sandra Faulkner, September 29, 1989.

50 SAR, 1987, 3; Skagway News, March 1987, 11. Gurcke was the first park CRS hired in the Alaska Region.

51 SAR, 1988, 1; SAR, 1990, 5.

52 SAR, 1991, 4.

53 SAR, 1991, 3.

54 SAR, 1988, 1; Skagway News, November 22, 1991, 3.

55 SAR, 1991, 1; Skagway News, May 17, 1991, 3; April 23, 1993, 5; September 29, 1993, 2.

56 SAR, 1987, 5; SAR, 1988, 3.

57 SAR, 1989, 2; SAR, 1990, 2; SAR, 1991, 1.

58 SAR, 1989, 3.

59 SAR, 1990, 1-2.

60 SAR, 1991, 1; Skagway News, May 3, 1991, 3.

61 Federal Register, May 29, 1992, 22826.

62 Skagway News, June 26, 1992, 8; John M. Morehead to "follower of national park planning," in "KLGO GMP" file, AHC.

63 NPS, Public Review of Preliminary Alternatives for KLGO General Management Plan, Skagway, Alaska and Seattle, Washington, Summer 1993; Skagway News, July 9, 1993, 4.

64 Skagway News, July 23, 1993, 4; August 13, 1993, 1.

65 Skagway News, November 12, 1993, 1.

66 NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, April 1988, in "Scope of Collections, 1982 & 1988" file, AHC; Skagway News, November 22, 1991, 3.

Chapter 6

1 John Thomas Ritter to Area Director, Alaska, August 17, 1976, in KLSE Collection; Richard E. Hoffman to Pat Thrasher (USFS), July 20, 1977, in CF; North Wind, June 4, 1977, 3; John Jackson, interview by author, September 11, 1995.

2 In July 1978, Hites recorded several of his songs at Juneau's Red Dog Saloon. The songs appeared that December on the album Yukon Legacy. Spude to Michael Gates, August 16, 1978, in "Spude 78-79 Corresp." file, AHC; Paul Lofgren (KLGO), interview by author, February 16, 1995.

3 Bill Bronson to Campbell, October 17, 1975; Glenn Gallison to Bronson, October 21, 1975; RD/PNRO to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976; all in L58, AHC.

4 Yerkes and Associates, [1977 Appraisal Records], in "1977-78 Skagway Appraisal" file; "Summary of [DSC] Work Session, March 2-3, 1978," in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file; both in AHC.

5 Gary Higgins to Bob Simmonds (DSC), January 17, 1978, in CF.

6 R. E. Dickenson to W. S. Hanable, March 27, 1978, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

7 The agency, at one point during the fall of 1977-78, had invited prospective leasees to submit applications, and six eager applicants responded. But in mid-March, the agency was forced to admit that "We are not able to process your application for lease of Park owned buildings in Skagway.... Our preliminary investigation of our structures showed that only two of them appeared structurally suitable for this purpose. Consequently, the program of leasing would not have been as extensive as originally envisioned." R. E. Hoffman to (various), March 16, 1978, in CF.

8 Hoffman to Director AAO, January 23, 1978, in CF; Hoffman to Chief, Lands Division, PNRO, February 16, 1978, in "L58, Gen'l Corresp., 1978-85;" "Summary of [DSC] Work Session, 3/2-3/78," in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

9 Spude to Michael Gates, August 16, 1978, in "78-79 Spude file," AHC.

10 Kenneth Raithel, Jr. (DSC) to Director AAO, June 1, 1979, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC. Martin processed the artifacts he collected and left scattered notes of his work, but he wrote no formal report of his activities. Karl Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects at Klondike Gold Rush N.H.P.," n.d. (1996), 1, in KLGO Collection; Skagway News, August 3, 1978, 3; Craig Davis memo, April 18, 1980, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp. 1977-1983" file, AHC.

11 Skagway News, August 3, 1978, 3; August 17, 1978, 2; Lynn Canal News, October 18, 1979, 5; Whitehorse Star, November 18, 1977, 8; Edward J. Kurtz (Acting RD/PNRO) to KLGO, September 29, 1978, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Spude, "Management Decisions," 1-2; Catherine H. Blee, Robert L. Spude, and Paul C. Cloyd, Historic Structure Reports for Ten Buildings: Administrative, Physical History and Analysis Sections, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Skagway, Alaska (Denver, NPS, January 1984), 108, 150, 181, 197; Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, 142, 148, 157; Supt. KLGO to RD/PNRO, January 2, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file; Raithel to Director AAO, June 1, 1979, both in AHC; Jay Cable, interview by author, February 21, 1995; Harlan Hobbs to author, February 15, 1995; Gary Higgins to author, February 17, 1995; Robert Spude to author, February 15, 1995.

12 Jay Cable, interview by author, December 8, 1994; David Snow, interview by author, March 21, 1995; Blee, Spude, and Cloyd, Historic Structure Report for Ten Buildings, January 1984, 377.

13 Jay Cable, interview by author, December 8, 1994; "Summary of [DSC] Work Session," September 28, 1978; R. E. Dickenson to W. S. Hanable, April 13, 1979; both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, May 24, 1979, in "KLGR--Historic Structures file," AHC; David E. Snow and Robert L. Spude, Historic Structure Report, The Mascot Saloon Group, Historic Buildings 35H, 35G, and 35F, Historical and Architectural Data Sections, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Skagway, Alaska (Denver, NPS, September 1981), 128-31; Cook to William Hanable, March 18, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC; David Snow interview, March 21, 1995.

14 Suzanne B. Sherwood (NTHP), trip report, July 23, 1979, in "KLGO Correspondence (Spude), 1978-79" file, AHC.

15 That prediction proved only partially correct. In March 1980, the rough draft of the Mascot Saloon report was completed, followed three months later by the final draft. The rough draft of depot HSR, however, was not completed until April 1981; no final report was issued. David Snow, "Administrative History of the Mascot and Depot Group," October 26, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Paul Cloyd to author, email, March 22, 1995.

16 Snow, "Administrative History of the Mascot and Depot Group;" R. E. Hoffman to Manager, Harpers Ferry Center, July 6, 1979; Kenneth Raithel, Jr. to RD/PNRO, September 21, 1979, both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Robert L. Spude and Gordon Chappell, "White Pass and Yukon Route/Pacific and Arctic Railway and Navigation Company, Skaguay Depot and Railroad Building," NRHP nomination, February 20, 1980, in NRHP files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

17 Raithel to RD/PNRO, September 21, 1979; David Snow, "Administrative History of the Mascot and Depot Group;" Robert Carper, David Snow and John Robbins (DSC) to Asst. Mgr, Pacific Northwest/Western Team, DSC, November 7, 1979; all in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Bill Brown (AAO), RMP meeting notes, February 27, 1980, in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC; D. E. Snow to ARD, Professional Services, October 8, 1980, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC.

18 Raithel to Director AAO, June 1, 1979.

19 Raithel to Director AAO, June 1, 1979; W. C. Quick (Acting RD/PNRO) to W. S. Hanable, April 19, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Hugh Miller and Dave Snow, "Plan of Action" report, February 27, 1980, in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC.

20 Supt. KLGO to Manager DSC, December 4, 1978, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Raithel to Director AAO, June 1, 1979; Skagway News, January 11, 1979, 8.

21 Snow and Spude, Historic Structure Report, The Mascot Saloon Group, 128-29, 132-33; Snow, "Administrative History of the Mascot and Depot Group."

22 Catherine H. Blee, Archeological Investigations in Skagway, Alaska, Volume I: The White Pass and Yukon Route Broadway Depot and General Offices Buildings, KLGO (Denver, NPS, September 1983), 1, 10, 12, 114; Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects;" Catherine Blee to Acting Assistant Manager, Pacific Northwest/Western Team, DSC, July 13, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

23 Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 2; September 28, 1978, 1; "Summary of [DSC] Work Session," September 28, 1978, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

24 Bill Brown to Supt. KLGO, November 6, 1979; Brown to various, January 7, 1980; both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, ii.

25 Cook to Managers of DSC and HFC, November 6, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

26 Cook to Supt. KLGO, January 21, 1980, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

27 Bill Brown (AAO), RMP meeting notes, February 27, 1980; Miller and Snow, "Plan of Action," February 27, 1980; both in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC; Lynn Canal News, March 6, 1980, 3; SAR, 1980, 1.

28 Brown, RMP meeting notes, February 27, 1980; Miller and Snow, "Plan of Action," February 27, 1980; Wil Logan (DSC), Skagway Conference Notes, (February 1980); all in "Klondike Special Planning" file, AHC; Cook to William Hanable, March 18, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC.

29 Lynn Canal News, October 11, 1979, 1, 6; March 6, 1980, 3; Brown, RMP meeting notes, February 27, 1980; Miller and Snow, "Plan of Action", February 27, 1980; both in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC.

30 SAR, 1980, 2; "Summary Notes from Planning Session, March 3-5," in "Klondike Special Planning" file, AHC.

31 Bill Brown to Supt. KLGO, November 6, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Wil Logan Notes, February 25, 1980, in "Klondike Special Planning" file, AHC.

32 Marc Sagan and Dave Cohen, "Interpretive Work Program," February 1980; W. E. Brown, "1980 Work Program, KLGR," March 4, 1980; both in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC.

33 Lynn Canal News, March 6, 1980, 3; Sagan and Cohen, "Interpretive Work Program," February 1980.

34 Lynn Canal News, August 21, 1980, 3; David E. Snow to Ken Schoenberg, December 9, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC; SAR, 1980, 5.

35 Cook to William Hanable, March 18, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC; Sec. Cecil Andrus to Sen. Ted Stevens, November 19, 1980, in "Leaseback Info" file, AHC.

36 SAR, 1980, 3, 5; Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects."

37 NPS, "Skagway, Some Steps on the Gold Rush Trail, Walking Tour of the Historic District;" "Klondike Gold Rush" brochure; both in "KLGO-Brochures" folder, AHC; SAR, 1980, 6; David Snow interview. The park brochure's appearance has changed little since 1981; minor revisions were made in 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1994. In April 1996, work began on a single, unified brochure for the park's Seattle and Alaska units.

38 Paul Cloyd, Historic Structure Report, Administrative Section, Physical History and Analysis Section, White Pass and Yukon Route, Broadway Depot and General Offices Building, KLGO, Alaska (Denver, NPS, April 1981), 69-70; Cloyd to author, email, March 22, 1995.

39 Chappell to Director AAO, March 5, 1980, in "KLGR Rolling Stock" file; Chappell to David Cohen, etc., May 6, 1980, in "Wells Fargo & Co." folder; Chappell to Supt. KLGO, etc., September 25, 1980, in "Gail Budd Remin." folder; D. E. Snow to ARD, Professional Services, October 8, 1980, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file; Chappell to Paul Cloyd, September 24, 1981; Kenneth Raithel, Jr. to RD/WRO, October 19, 1981, in "N.R. Form" file; all in AHC; Gordon Chappell, interview by author, February 22, 1995.

40 G. Bryan Harry to Russell Cahill (SHPO), October 7, 1976, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

41 Charles F. Bohannon (PNRO) to Area Dir. AAO, August 19, 1980; Snow to Director AAO, September 4, 1980; Cook to Manager, DSC, September 12, 1980; all in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC; Snow and Spude, Historic Structure Report, The Mascot Saloon Group, 26, 66, 70.

42 Skip Elliott to Russ Dickenson, February 27, 1981, in "Historic District Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

43 Bill Brown, "Skagway Historic District Plan," n.d.; n.a., "Strategy for Amending Legislation," February 1980; W. E. Brown, "1980 Work Program, KLGR," March 4, 1980; all in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC.

44 Brown to Warnock, March 12, 1980, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

45 Snow to Brown, n.d. (early 1981?), in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC.

46 "Present Status of Proposed Work as of September 1980, KLGO," in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Miller and Snow, "Program of Action," February 27, 1980, 2, in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC.

47 "Present Status of Proposed Work as of September 1980, KLGO" [chart], in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

48 Bill Brown to Howard Wagner, December 19, 1980, in "HD Issues, 1978-1980" file, AHC.

49 Bill Brown, "General Notes on Public Meeting called by City Manager Skip Elliott, April 9, 1981," April 20, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

50 Lynn Canal News, April 16, 1981, 2; RD/ARO to Supt. KLGO, April 24, 1981, in "Moore House and Cabin & Storefronts, folder 2," AHC.

51 RD/ARO to Supt. KLGO, April 24, 1981.

52 Skip Elliott to John E. Cook, June 5, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

53 Skip Elliott to John E. Cook, June 5, 1981; Cook to Snow, July 22, 1981; both in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

54 Lynn Canal News, November 5, 1981, 5; November 12, 1981, 10.

55 Spude to Chief Historian, WASO, December 7, 1979, in "Spude, 78-79" file; Bill Brown, "RMP Meeting Notes," February 27, 1980, in "Klondike Special Planning" folder; Bill Brown, "General Notes on Public Meeting called by City Manager Skip Elliott, April 9, 1981," April 20, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file; Director ARO to Supt. KLGO, April 24, 1981, in "Moore House & Adjacent Lots" file; all in AHC.

56 Supt. KLGO to Bill Duckworth, November 20, 1980, in "KLGR-Personnel, budget" file; David E. Snow to Ken Schoenberg, December 9, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file; Snow to Supt. KLGO, January 2, 1981, in KLGR--Historic Structures file; Bill Brown to Howard Wagner, January 5, 1981, in "KLGR-Personnel, budget" file; all in AHC.

57 Snow to Chief of Professional Services, January 23, 1981, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC; Blee, Spude, and Cloyd, Historic Structure Reports for Ten Buildings, i.

58 Snow to Cook, July 7, 1981; Cook to Snow, July 22, 1981; both in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

59 Blee, Spude, and Cloyd, Historic Structure Reports for Ten Buildings, passim.; Robert Spude to ARO Chief of Interpretation, June 6, 1983, in "Goldberg Cigar Store" folder, AHC.

60 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO (draft), February 1982, pp. 4-5, in "KLGO RMP Comments" file, AHC.

61 NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLGO, October 1981, 2, 10-12, 21; Lynn Canal News, June 12, 1980, 3. In 1988 the park's interpretive specialist, Betsy Duncan-Clark, updated the document with an addendum. NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, April 4, 1988, 2, in File K1815, KLGO Collection.

62 Lynn Canal News, November 5, 1981, 5.

63 SAR, 1982, 1-2; Lynn Canal News, June 10, 1982, 3; June 17, 1982, 2; Skagway News, October 6, 1982, 6; Dave Snow interview, March 21, 1995.

64 SAR, 1983, 1; Skagway News, June 22, 1983, 2; November 9, 1983, 6.

65 "L1425 Renting and Leasing" file, KLGO central files; Robert L. Carper (DSC) to Assistant Manager, Alaska/Pacific Northwest/Western Team (DSC), July 20, 1983, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file, AHC.

66 SAR, 1983, 4; Carper to Assistant Manager, DSC, July 20, 1983; Skagway News, August 3, 1983, 6.

67 Snow to Chief, RCR, December 12, 1983, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC; Skagway News, March 28, 1984, 9.

68 SAR, 1984, 1; SAR, 1985, 1; Skagway News, April 10, 1985, 2; Betsy Duncan-Clark, interview by author, February 15, 1995; Jay Cable interview, February 21, 1995.

69 Skagway News, February 1, 1984, 2; March 28, 1984, 2; SAR, 1984, 3.

70 Skagway News, November 9, 1983, 6; March 28, 1984, 2, 9; SAR, 1984, 3.

71 SAR, 1984, 1.

72 Skagway News, June 20, 1984, 4; July 4, 1984, 6; SAR, 1984, 4.

73 Skagway News, March 28, 1984, 9; June 20, 1984, 7; July 4, 1984, 1; SAR, 1984, 3.

74 SAR, 1984, 1; Skagway News, April 10, 1985, 2.

75 Barbara Montgomery to National Trust for Historic Preservation, March 21, 1978, in CF; Spude to PNRO, (interim report), October 1, 1978, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC; SAR, 1980, 6; Diana Pardue and Donald Cumberland, Collection Preservation Guide, KLGO, June 1983, 23.

76 SAR, 1980, 6; Pardue and Cumberland, Collection Preservation Guide, 22; Debbie Sanders to author, email, March 2, 1995; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO (draft), February 1982, 13.

77 Pardue and Cumberland, Collection Preservation Guide, KLGO, June 1983, 7.

78 SAR, 1982, 2; NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, December 3, 1982, in "Scope of Collections, 1982 & 1988" file, AHC.

79 Pardue and Cumberland, Collection Preservation Guide, KLGO, June 1983.

80 SAR, 1987, 5; SAR, 1988, 3.

81 SAR, 1989, 2; SAR, 1991, 11.

82 SAR, 1983, 2; July 4, 1984, 6; Jay Cable interview, February 21, 1995.

83 Skagway News, July 18, 1984, 3; Catherine Holder Spude, Douglas D. Scott, and Frank Norris, Archeological Investigations in Skagway, Alaska, Volume 4: Father Turnell's Trash Pit, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Alaska (Denver, NPS, August 1993), 1, 6.

84 William C. Welch to Manager HFC, March 5, 1984, in "Sarah M. Olson, Historic Furnishings Report" File, AHC.

85 Robert J. Shelley (Asst. Manager, DSC) to RD/ARO, March 28, 1985, in "Sarah M. Olson, Historic Furnishings Report" File, AHC.

86 Skagway News, April 10, 1985, 2; Skagway News, November 1985, 3.

87 Skagway News, November 1985, 3.

88 Skagway News, January 1986, 4; March 1986, 5.

89 Skagway News, November 1985, 3.

90 NPS, Request for Proposals, Leasing of Historic Structures, KLGO, Skagway, Alaska, in various L1425 building files, KLGO central files; Skagway News, February 1986, 3; March 1986, 5.

91 William C. Welch to Manager HFC, March 5, 1984, in "Sarah M. Olson, Historic Furnishings Report" File, AHC.

92 Sarah Olson, "Report on Historic Window Displays for Seven Storefronts, KLGO," 1985, 1-9; Director NPS to Manager HFC, September 29, 1985; Ellsworth R. Swift (HFC) to RD/ARO, April 15, 1986; RD/ARO to Manager HFC, May 23, 1986; all in "Sarah M. Olson, Historic Furnishings Report" File, AHC.

93 Glenda Choate to Robert Spude, March 17, 1986, in "Glenda Choate" file, AHC; Skagway News, June 25, 1986, 2.

94 Skagway News, June 25, 1986, 2; SAR, 1986, 1; SAR, 1987, 1.

95 William Penn Mott (Director NPS) to Regional Directors, August 13, 1986; NPS, "Historic Property Leasing, FY 1986 Report;" both in "L1425 Leasing and Renting" file, KLGO Central Files.

96 Skagway News, July 23, 1986, 5; August 20, 1986, 4; September 17, 1986, 3; Alderson to Historian/ARO, October 15, 1986, in "Boss Bakery" file, Chief Ranger's office, KLGO; Clay Alderson interview, March 10, 1995.

97 SAR, 1986, 3; SAR, 1987, 1, 7; Skagway News, March 1987, 3; SAR, 1990, 6; "Historic Structure Leases, KLGO," February 28, 1995, in Chief Ranger's files, KLGO. The Ritters soon moved away from Skagway, and in 1988, unbeknownst to the NPS, they subleased the Boss Bakery property to another party. The agency, unhappy with the action, reacted by revising the Ritters' contract and by changing the boilerplate in future requests for proposals prohibiting subleases. Since that time, Choate has also subleased her building.

98 Skagway News, April 10, 1985, 2.

99 Catherine Holder Blee, Archeological Investigations in Skagway, Alaska, Volume 2: The Moore House and Cabin, KLGO (Denver, NPS, 1988), 193-232; Skagway News, November 1985, 3.

100 SAR, 1986, 3: Skagway News, April 1987, 10; John Warder, interview by the author, February 22, 1995.

101 Skagway News, June 29, 1987, 7; July 10, 1987, 3; SAR, 1987, 5.

102 NPS officials probably decided to change the order of construction in order to speed the completion of revenue-generating projects; both the Itjen House and the Mascot, at the time, were intended to be leasebacks. Skagway News, March 1986, 5; n. a., "Status of Project as of 11/27/86," in "KLGR--Historic Structures file," AHC; Paul Cloyd to author, email, March 22, 1995.

103 Skagway News, August 20, 1986, 4; September 17, 1986, 3; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, February 9, 1995; Clay Alderson to author, May 2, 1995.

104 SAR, 1987, 1.

105 Skagway News, July 22, 1988, 1; SAR, 1987, 4.

106 SAR, 1987, 1; Skagway News, December 1987, 7; July 22, 1988, 1, 9.

107 SAR, 1988, 3, 4; Don Corwin (NPS), interview by author, February 21, 1995.

108 Skagway News, January 1989, 7; February 1989, 8; SAR, 1988, 1-2; SAR, 1989, 4, 6; Clay Alderson to author, email, September 18, 1995.

109 Skagway News, July 22, 1988, 1; September 2, 1988, 3; Skaguay Alaskan, 1989, 8; SAR, 1989, 6.

110 SAR, 1990, 4; SAR 1991, 3; Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 3; June 28, 1991, 3; Jay E. Cable to Kate Lidfors, June 17, 1991, in "Norris/Mascot Info" file, AHC.

111 SAR, 1991, 10-11.

112 SAR, 1987, 4; SAR, 1988, 2; SAR, 1989, 2; SAR, 1991, 10; NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, April 4, 1988.

113 Robert Spude, "Chronology of Skagway Interpretive Activities," c. 1986, in "Depot/Waiting Room" file, AHC; Robert G. Johnsson (HFC) to Frank Deckert (ARO), January 13, 1984, in D6215 Depot/ Exhibit file, KLGO Central Files.

114 SAR, 1984, 1; SAR, 1986, 2; Betsy Duncan-Clark interview, February 15, 1995.

115 Spude, "Chronology of Skagway Interpretive Activities;" Betsy Duncan-Clark interview, February 15, 1995.

116 SAR, 1986, 2; SAR, 1987, 1; Skagway News, August 20, 1986, 4; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, February 9, 1995.

117 Acting RD/ARO to Manager, HFC, November 21, 1986, in SC files, AKSO; Stenmark to Assistant Manager, Western Team, DSC, March 9, 1987, in "KLGO-Mascot/Exhibits" file, AHC; Skagway News, June 28, 1991, 3.

118 Acting RD/ARO to Manager DSC, April 2, 1987, in "KLGO-Mascot/Exhibits" file, AHC; SAR, 1987, 6.

119 SAR, 1987, 6; Skagway News, July 22, 1988, 1.

120 Skagway News, September 2, 1988, 3; Sarah Olson (HFC) to Superintendent KLGO, August 4, 1988, in "KLGO-Mascot/Exhibits" file, AHC; SAR, 1988, 5.

121 SAR, 1988, 4; John Warder interview, February 22, 1995.

122 SAR, 1988, 5; SAR, 1989, 6; Skagway News, December 1989, 3; Superintendent KLGO to RD/ARO, April 16, 1990, in "KLGO-Mascot/Exhibits" file, AHC; Clay Alderson to author, email, May 6, 1995.

123 SAR, 1989, 2; Robert G. Johnsson (HFC) to ARO Chief of Interpretation, March 14, 1990, in "KLGO-Mascot/Exhibits" file, AHC.

124 Acting RD/ARO to Manager HFC, April 27, 1990, in "KLGO-Mascot/Exhibits" file, AHC; SAR, 1991, 7.

125 SAR, 1990, 4, 6-7; Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 3.

126 SAR, 1991, 3, 7; Betsy Duncan-Clark, "Skagway, Alaska: Examination of a Model of Private-Federal Partnership in Interpreting a Historic Community," in Raymond S. Tabata, Jane Yamashiro, and Gabriel Cherem, Joining Hands for Quality Tourism: Interpretation, Preservation, and the Travel Industry (Honolulu, University of Hawaii Sea Grant Extension Service, June 1992), 93.

127 Betsy Duncan-Clark to author, September 1, 1994; NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLGO, FY 1994. Soon after they completed the exhibit package, Harpers Ferry Center staff produced a sound-slide video program, "Hiking the Chilkoot Trail," for those who were planning a trail hike. Recent changes in the interpretive program have included the elimination of the afternoon movie in favor of another showing of Days of Adventure, Dreams of Gold, beginning in 1993, and the installation in late 1994 of several large historic photographs in the auditorium.

128 SAR, 1990, 6; SAR, 1991, 6-7.

129 Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects." Work on the Itjen property ceased after the 1987 excavation because the cultural deposit proved not to be as rich or as extensive as first thought.

130 Skagway News, August 4, 1989, 5; December 1989, 3.

131 Skagway News, December 1989, 3; February 22, 1991, 3; SAR, 1990, 4, 6; SAR, 1991, 3.

132 Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 3; June 28, 1991, 3; SAR, 1991, 6.

133 Skagway News, June 28, 1991, 3; November 22, 1991, 3; SAR, 1991, 3.

134 Skaguay Alaskan, Summer 1993, 6; Skagway News, September 10, 1993, 8.

135 Jay Cable interview, February 21, 1995.

136 Skagway News, September 17, 1986, 3; SAR, 1986, 2.

137 SAR, 1987, 4, 7; Skagway News, December 1987, 7; Clay Alderson interview, March 10, 1995.

138 Skagway News, July 22, 1988, 1; September 2, 1988, 3; SAR, 1988, 6.

139 SAR, 1988, 7.

140 Skagway News, August 4, 1989, 5; December 1989, 3.

141 SAR, 1989, 5; SAR, 1990, 1, 3; Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 3.

142 SAR, 1991, 1.

143 Skagway News, November 25, 1992, 3; September 10, 1993, 8.

144 Skagway News, November 12, 1993, 1; October 7, 1994, 3; Steve Peterson, interview by author, February 13, 1995.

145 Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects;" Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 3; August 23, 1991, 8; November 22, 1991, 3.

146 SAR, 1991, 3; Skagway News, November 25, 1992, 3; Juneau Empire, December 6, 1992, C3.

147 Skagway News, March 12, 1993, 5; May 28, 1993, 1.

148 Diane Lee Rhodes, Archeological Investigations in Skagway, Alaska, Volume 3: The Mill Creek Dump and the Peniel Mission (Denver, NPS), 1988; Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects."

149 Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 3; August 23, 1991, 8; November 22, 1991, 3; November 25, 1992, 3; Juneau Empire, December 6, 1992, C3.

150 Blee, Spude, and Cloyd, Historic Structure Reports for Ten Buildings, 429, 439; Juneau Empire, December 6, 1992, C3.

151 Skagway News, April 23, 1993, 5; November 12, 1993, 1; Steve Peterson interview, February 13, 1995; Clay Alderson to author, email, May 6, 1995.

152 Skagway News, October 7, 1994, 3; May 26, 1995, 7; Don Corwin interview, February 21, 1995.

153 Skagway News, November 12, 1993, 1; August 12, 1994, 8; October 7, 1994, 3.

154 Gurcke, "History of the Archaeological Projects;" Skagway News, September 10, 1993, 8; August 12, 1994, 8.

155 Steve Peterson interview, February 8, 1994; Clay Alderson interview, September 6, 1995.

156 Robert Spude to ARO Chief of Interpretation, June 6, 1983, in "Goldberg Cigar Store" file; Robert Spude to Leslie Starr Hart, May 23, 1986, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file; William C. Welch to Gary Higgins, May 27, 1986, in "Moore Lots & Adjacent Lots" file; all in AHC; Steve Peterson interview, February 13, 1995.

Chapter 7

1 Martin, Gold Rush Narrow Gauge, 65; Cohen, The White Pass and Yukon Route, 90.

2 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 41.

3 Gary Higgins interview, June 17, 1988; Richard Hoffman interview, August 22, 1988; Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

4 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 38-40.

5 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, January 19, 1978, in CF.

6 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, May 3, 1978, in "CA 9700-3-0012" file, AKSO-ABC files; Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 2; January 11, 1979, 8.

7 Messegee to Hoffman, November 30, 1977, in "Gary Higgins" file, AHC.

8 Hoffman to Alaska Area Director, December 30, 1977, in "Gary Higgins" file, AHC; Hoffman to RD/PNRO, February 28, 1978, in CF.

9 "Historic Preservation: A Symposium on Financial, Technical, and Legal Assistance Available to Owners of Historic Resources in Skagway" (conference program), in "Gary Higgins" file, AHC.

10 Higgins to Mike Miller, January 30, 1978; Higgins to Bill Hanable, January 30, 1978; both in "Gary Higgins" file, AHC; Higgins to John Frisbee (NTHP), January 31, 1978, in CF. Miller and Duncan's bill was signed into law but was not funded.

11 Gary Higgins to Wayne Selmer, March 24, 1978, in CF; John L. Frisbee to Gary Higgins, April 13, 1978, in "Gary Higgins" file; "Historic Preservation: A Symposium;" all in AHC.

12 Historic Preservation Grant Files, SHPO, Anchorage; "Historic Sites Advisory Committee Transacts Much Work at Juneau Meeting," Alaska History News 2 (April 1980), 1; Lynn Canal News, August 30, 1979, 1; February 19, 1981, 6; SAR, 1980, 5.

13 Historic Preservation Grant files, SHPO; Lynn Canal News, August 21, 1980, 3; May 28, 1981, 3; September 24, 1981, 2; December 17, 1981, 7.

14 SAR, 1980, 5; Lynn Canal News, December 17, 1981, 7; Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

15 Kurtz to Bowers, June 24, 1974, in CF.

16 Eldon G. Reyer to WASO Directorate, July 15, 1976; Gary Catron (Asst. to the Interior Secretary) to Don Young, May 12, 1977, both in File L58, AHC; P.L. 94-465, passed October 20, 1976.

17 Anchorage Times, November 8, 1977, 5; Anchorage Daily News, November 18, 1977, 10; R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, December 30, 1977, in CF; North Wind, January 27, 1978, 1. Mid-November news articles on the tax-base issue were published in Seattle, Port Angeles, and elsewhere.

18 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, January 19, 1978, in CF; Anchorage Daily Times, February 25, 1978, 6; Congressional Record, 1978, 4157.

19 Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 2, 3; Lynn Canal News, June 14, 1979, 4; David Funk, interview by author, March 8, 1995.

20 Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 3; September 28, 1978, 1.

21 R. E. Hoffman to RD/PNRO, October 10, 1978, in "CX 9700-3-0012" file, AKSO-ABC files; Hoffman to Bill Brown, May 5, 1979, in "General Correspondence, 1978-1985," AHC; Lynn Canal News, June 14, 1979, 4.

22 Lynn Canal News, August 30, 1979, 1, 4.

23 Lynn Canal News, September 13, 1979, 3; September 27, 1979, 1, 4.

24 Douglas C. Warnock to Supt. KLGO, February 6, 1980, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

25 "Cooperative Agreement, NPS and City of Skagway, Alaska," in "Historic District Issues, 1978-80" file, AHC.

26 Lynn Canal News, February 28, 1980, 3; March 6, 1980, 3.

27 Lynn Canal News, March 27, 1980, 6; SAR, 1980, 2: SAR, 1988, 8; Skagway News, August 23, 1991, 4; May 29, 1992, 8; June 10, 1994, 4; Supt. KLGO to RD/ARO, October 29, 1984; "Budget and Work Plan," various years, in "CA 9700-8-8008" file, AKSO-ABC Collection. In FY 1991, the payment was raised to slightly more than $46,000 in order to pay for an $18,000 paving job on Broadway adjacent to the depot.

28 NPS, FES/KLGR, 8-9, 45, 56.

29 North Wind, March 1974, 3; Ritter to M. I. Henricksen, April 14, 1976, in CF; Ritter to Area Director, August 17, 1976, in Folder 4 (1976), Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives.

30 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, September 22, 1977, in CF.

31 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, February 2, 1978, in CF; Engineering Man Power Services, Skagway Campground Study (Juneau, the author, January 1978), 33.

32 Alaska House Journal 10 (1978), 252; Alaska Senate Journal 10 (1978), 223.

33 Hilton Wolfe (DNR) to Mike Whitehead (Office of the Governor), February 9, 1978, in RG 01, Series 88, NR 1-1, ASA.

34 Hammond to Stevens, February 14, 1978, in NR 1-1, Series 88, RG 01, ASA.

35 Stevens to Hammond, March 14, 1978, in NR 1-2, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; R. E. Hoffman to Area Director, AAO, in CF.

36 Alaska House Journal 10 (1978), 550, 613, 1087, 1140, 1142, 1183; Alaska Senate Journal 10 (1978), 289, 337, 418, 450-52, 988, 1038, 1154; Southeast Alaska Empire, March 29, 1978, 13.

37 Skagway News, October 26, 1978, 3.

38 Jay Cable, interview by author, May 1, 1995.

39 Lynn Canal News, February 7, 1980, 5.

40 Lynn Canal News, October 9, 1980, 1; Skagway News, June 6, 1984, 4; Skaguay Alaskan 7 (1984), 16.

41 Chappell to Bill Brown, January 28, 1979, in "KLGR Rolling Stock" file, AHC.

42 Chappell (Special Project Historian) to Supt. KLGO, July 30, 1979; Chappell to Bill Brown, December 6, 1979; both in "Rolling Stock" file, AHC.

43 Bill Brown to John Cook, October 5, 1979; n.a., "Inventory and Current Status of Critical Rolling Stock," n.d. (late 1979?); both in "Rolling Stock, KLGR" file, AHC.

44 John Cook (AAO) to Supt. KLGO, November 27, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Chappell to Brown, December 3, 1979, in "KLGR--Rolling Stock" file, AHC.

45 Cook to Director NPS, January 22, 1980, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

46 North Wind, March 1964, 1; Gordon Chappell (WRO) to Bill Brown, February 27, 1980, in "KLGR--Rolling Stock" file, AHC.

47 Brown to Douglas Warnock, August 27, 1980, in "KLGR Rolling Stock" file, AHC.

48 Brown to Warnock, October 30, 1980; Warnock to Brown, October 31, 1980; both in "KLGR Rolling Stock" file, AHC; Bill Brown, Skagway Historic District Plan (draft), April 24, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

49 NPS, "Skagway and White Pass," National Register of Historic Places (revised) registration form, December 11, 1986.

50 NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, December 3, 1982, 3; NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, April 4, 1988; both in "Scope of Collections, 1982 & 1988" file, AHC; Robert Spude to L. S. Hart, April 8, 1985, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file, AHC.

51 North Wind, August 1968, August 1973; NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 39; Lynn Canal News, May 28, 1981, 3.

52 Campbell to Bennett T. Gale, June 3, 1974; Laurin Huffman to Robert S. Luntey, December 18, 1974; Luntey to David Brena, March 11, 1975; Robert Howe to State Director, Alaska, March 31, 1975; all in CF.

53 Higgins to Mike Miller, January 30, 1978; Higgins to Bill Hanable, January 30, 1978; both in "Gary Higgins" file, AHC; Suzanne B. Sherwood (NTHP) trip report, July 23, 1979, in "KLGO Correspondence (Spude), 1978-79" file, AHC.

54 Sherwood trip report, July 23, 1979; Lynn Canal News, Aug 9, 1979, 3. A small fire, along its Pack Train's eastern exterior wall, occurred during the summer of 1979; minor damage was sustained.

55 Lynn Canal News, May 28, 1981, 3.

56 North Wind, July 1966, 3. Sheila Brena noted in a 1990 interview that prior to the Brenas' purchase of the old hotel, "the city was going to bulldoze it and turn it into a tin can civic center. So you can say we saved it for 25 years." Skagway News, December 21, 1990, 1.

57 NPS, Skagway: A Study of Alternatives, 24; Douglas B. Cornell, Jr. to Reed Jarvis, June 8, 1971, in CF.

58 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, May 1973, 3, 40; NPS, KLGR Master Plan, October 1976, 38.

59 Yerkes and Associates, [Pullen House Hotel appraisal], July 1978, in "1977-78 Skagway Appraisal" file, AHC.

60 Sherwood trip report, July 23, 1979; Anchorage Daily News, December 17, 1990, B1; Skagway News, December 21, 1990, 1; Clay Alderson to Charles Gilbert, August 28, 1989, telephone transcription, in "KLGO-Pullen House" file, AHC.

61 Brena to Alderson, August 30, 1989, in "KLGO-Pullen House" file, AHC.

62 Brena to Gilbert, August 28, 1989; Brena to Alderson, August 30, 1989, in "KLGO-Pullen House" file, AHC.

63 Skagway News, September 15, 1989; Alderson to Charles Gilbert, telephone conversation, August 28, 1989; transcription in "KLGO-Pullen House" file, AHC.

64 Robin Brena to Gilbert, telephone conversation, August 28, 1989; Brena to Lidfors, telephone conversation, August 28, 1989; transcriptions of both in "KLGO-Pullen House" file, AHC.

65 Anchorage Daily News, December 17, 1990, B-1; Skagway News, December 21, 1990, 1. Robin Brena noted, in an interview made after the demolition was complete, that he refused the offer because the NPS could not accept a stabilization or restoration option.

66 Skagway News, October 26, 1990, 2; Anchorage Daily News, December 17, 1990, B-1.

67 Anchorage Daily News, December 17, 1990, B-1; Robert Pilk, Connie Rudd, and Paul Cloyd, Cultural Landscape Assessment for the Peniel Mission, Captain Moore Cabin, J. Bernard Moore House and Pullen House Sites, 90% Draft (Denver, NPS, December 1993), 7, 60, 66-68; NPS, Cultural Landscape Report for the Capt. William Moore Cabin, J. Bernard Moore House, Peniel Mission, and Pullen House Sites (Denver, the author), September 1995.

68 Steve Peterson, interview by author, February 27, 1995.

69 Wil Logan (DSC) Skagway Conference Notes, February 1980; Hugh Miller/Dave Snow, "Plan of Action," February 27, 1980; both in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC; Jay Cable, interview by author, February 21, 1995; Robert Spude, interview by author, March 21, 1995.

70 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, October 1976, 42, 62.

71 Superintendent Hoffman showed some interest in obtaining a site during the selection process for a state campground, but neither he nor other NPS officials made a serious attempt to purchase any of the recommended lots. R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, February 1, 1978, in CF.

72 Wil Logan, "Skagway Conference Notes" [February 1980]; Bill Brown, "RMP meeting Notes," February 27, 1980; both in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC; Debbie Sanders to author, email, March 2, 1995.

73 Jay Cable, interview by author, December 8, 1994; Lynn Canal News, July 31, 1980, 2.

74 NPS, Land Resources Division, "Master Deed Listing, Status of Lands as of April 30, 1994," AKSO-EL files; SAR, 1980, 5; Jay Cable, interview by author, February 21, 1995 and March 13, 1995.

75 Skip Elliott to Russ Dickenson, February 27, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

76 Lynn Canal News, February 25, 1982, 3.

77 Skagway News, March 1986, 4; September 17, 1986, 3; SAR, 1986, 2.

78 SAR, 1986, 2; Jay Cable, interview by author, February 21, 1995.

79 SAR, 1988, 2; Karl Gurcke and Frank Norris, "Historical Overview of Four Vacant Tracts at KLGO, Skagway, Alaska" (Skagway, NPS), 1988; Gurcke and Norris, "Archeological Clearance Report: The Myrick Tract/Administrative Site Clearance" (Skagway, NPS), 1988; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, March 10, 1995.

80 Skagway News, October 7, 1994, 3.

81 Plans had originally called for the construction of two unheated storage buildings on the property; when the construction of the buildings went unfunded, the containers were brought onto the property on an interim basis. Clay Alderson interview, March 10, 1995 and September 6, 1995; Alderson to author, email, June 16, 1995.

82 Snow and Spude, Historic Structure Report, The Mascot Saloon Group, 3; Martin Itjen, The Story of the Tour on the Skagway, Alaska, Street Car (Skagway?, George Rapuzzi, 1962), 48; Blee, Spude, and Cloyd, Historic Structure Reports for Ten Buildings, 368.

83 Robert Howe to State Director, Alaska, March 31, 1975, in CF; Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 2; Jay Cable, interview by author, March 13, 1995; Frank Norris, "A History of Skagway's Gardens," unpub. mss., 1988, 25, in KLGO Collection.

84 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 39; Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 2.

85 Skagway News, September 21, 1978, 2; September 28, 1978, 1; "Summary of [DSC] Work Session," September 28, 1978, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

86 Marc Sagan and Dave Cohen, "Interpretive Work Program," February 1980; Hugh Miller and Dave Snow, "Plan of Action," February 27, 1980; Bill Brown, "RMP meeting notes," February 27, 1980; all in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC; John Cook to William Hanable, March 18, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC.

87 Skip Elliott to John Cook, December 28, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1982- " file, AHC; Daily Alaska Empire, April 3, 1928, 3; Lynn Canal News, November 1, 1979, 3; November 8, 1979, 1, 5; Skagway News, August 31, 1990, 9.

88 Cook to Elliott, January 19, 1982, in "HD Issues, 1982- " file, AHC.

89 Lynn Canal News, February 25, 1982, 3.

90 Skagway News, September 22, 1982, 8; October 6, 1982, 1.

91 Skagway News, October 20, 1982, 1, 2; November 3, 1982, 1; SAR, 1982, 1.

92 In the summer of 1980, the local Alaska Visitors Association chapter set up a booth on the White Pass dock, but it did not last beyond the season. Lynn Canal News, June 19, 1980, 1; Jay Cable interview, March 13, 1995; Jeff Brady, interview by author, September 17, 1995.

93 Skagway News, July 28, 1982, 7; March 28, 1984, 2; May 8, 1985, 3; June 25, 1986, 4; Robert Ward, interview by author, March 10, 1995.

94 Skagway News, September 17, 1986, 2; November 1986, 5.

95 Skagway News, June 12, 1987, 3; Leslie Starr Hart to Superintendent KLGO, November 18, 1987, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file, AHC.

96 Skagway News, December 1987, 7; SAR, 1988, 8.

97 Skagway News, December 1989, 4; Skaguay Alaskan, 1989, 8; Steve Peterson, interview by author, March 13, 1995. In 1985, the NPS had hoped to write a historical data section and make Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawings of the AB Hall as part of the proposed Historic Structures Report for Dyea and the Chilkoot Trail. That proposal, however, was never implemented. Leslie Starr Hart, "Work Plan, Historical and Archeological Evaluation of the Historic Townsite of Dyea and Outlying Sites Along the Chilkoot Trail, KLGO, AK, 1985," in "KLGO-C.T. Archeo Survey 1986" file, AHC.

98 Skagway News, September 28, 1990, 4; October 12, 1990, 1; May 17, 1991, 4; July 26, 1991, 1, 5; August 9, 1991, 6; Robert Ward interview, March 10, 1995.

99 Skagway News, September 1, 1989, 4; May 1990, 4; June 9, 1990, 4; October 28, 1991, 5; August 28, 1992, 2; Skaguay Alaskan, 1993, 6.

100 North Wind, March 1966, 1; Juneau Empire, February 21, 1995, 9.

101 Lynn Canal News, June 14, 1979, 4.

102 R. E. Hoffman to RD/PNRO, January 12, 1978, in CF.

103 Lynn Canal News, March 6, 1980, 3; August 7, 1980, 3; SAR, 1980, 6; Glenda Choate, Historical Records of the City of Skagway, Alaska, October 1980.

104 Lynn Canal News, September 11, 1980, 4.

105 Skagway News, November 2, 1978, 3; Lynn Canal News, October 18, 1979, 3; November 1, 1979, 1; August 7, 1980, 3; February 11, 1982, 3; Glenda Choate, interview by author, March 10, 1995.

106 Lynn Canal News, February 11, 1982, 3; February 18, 1982, 2; Glenda Choate, Historical Records of the City of Skagway, Alaska, Phase II, July 1982.

107 Skagway News, May 27, 1994, 3; October 7, 1994, 9.

108 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 39.

109 Bill Brown to Howard Wagner, December 19, 1980, in "HD Issues, 1978-1980" file, AHC.

110 Jay E. Cable to Supt. KLGO, January 15, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Lynn Canal News, April 16, 1981, 2.

111 Bill Brown, "General Notes on Public Meeting Called by City Manager Skip Elliott, April 9, 1981," April 20, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Bill Brown, Skagway Historic District Plan, April 24, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

112 Skip Elliott to John E. Cook, June 5, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

113 Skagway News, August 3, 1983, 6; SAR, 1987, 4.

114 SAR, 1988, 2, 5, 6; Skagway News, August 19, 1988, 7; Karl Gurcke, "KLGO, History of Cultural Resource Projects," February 1995, in AHC.

115 Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

116 Jones and Jones, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Skagway, Alaska: Conceptual Master Plan for Landscaping in the Historic District, June 1994, 50-51.; Skagway News, December 10, 1993, 2.

117 Skagway News, December 10, 1993, 2; Jones and Jones, Conceptual Master Plan, 52-54.

118 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 42.

119 Skagway City Code, "Historic District Regulations" (Chapter 40), passed April 7, 1977.

120 Hoffman had been appointed to the P&Z three months earlier. Richard E. Hoffman to Bill Brown, May 5, 1979, in "General Correspondence, 1978-1985," AHC; Skagway News, February 15, 1979, 1.

121 Lynn Canal News, February 28, 1980, 3.

122 Bill Brown, "RMP meeting notes," February 27, 1980; Wil Logan (DSC), "Skagway Conference Notes" [February 1980]; both in "Klondike Special Planning" file, AHC.

123 Bill Brown to Howard Wagner, December 19, 1980, in "HD Issues, 1978-1980" file, AHC.

124 Bill Brown, "General Notes on Public Meeting called by City Manager Skip Elliott, April 9, 1981," April 20, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Director AAO to Supt. KLGO, April 24, 1981, in "Moore House & Adjacent Lots" file, AHC.

125 Randall Copeland, Design Guidelines for Skagway Historic District, c. 1981.

126 Spude, Skagway, District of Alaska, September 1983; Spude to author, email, June 19, 1995.

127 Skagway Ordinance 81-11, passed August 20, 1981; Lynn Canal News, August 27, 1981, 12.

128 Skagway News, July 28, 1982, 2.

129 Skagway News, July 28, 1982, 3; August 11, 1982, 1.

130 Skagway News, June 5, 1985, 6; May 28, 1986, 1; Karl Gurcke interview, March 10, 1995.

131 Skagway News, August 29, 1984, 2, 6; April 23, 1993, 6.

132 Skagway News, August 13, 1993, 5; August 27, 1993, 2; Skaguay Alaskan, 1989, 6.

133 Further action on the sign ordinance, however, did not take place until 1993 when, as noted below, the design guidelines were revised. Skagway News, July 23, 1986, 5; September 4, 1987, 4; September 18, 1987, 4; October 16, 1987, 4.

134 Skagway News, February 1990, 2; Skaguay Alaskan, 1993, 6.

135 Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996; Karl Gurcke to author, May 3, 1996.

136 Skagway News, April 23, 1993, 6; August 13, 1993, 5; October 15, 1993, 2; December 22, 1993, 4; January 14, 1994, 4; City of Skagway, Alaska, Skagway Historic District Design Guidelines: A Place to Live, Work, Play & Visit, 1994.

137 Correspondence in "SGY Archeo Overview" file, AHC; Adams and Brauner, Historical Archaeology in Skagway, Alaska: Archaeological Overview and Assessment of the Downtown Skagway Unit, KLGO (Philomath, Ore., Wabana Press), 1991; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, March 10, 1995.

138 Lynn Canal News, October 9, 1980, 1; October 30, 1980, 4; November 13, 1980, 1; March 26, 1981, 7.

139 Lynn Canal News, November 13, 1980, 1; April 16, 1981, 5; July 2, 1981, 4.

140 Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

141 SAR, 1982, 1; NPS, "Annual Interpretation and Visitor Services Report," KLGO, 1982.

142 SAR, 1989, 3; NPS, "Annual Interpretation and Visitor Services Report," KLGO, various years; Robert Ward interview, March 10, 1995.

143 SAR, 1991, 9.

144 SAR, 1991, 7; Skagway News, March 12, 1993, 3; Betsy Duncan-Clark, interview by author, March 9, 1995.

145 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 38; NPS, FES/KLGR, 49.

146 Thirty years earlier, in October 1944, the city council had voted to prohibit parking between Third and Fifth avenues, but it rescinded its action soon afterward. Skagway City Council minutes, October 2, 1944 and October 16, 1944.

147 Skagway News, September 28, 1978, 2; October 12, 1978, 3; Lynn Canal News, March 15, 1979, 3.

148 Lynn Canal News, September 11, 1980, 4; October 9, 1980, 2.

149 Lynn Canal News, December 18, 1980, 4; February 26, 1981, 1.

150 Lynn Canal News, April 8, 1982, 1; May 13, 1982, 4.

151 Skagway News, April 13, 1983, 5; April 27, 1983, 1; May 11, 1983, 1; June 8, 1983, 1.

152 Skagway News, July 20, 1983, 3; August 3, 1983, 2.

153 Skagway News, September 14, 1983, 1; October 12, 1983, 1, 5; SAR, 1983, 3.

154 North Wind, August 15, 1964, 2; Skagway News, September 28, 1983, 2.

155 Skagway News, October 12, 1983, 1, 2; September 26, 1983, 1.

156 Skagway News, May 23, 1984, 3; June 6, 1984, 4; SAR, 1984, 3.

157 Skagway News, May 25, 1983, 6; September 14, 1983, 2, 7; September 28, 1983, 2; June 6, 1984, 4; May 28, 1986, 6; June 11, 1986, 3; Jeff Brady to the author, March 27, 1996. In 1995, Broadway was paved as far north as Fifteenth Avenue, as were cross streets between Tenth and Fifteenth avenues.

158 Skagway News, June 25, 1986, 4; July 9, 1986, 3; July 23, 1986, 5; September 1989, 1.

159 John D. McDermott to John Rutter, November 24, 1974, in "KLGO General (Planning)" folder, AHC; Gordon Reno to Gary Everhardt, January 21, 1975; A. R. Mortenson (OAHP) to Reno, February 6, 1975; both in CF.

160 Barry Mackintosh to Gary Higgins, April 6, 1977; J. A. Mohr to William J. Murtaugh, February 21, 1978; both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp. 1977-1983" file, AHC.

161 Skagway News, August 31, 1983, 7.

162 Author to Spude, November 5, 1986, in "Norris Letters to Spude" file, AHC; SAR, 1988, 2; Skagway News, March 13, 1992, 3.

163 Spude to Choate, September 17, 1986, in "Glenda Choate" file, AHC; author to Spude, November 5, 1986, in "Norris Letters to Spude" file, AHC; SAR, 1988, 2; NPS, "Supplementary Listing Record," February 26, 1991, in "KLGO-Final Nomination" file, NRHP files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

164 Clifford, The Skagway Story, 94-95; Jay Cable interview, March 13, 1995.

165 Bill Brown, "General Notes on Public Meeting called by City Manager Skip Elliott, April 9, 1981," April 20, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Jay Cable interview, February 21, 1995.

166 Bill Brown, "General Notes," April 20, 1981; John Cook to Supt. KLGO, April 24, 1981, in "Moore House and Cabin & Storefronts, folder 2," AHC.

167 Lynn Canal News, August 13, 1981, 6.

168 Skagway News, November 1986, 1.

169 "KLGO, ARO, George and Edna Rapuzzi Collection," April 19, 1988, in "KLGO-Rapuzzi Donation - Structures" file, AHC; Skagway News, July 22, 1988, 9; Clay Alderson interview, March 10, 1995.

170 Skagway News, August 19, 1988, 5.

171 Author to Chief, Land Resources Division, ARO, August 6, 1990; David B. Ames to Phyllis A. Brown, May 24, 1991; both in "KLGO-Rapuzzi Donation - Structures" file, AHC.

172 Janet McCabe to RD/ARO, September 23, 1993; Phyllis A. Brown to Clay Alderson, October 1, 1993; Alderson to Chuck Gilbert (ARO-OL), October 27, 1993, all in File L1415, KLGO.

173 Clay Alderson interview, March 10, 1995.

174 Skagway News, January 19, 1983, 3; April 1987, 10.

175 Skagway News, December 1987, 7.

176 SAR, 1989, 5; Supt. KLGO to Northern Park Managers, March 2, 1990, in "KLGO-Mascot/Depot Exhibits" file, AHC.

177 SAR, 1991, 2; Skagway News, February 8, 1991, 3; February 22, 1991, 2; Alaska House Journal 17 (1991), 126, 555-56; Alaska Senate Journal 17 (1991), 159; Skagway News, February 28, 1992, 1.

178 Skagway News, October 9, 1992, 1, 5; Skagway News, January 5, 1993, 1; Alaska Gold Rush Centennial, "1993 Annual Report," in SHPO Collection.

179 Skagway News, October 15, 1993, 3; Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

180 Richard E. Hoffman to Bill Brown, May 5, 1979, in "General Correspondence, 1978-1985," AHC. The attitude of at least one local citizen appeared in the Skagway News on November 30, 1978 (p. 2). The anonymous writer denounced Dick Hoffman as the "local tried and true voice recording of the NPS Dictatorial Cow," who was planning "to have absolute and total control of not only Skagway, but the valley of Dyea as well." A more broad-based feeling of community negativity toward the NPS was conveyed in a Southeast Alaska Empire article dated April 27, 1979, p. 1.

181 Bill Brown to Howard Wagner, December 19, 1980, in "HD Issues, 1978-1980" file, AHC.

182 William E. Brown, interview by author, March 6, 1995.

183 Skagway News, August 3, 1983, 2.

184 Skagway News, April 10, 1985, 2; November 1985, 3.

185 Skagway News, March 1986, 5; December 1987, 7; City of Skagway Resolution 86-14R, September 18, 1986; SAR, 1987, 1.

186 SAR, 1987, 8; SAR, 1988, 8; SAR, 1989, 5.

187 SAR, 1985, 1; SAR, 1986, 2; SAR, 1987, 8; SAR, 1991, 7.

Chapter 8

1 "Cooperative Agreement...," August 11, 1972, in "Cooperative Agreement, KLGO" file, AHC; NPS, Land Resources Division, "Master Deed Listing, Status of Lands as of April 30, 1994," AKSO-EL files; SAR, 1980, 5.

2 BLM lands officials felt that its only land in the park, a 270-acre parcel near the top of Chilkoot Pass, had been automatically transferred when Congress passed the park bill. But NPS officials demanded a written notification of the transfer, which they did not receive until 1993. William Calkins (BLM) to RD/ARO, August 19, 1993, KLGO Tr. 103-03 file, AKSO-EL.

3 "Cooperative Agreement...," August 11, 1972.

4 Jay Hammond to Ted Stevens, February 14, 1978, in NR 1-1, Series 88, RG 01, ASA; R. E. Hoffman to RD/PNRO, February 24, 1978, in CF; "Cooperative Agreement...," April 6, 1978, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Hoffman to Bill Brown, May 5, 1979, in "General Correspondence, 1978-1985," AHC.

5 "Cooperative Agreement...," April 6, 1978.

6 Lynn Canal News, April 26, 1979, 3; Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Haines-Skagway Area Land Use Plan, Volume III (Anchorage, the author, June 1979), 75-77.

7 Dyea apparently had two minor cemeteries as well. One was a picket-fenced enclosure, about 100 yards north of the old Healy and Wilson store, which contained the graves of Klanot, the Chilkoot Chief, and several others killed in an 1888 battle between the Chilkoot and Sitka Tlingit. Historian Melody Webb Grauman also noted that two or three black soldiers may have been buried near the Dyea-Klondike Transportation Company wharf, three miles southwest of Dyea. Norris, "Dyea-Klondike Transportation Company Wharf Site" and "Dyea Cemetery" chapters, Chilkoot HSR.

8 Norris, "Matthews Cabin" and "Dyea Cemetery" chapters, Chilkoot HSR.

9 Norris, "Dyea Cemetery" and "Slide Cemetery" chapters, in Chilkoot HSR.

10 Ibid.

11 Bill Matthews to Gov. Heintzleman, July 17, 1953, in "Dyea Road" file, RG 30, NARA ANC.

12 John Bowers to Don Campbell, March 29, 1974; John Rutter to Charles F. Herbert (DNR), April 11, 1974; both in CF.

13 Rutter to B. A. Campbell, June 3, 1974; Campbell to John Rutter, July 1, 1974; NPS, "1974 Activity Report for KLGO;" all in CF.

14 Bomhoff and Associates, Inc., Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, Dyea Erosion Study, April 1975, in KLGO Collection; Craig W. Davis, The Old Dyea or Native Cemetery Excavation and Exhumation Project Report, 1978, 1; Anchorage Daily News, May 19, 1978, 1-2.

15 Cahill meeting notes, Juneau, November 30, 1976, in "Dyea Cemetery Removal" file, KLGO; Anchorage Daily News, May 19, 1978, 1-2.

16 North Wind, October 25, 1977, 5; R. E. Hoffman to Director, AAO, January 18, 1978; Higgins to McWilliams, January 25, 1978; Hoffman to Hilton Wolfe, February 1, 1978; all in CF.

17 Hoffman to Melody Grauman, February 2, 1978, in CF.

18 Skaguay Alaskan 2 (1978), 3; G. Bryan Harry to Robert LeResche, April 12, 1978; Harry to William Hanable, April 17, 1978; both in "Dyea Cemetery Removal" file, KLGO; Anchorage Daily News, May 19, 1978, 1-2.

19 Craig W. Davis, The Old Dyea or Native Cemetery Excavation and Exhumation Project Report, 1978, 1, 3, 14, 49; Skagway News, June 15, 1978, 2; Skaguay Alaskan 2 (1978), 2; Anchorage Daily News, May 19, 1978, 1. Davis was assisted by local residents Cheryl Stead, John Jackson, Wayne Greenstreet, Don Corwin, Robert Vaughan, and Dave Hunz.

20 Skaguay Alaskan 2 (1978), 2; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO (draft), February 1982, 7; SAR, 1991, 10; Skagway News, September 23, 1994, 1, 12; October 7, 1994, 6; October 28, 1994, 2; Karl Gurcke to author, April 16, 1996.

21 "Chilkoot Trail" nomination form, in "Chilkoot Trail and Dyea" NHL file, AKSO-RCR Collection.

22 Bill Hanable to Leslie Starr Hart, December 14, 1988, in "Correspondence - CT/Dyea" file, in "Chilkoot Trail" NHL file, AKSO-RCR Collection.

23 George F. Emery to Terry McWilliams, August 10, 1978, in "Chilkoot Trail" NHL file, AKSO-RCR Collection; Southeast Alaska Empire, January 17, 1980, 10; Lynn Canal News, January 24, 1980, 3; January 31, 1980, 4; Southeastern Log, March 1980, 12. Snure accepted the plaque on behalf of Bella Hammond, the wife of Alaska's governor. Ms. Hammond had been chosen because the state owned most of the trail corridor.

24 Skagway News, November 16, 1978, 1; November 30, 1978, 1, 2, 5.

25 Skagway News, January 25, 1979, 1, 2; Lynn Canal News, March 8, 1979, 4; Robert L. Spude, "The Bark Canada's Legacy," in The Sea in Alaska's Past, Alaska Historical Society Conference Proceedings (Office of History and Archaeology Publications Series No. 25, November 1979), 206-214. As noted in the Bark Canada (SKG-076) Alaska Heritage Resources Survey case file in the State Historic Preservation Office, the Historic Site Advisory Committee met on March 22, 1979 and rejected Spude's nomination because of "failure to meet [NRHP] criteria." But the city council's decision made moot any actions by the HSAC.

26 Lynn Canal News, March 15, 1979, 3; April 5, 1979, 1, 3; April 12, 1979, 2; April 26, 1979, 1, 5; May 17, 1979, 1.

27 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 43.

28 Skagway News, November 30, 1978, 6.

29 Lynn Canal News, April 12, 1979, 8. By 1981, the Dyea Country Club had moved to the Dave Hunz cabin, just north of the Slide Cemetery. It remained active for several years thereafter, but has been dormant since the mid-1980s. Lynn Canal News, April 1, 1982, 1; Robert Spude to Jay Cable, February 23, 1984, telephone conversation record, in "1984 Dyea Improvements" file, AHC.

30 Lynn Canal News, April 12, 1979, 8; Southeast Alaska Empire, April 24, 1979, 4.

31 Bill Brown, "RMP Meeting Notes," February 27, 1980; Wil Logan, "Skagway Conference Notes;" both in "Klondike Special Planning" file, AHC.

32 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 43.

33 M. I. Henricksen to NPS, January 24, 1976; Tom Ritter to Henricksen, April 14, 1976; both in L58, AHC.

34 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, February 1982, 30; Ken Schoenberg to Bill Brown, November 14, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Jay Cable, interview by author, April 4, 1995.

35 Skagway News, December 1987, 7.

36 Lynn Canal News, March 6, 1980, 3; SAR, 1980, 2; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, February 1982, 30; SAR, 1984, 2; Craig Davis (Chief, RCR) to Supt. KLGO, March 14, 1985, in "Dyea, XXX Forms" file, AHC.

37 Sealaska Corporation, Native Cemetery and Historic Sites of Southeast Alaska, preliminary report (Seattle, Wilsey and Ham, 1975), 578.

38 Robert C. Dunnell to Robert S. Luntey, September 5, 1975; Luntey to Dunnell, November 3, 1975; Dunnell to Luntey, November 10, 1975; all in L58, AHC.

39 Gary Higgins to Ed Holm (American West), September 29, 1977, in CF.

40 Caroline D. Carley, Inventory of Cultural Resources in Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Seattle, Office of Public Archaeology, University of Washington, Reconnaissance Report No. 40, 1981), xiv, 9.

41 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, February 1982, 3; Carley, Inventory of Cultural Resources, 23, 225, 234.

42 Glenn Gallison (PNRO) to Supt. KLGO, October 1, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

43 Lynn Canal News, January 29, 1981, 8; May 14, 1981, 7; Spude to author, email, June 19, 1995.

44 Southeast Alaska Empire, March 29, 1978, 13; Skagway News, November 2, 1978, 2; Lynn Canal News, August 30, 1979, 1; October 4, 1979, 1; November 1, 1979, 4; November 15, 1979, 1; November 21, 1979, 1, 4.

45 Jay Cable to Robert L. Peterson, November 26, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Lynn Canal News, February 21, 1980, 1; March 6, 1980, 1.

46 NPS, Land Acquisition Plan, KLGO, draft for public comment, March 1, 1980, 1, 3, in "Land Protection Plan, 7/84" file, AHC.

47 NPS, Land Acquisition Plan, KLGO, 1980, 7. Regarding the park's BLM land, see footnote 2.

48 NPS, Land Acquisition Plan, KLGO, 14; Skip Elliott to Russell Dickenson, February 27, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC. The residence on public land was later identified as that of Al and Janeen Huntley. Their cabin had been built years earlier by Alfred Nelson. Lynn Canal News, February 19, 1981, 1.

49 SAR, 1980, 1; Lynn Canal News, April 17, 1980, 3; Robert and Julie Burton to Governor Hammond, April 16, 1980, in file NR 1-2, Series 610, RG 01, ASA.

50 Willard F. Elliott to Ted Stevens, September 1975; Wayne R. Howe to Ted Stevens, September 11, 1975; both in L58, AHC.

51 Lynn Canal News, April 24, 1980, 2, 4; May 22, 1980, 3; Skip Elliott to Russell Dickenson, February 27, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Juneau Empire, February 17, 1981, 1.

52 Douglas G. Warnock, "Report on Meeting with Skagway City Officials Concerning NPS/Skagway Relationships," March 13, 1981, in "Hist. District Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Lynn Canal News, April 2, 1981, 1; Skagway News, November 1985, 3.

53 Southeastern Log, September 1980, 6-7; SAR, 1980, 1.

54 Lynn Canal News, February 19, 1981, 1. Huntley's cabin, as noted elsewhere, was later determined to be on public land, and in 1987 it was dragged north to a privately-owned parcel. Hites and Hosford's garden, located near the old Dyea dump, had allegedly been used for the past ten years. Dyea residents also occasionally tilled a second garden, just south of Alf and Edna Kalvick's land. Skip Elliott to Russell Dickenson, February 27, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Karl Gurcke to author, facsimile, February 16, 1995; Nancy Berland, interview by Karl Gurcke, March 4, 1995.

55 Lynn Canal News, August 14, 1980, 3; SAR, 1980, 2.

56 Lynn Canal News, October 2, 1980, 1; April 2, 1981, 1; Skagway News, August 12, 1994, 1. Soon afterward, the state got bogged down with the Mental Health Trust dispute, which delayed the transfer of state lands both within and outside the park boundaries until the dispute was settled. Then, in the mid-1990s, the issue of the transfer of state lands to the city as part of the municipal land selection program flared up again; see below.

57 Lynn Canal News, February 19, 1981, 1.

58 Juneau Empire, February 17, 1981, 1; Lynn Canal News, February 26, 1981, 1; March 19, 1981, 2. In mid-March, Elliott returned to Juneau with city officials Robert Messegee, John McDermott, and Jim Richards to provide further support to SB 36, which became law four months later. Senate Bill History, 1981, 557.

59 Skip Elliott to Russell Dickenson, February 27, 1981, in "HD Issues, 1981" file, AHC.

60 Alaska House Journal, 1981, 421; Alaska Senate Journal, 1981, 364, 462.

61 Warnock, "Report on Meeting with Skagway City Officials Concerning NPS/Skagway Relationships;" Lynn Canal News, March 12, 1981, 1; March 26, 1981, 6.

62 Lynn Canal News, April 2, 1981, 1. Because Cook, unlike Warnock, allowed locals to operate the community garden, the city council followed suit and requested a garden permit from the NPS. The agency made no attempt to regulate the use of the garden, and soon afterward, public use of the garden ceased due to a lack of interest. Lynn Canal News, May 14, 1981, 4; Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995.

63 Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Haines-Skagway Area Land Use Plan, Volume III, 77; Lynn Canal News, June 14, 1979, 3; April 23, 1981, 2; May 28, 1981, 7; Jeff Brady, interview by Karl Gurcke, May 3, 1995.

64 Lynn Canal News, April 30, 1981, 1; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, February 1982, 28; Ertec Northwest, Additional Cultural Resources Survey, 1983, IV-4.

65 Lynn Canal News, January 8, 1981, 4; April 30, 1981, 1.

66 Lynn Canal News, January 15, 1981, 2; April 23, 1981, 2; April 30, 1981, 1.

67 Lynn Canal News, May 14, 1981, 4. The bill was introduced in the Senate on January 13 and was passed on March 10. A slightly different version passed the House on June 8, and a conference committee resolved the differences between the two bills on June 18. Governor Hammond signed the bill on June 21. Alaska Senate Journal, 1981, 23, 411-12, 1599; Alaska House Journal, 1981, 2017, 2216, 2261.

68 Warnock, "Report on Meeting with Skagway City Officials Concerning NPS/Skagway Relationships."

69 Skagway Resolution 81-12K, September 3, 1981; Lynn Canal News, September 10, 1981, 8.

70 Frank H. Murkowski to Ira Whitlock, October 19, 1981; Theodore J. Garrish to David A. Stockman, December 8, 1981; Garrish to Murkowski, December 8, 1981; all in "L58-General Correspondence, 1978-1985," AHC.

71 Lynn Canal News, October 15, 1981, 3.

72 Lynn Canal News, January 21, 1982, 1.

73 Lynn Canal News, April 15, 1982, 4; April 29, 1982, 1.

74 Harvey M. Shields to Chief, ARO-RCR, May 14, 1982, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Ertec Northwest, Additional Cultural Resources Survey, 1983, I-4, I-5; Karl Gurcke, Gold Rush Archeology: The Surveying and Testing of Dyea, Alaska, 1984-85, unpub. mss., 1986, 8, 9, at KLGO.

75 Lynn Canal News, January 21, 1982, 1; April 29, 1982, 1.

76 New York Times, September 1, 1982, A17; Skagway News, October 6, 1982, 2; Jay Cable interview, December 8, 1994; SAR, 1982, 1. Richard Stenmark, in the NPS's Alaska Regional Office, was an outspoken supporter of the plan, but many others in the agency opposed it. If the deal had gone through, specific areas that would have been transferred to the state were located near McKinley Village, Gustavus, and the West Creek area, as well as a large tract in Denali National Park.

77 Skagway News, October 6, 1982, 2; October 20, 1982, 7. Watt's proposed land trade was never considered as a Congressional bill.

78 Skagway News, November 17, 1982, 2; December 15, 1982, 3.

79 Skagway News, October 6, 1982, 2; Robert M. Weaver to Craig Davis, May 4, 1983; L. S. Hart to Supt. KLGO, June 8, 1983; both in "West Creek Hydro Project" file, AHC.

80 Ertec Northwest, Additional Cultural Resources Survey, 1983, IV-13 to IV-21, VI-1; Skagway News, January 16, 1985, 8; Glenda Choate, interview by author, April 26, 1995. The site, however, was not placed on the National Register. Choate's findings, in fact, were probably never forwarded to the state Historic Sites Advisory Committee.

81 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 43.

82 Lynn Canal News, March 6, 1980, 3; SAR, 1980, 2; NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLGO, 1981, 15; Harvey M. Shields to Betsy Duncan-Clark, November 17, 1983; Jay Cable to Leslie Starr Hart, December 6, 1983; and Leslie Starr Hart to Supt. KLGO, September 21, 1984; all in "Waysides" folder, AHC; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, May 2, 1995. As of this writing, Libert's two signs are still standing.

83 R. E. Hoffman to Ed Fairbanks, November 14, 1977, in CF; "Alaska Natural History Association Info Folder" file, AHC; Frankie Barker (ANHA) to author, facsimile, January 30, 1995. Titles sold at KLGO's ANHA outlet included Alaska-Yukon Wildflowers, Birds of North America, Chilkoot Pass, Discover Southeast Alaska with Pack and Paddle, Field Guide to Animal Tracks, Field Guide to Mammals, Klondike Fever, This Last Treasure, and Wild, Edible Plants, along with both U.S. and Canadian maps of the Chilkoot Trail corridor.

84 SAR, 1983, 2, 3; author to Robert Spude, August 28, 1984, in "Norris Letters to Spude" file, AHC.

85 "Chilkoot Trail Float Tours" file, AKSO-EC Collection; Skagway News, August 14, 1985, 5; Scott Home interview, April 27, 1995.

86 Scott Home interview, April 27, 1995.

87 Cooperative agreements, in AKSO-ABC; "Cooperative Agreement, KLGO" file, AHC; SAR, 1983, 2.

88 Cynthia E. Wilson (Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior) to Mike Whitehead (Special Assistant to the Governor), December 2, 1977, File NR 1-1, Series 88 (1978), RG 01, ASA; Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Public Law 96-487, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, Legislative History, Volume XL: Section-By-Section Progress Analysis, unpub. mss., Fall 1981, 7, 616-17.

89 Skagway News, July 4, 1984, 5.

90 "Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources" (MU-9700-4-8006), February 14, 1984, in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC.

91 Skagway News, April 11, 1984, 1.

92 Skagway News, May 9, 1984, 1; Cable to Spude, telephone conversation record, May 1, 1984, in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC; SAR, 1984, 4.

93 Skagway News, May 9, 1984, 1, 2; May 23, 1984, 2.

94 Skagway News, June 6, 1984, 5.

95 Skagway News, April 11, 1984, 1; May 23, 1984, 2; July 4, 1984, 5

96 Skagway News, July 18, 1984, 2; September 26, 1984, 3; "Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources," November 27, 1984, in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC.

97 Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995.

98 In September 1982, the NPS's Washington office issued a guideline that replaced land acquisition plans with land protection plans, and called for the preparation of 120 new plans by April 30, 1985. NPS, "Land Protection Plan Instructions," September 15, 1982, 1, in "NPS Land Protection Guidelines" file, AHC.

99 SAR, 1983, 4; Skagway News, January 4, 1984, 1.

100 Skagway News, January 18, 1984, 7; February 1, 1984, 2.

101 Skagway News, March 28, 1984, 9; SAR, 1984, 3; NPS, Land Protection Plan, KLGO, n.d. (c. 1984), 12, in "Land Protection Plan, 7/84" file, AHC.

102 Lynn Canal News, April 12, 1979, 8; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, February 1982, 37, 43.

103 Ken Schoenberg to Bill Brown, November 14, 1979; Bill Brown to Doug [Warnock], March 20, [1980]; both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 44.

104 Cook to Supt. KLGO, February 14, 1980, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995.

105 SAR, 1980, 2; Bill Brown to Doug [Warnock], March 20, [1980]; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 44.

106 Warnock, "Report on Meeting with Skagway City Officials Concerning NPS/Skagway Relationships;" Lynn Canal News, May 28, 1981, 4; July 2, 1981, 6; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 37, 44.

107 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 45; Lynn Canal News, July 2, 1981, 6.

108 Skagway News, April 11, 1984, 1.

109 Skagway News, July 18, 1984, 2.

110 Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995.

111 Skagway News, September 26, 1984, 6; October 10, 1984, 2, 3; October 24, 1984, 5; January 16, 1985, 8; Claudia Rector to author, email, May 15, 1995.

112 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 6; Brown to Jay Cable, October 12, 1983; both in "KLGO RMP Comments" file, AHC.

113 Spude to Jay Cable, February 23, 1984, tel. conversation record, in "1984 Dyea Improvements" file, AHC; NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLGO, October 1981, 15.

114 Author to Spude, June 29, 1984, in "Norris Letters to Spude" file, AHC; Supt. KLGO to RD/ARO, July 11, 1984, in "Dyea DCP" file, AHC.

115 "Dyea/General Development, 1984," in "Maps" file, AHC; n.a., "Historic Dyea Plan," summer 1984, in "Dyea DCP" file, AHC; SAR, 1984, 2.

116 Spude to L. S. Hart, April 8, 1985, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file, AHC; Skagway News, April 10, 1985, 2; Suzy Stutzman to Spude, August 6, 1985; Stutzman to Chief, Division of Planning, ARO, September 12, 1985; both in "Dyea DCP" file, AHC.

117 Skagway News, November 1985, 3; Stutzman to Nebel, December 31, 1985, in "Dyea DCP" file, AHC.

118 Skagway News, September 17, 1986, 3; December 1987, 7; SAR, 1987, 5; SAR, 1988, 4.

119 Norris, "A Directory of Businesses in Dyea, Alaska" and "An Historical Map of Dyea, Alaska and Vicinity," both in "Dyea: Directory of Businesses, Notes for Historical Base Map" file, AHC; Craig Davis to Supt. KLGO, May 9, 1984, in "Karl Gurcke, 'Gold Rush Archeology: The Surveying and Testing of Dyea, Alaska, 1984-85'" file, AHC.

120 Karl Gurcke, interview by author, May 2, 1995; Gurcke, Gold Rush Archeology, iii-iv; SAR, 1984, 2; Ahlstrand to Regional Archeologist, ARO, October 18, 1984, in "Tree Rings" file, AHC.

121 Gurcke, Gold Rush Archeology, iv; Skagway News, November 1985, 3; SAR, 1985, 1.

122 The drawings would need to conform to the standards of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER). Leslie Starr Hart, "Work Plan, Historical and Archeological Evaluation of the Historic Townsite of Dyea and Outlying Sites Along the Chilkoot Trail, KLGO, AK, 1985," 1, in "KLGO-C.T. Archeo Survey 1986" file, AHC.

123 Regional Historian, ARO to Supt. KLGO, December 2, 1985; Frank Norris and Carol Taylor, Historic Structures and Sites, Dyea and the Chilkoot Trail, unpub. mss.; both in "CT HSR" file, AHC; SAR, 1985, 1.

124 SAR, 1987, 4; SAR, 1988, 2; Gurcke, "KLGO, History of Cultural Resource Projects," 4, 5; L. S. Hart to Supt. KLGO, November 18, 1987, in "CT HSR" file, AHC; Bill Hanable to author, May 12, 1988, in author's collection.

125 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 7; NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 44; NPS, FES/KLGR, 7-8. The three other buildings that Cable suggested for crystallization included the so-called Sheep Camp Hotel (actually a warehouse, located near the former recreational campground), the knock-down boats just south of Chilkoot Pass, and Archie Burns's horse whim just above the Golden Stairs.

126 Robert L. Spude, "The Klondike Gold Rush, a Preservationist's View," paper given at Western Historical Association, St. Paul, October 11, 1984, in "Dyea Plan" file, AHC; Spude, "Crystallization, KLGO," n.d. (c. 1987), in "Crystallization at KLGO" file, AHC.

127 Bearss to Spude, October 25, 1984, in "Dyea Plan" file, AHC; Sandra Faulkner, interview by author, January 10, 1995.

128 Lidfors to Files, July 14, 1988, in "CT HSR" file, AHC.

129 Bill Hanable to author, May 12, 1988; Hanable to author, June 13, 1988; author to Hanable, June 27, 1988; all in author's collection; Ronald E. Sheetz, Alan M. Levitan, and Bart Rogers, Condition Survey Report of Chilkoot Trail (KLGO) Artifacts (draft), 1994, in File D5, KLGO central files.

130 Boyd Evison to Associate Director, Cultural Resources, WASO, November 24, 1986, in Chilkoot Trail NHL files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

131 Chilkoot Trail and Dyea NHL files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

132 Skagway News, August 7, 1987, 9.

133 SAR, 1987, 7; SAR, 1988, 6; "West Creek Land Exchange" file, AKSO-EL.

134 Clay Alderson to Neil Johanssen, November 15, 1989, in "MU 9700-0-9001" file, AKSO-ABC; SAR, 1989, 5; SAR, 1990, 3; Clay Alderson, interview with author, April 25, 1995.

135 SAR, 1989, 5; Clay Alderson to Neil C. Johanssen, November 15, 1989, in "MU 9700-0-9001" file, AKSO-ABC.

136 SAR, 1990, 4; Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 1.

137 SAR, 1991, 2; Clay Alderson to author, email, April 23, 1995.

138 Skagway News, June 24, 1988, 1, 2; July 8, 1988, 3.

139 Skagway News, July 8, 1988, 3; August 5, 1988, 3; February 1990, 4; February 22, 1991, 5; April 10, 1992, 1, 2.

140 Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995.

141 Skagway News, June 5, 1985, 7; SAR, 1987, 5, 7; SAR, 1988, 6.

142 Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995; SAR, 1988, 7; SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1990, 6; SAR, 1991, 6.

143 SAR, 1991, 5; Skagway News, March 11, 1994, 6; Bruce Reed interview, September 8, 1995.

144 Alderson to author, email, March 7, 1996.

145 SAR, 1988, 3; SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1990, 7; SAR, 1991, 11.

146 SAR, 1989, 3; Skagway News, December 21, 1990, 7; David Funk, interview by author, May 1, 1995. NPS procedures state that, ideally, each park should complete a new land protection plan every two years. Few parks, however, have been able to keep such a schedule, and Alaska parks have been particularly tardy in the timely completion of land protection plans.

147 SAR, 1990, 2, 4; SAR, 1991, 1; Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 1; May 3, 1991, 3.

148 The 1984 land protection plan, ironically, had noted that the property "intruded upon the historic scene" and that "acquisition of this property will allow removal of the intrusions and restoration of the historic scene." Just a year later, however, Sims told regional officials that the Kalvick property would be used as a ranger station, inasmuch as the existing ranger facility was neither within the park nor on NPS land. NPS, Land Protection Plan, KLGO, 1984, 22; Sims to Garey Coatney, September 27, 1985, in Edna Kalvick file, AKSO-EL.

149 NPS, Land Protection Plan, KLGO, April 3, 1991, 23; SAR, 1990, 1, 3, 7; SAR, 1991, 2; Edna Kalvick file, AKSO-EL.

150 Although the NPS began legal action about the trespassing activities during the mid-1980s, they informed (and possibly harassed) the cabin occupants, as noted above, beginning in 1980. Legal action by the Jacquots, however, had prevented the agency from clearing up the title difficulty. Mark Noyd file, AKSO-EL; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, May 2, 1995.

151 SAR, 1987, 7; Mark Noyd file, AKSO-EL. Hanousek died in July 1986.

152 Karl Gurcke interview, May 2, 1995; Scott Home, "Daily Patrol Report," May 1, 1988, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO archives.

153 Skagway News, June 26, 1992, 8. NPS officials had been aware of the access problem for years, but they had been unable to overcome it because of the lack of money, the lack of a Dyea-area management plan, and the difficulties presented by the seasonal appearance of anadromous fish.

154 Skagway News, July 23, 1993, 4; August 13, 1993, 1.

155 Skagway News, September 29, 1993, 2; December 10, 1993, 4; Clay Alderson interview, April 25, 1995.

156 Skagway News, June 10, 1994, 1. The USFS eventually rejected the bridge grant.

157 For background information on early radio-controlled airplane activities on Dyea flats, see Skagway News, June 8, 1983, 4, and June 6, 1984, 8.

158 Knorr apparently based his finding on statements that Superintendent Hoffman had made during the preparation of the Dyea area management plan. That plan, as noted above, represented Hoffman's aspirations rather than NPS policy; it was never finalized.

159 Skagway News, June 10, 1994, 1, 2.

160 Skagway News, June 24, 1994, 2; Clay Alderson interview, April 25, 1995 and November 2, 1995.

161 Skagway News, August 12, 1994, 1; Clay Alderson interview, April 25, 1995.

162 Clay Alderson to author, October 30, 1995.

163 Skagway News, September 9, 1994, 4.

164 Skagway News, December 21, 1994, 4; City land selection map, in AKSO-EL files; Clay Alderson interview, April 25, 1995.

165 Skagway News, January 12, 1996, 1; January 26, 1996, 1; March 22, 1996, 3; April 5, 1996, 1; June 14, 1996, 9.

166 Skagway News, June 10, 1994, 1; Ken Pendleton, interview by author, April 24, 1995.

167 Skagway News, March 24, 1995, 1; Karl Gurcke interview, May 2, 1995; NPS, Commercial Visitor Service Directory, December 1994; Alderson to author, email, December 21, 1995.

168 Skagway News, March 24, 1995, 1; Karl Gurcke interview, May 2, 1995; NPS, Commercial Visitor Service Directory, August 1995; Alderson to author, email, December 21, 1995.

Chapter 9

1 In 1946, the General Land Office became the Bureau of Land Management.

2 "Cooperative Agreement...," August 11, 1972, in "Cooperative Agreement, KLGO" file, AHC.

3 Wellenhoffer, Norris, and Gurcke, "Personnel List for the U.S. and Canadian Parks."

4 Ibid.

5 R. E. Hoffman to Radio Coordinator, DSC, September 19, 1977, in CF; SAR, 1991, 6; Jay Cable, interview by author, May 30, 1995.

6 Alderson to author, email, March 7, 1996.

7 n.a., "Chilkoot Trail Operations, 1977 and 1978," in "KLGO - Chilkoot Trail Ranger Reports" file, AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, February 1982, 38; Jay Cable interview, May 30, 1995.

8 n.a., "Chilkoot Trail Operations, 1977 and 1978;" Jay Cable interview, May 30, 1995.

9 NPS, "Chilkoot Trail ranger reports," 1973-74, 1981, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives.

10 Scott Home, "Wildlife in Dyea," unpub. mss., in KLGO Collection; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 37-38, 47-48.

11 William W. Edwards to Chief I&RM, August 13, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 39-40.

12 Womble, Wolf, and Field, Hikers on the Chilkoot Trail: A Descriptive Report, 10, 41; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 38.

13 Jay Cable interview, May 30, 1995. The following articles from local newspapers described wintertime trail attempts: Lynn Canal News, January 28, 1982, 4; March 11, 1982, 4; March 18, 1982, 3; Skagway News, March 22, 1991, 1, 3.

14 Anchorage Daily Times, September 18, 1981, C-1; National Geographic Society, Yukon Passage (film), 59 minutes, 1977; Keith Tryck, "Rafting Down the Yukon," National Geographic Magazine 148 (December 1975), 830-61; NGM 152 (October 1977), 439; NGM 152 (December 1977), front cover. The film was first shown on television on December 5, 1977.

15 NPS, "Chilkoot Trail Ranger Report" for 1974, 1977, and 1979.

16 Skagway News, November 24, 1993, 3; Anchorage Daily News, December 10, 1993, D3.

17 Margaret Jensen, "Bears, Living With Them on Your Hike Over the Chilkoot Trail" (brochure), 1980, in AHC.

18 NPS, Chilkoot Trail Weekly Ranger Reports, 1980-85, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives.

19 Skagway News, July 23, 1986, 1; August 6, 1986, 2; August 20, 1; SAR, 1986, 1.

20 Skagway News, June 10, 1988, 9; August 18, 1989, 6; SAR, 1991, 9.

21 The area south of the Sheep Camp campground and east of the Taiya River was thought to be bereft of artifacts, but surprised archeologists discovered that miscellaneous gold rush-era items were strewn across the area selected for the new campground. SAR, 1991, 10; Jay Cable interview, May 30, 1995.

22 Anchorage Daily News, June 14, 1992, K2; Skagway News, August 14, 1992, 6; April 23, 1993, 5; Joan Darnell to "Dear Reader," August 28, 1992, in "Chilkoot Trail Cabin/Shelter Construction Project 1992" file, AHC; Clay Alderson to author, email, June 16, 1995.

23 Clay Alderson, interview by author, June 27, 1995.

24 Skagway News, April 23, 1993, 5; Anchorage Daily News, December 10, 1993, D3.

25 SAR, 1987, 4; SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1990, 7, 8. Maintenance chief John Warder and seasonal carpenter Ken Russo received awards for their work on the building.

26 Wellenhoffer, Norris, and Gurcke, "Personnel List for the U.S. and Canadian Parks;" n.a., "Chilkoot Trail Operations, 1977 and 1978;" n.a. [William Edwards?], "1979 Trail Crew Report," in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC.

27 The first of these bridges spanned a side creek approximately one mile south of the Canyon City shelter; the second bridge crossed a side creek between Pleasant Camp and Sheep Camp. Mileage figures used in this chapter show mileage north from the Dyea trailhead. As Chapter 4 has noted, NPS rangers in 1973 installed mile and half-mile markers. They remained until the early 1980s.

28 William W. Edwards to Chief, I&RM, August 13, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 6, 38; Lynn Canal News, July 12, 1979, 2.

29 Michael D. Shields to RD/PNRO, August 28, 1978, in "1978 C.T. Trip Report" file, AHC; William W. Edwards to Chief I&RM, KLGO, August 13, 1979; Douglas G. Warnock (AAO) to William Hanable (SHPO), April 22, 1980, in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC.

30 Ken Schoenberg to Bill Brown, November 14, 1979; John E. Cook to Supt. KLGO, February 11, 1980; both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Douglas G. Warnock (AAO) to William Hanable (SHPO), April 22, 1980, in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC.

31 Brown to various, May 19, 1980, in "KLGR--Historic Structures" file, AHC; Louis S. Wall (ACHP) to John E. Cook, June 26, 1980; Douglas G. Warnock to Wall, July 15, 1980; both in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC; Robert Spude to author, email, June 19, 1995.

32 SAR, 1980, 4; NPS, "Chilkoot Trail Ranger Report," 1980, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives; Jay Cable interview, December 8, 1994. Bill Edwards, in his "1979 Trail Crew Report," had recommended that the maintenance camp be relocated to a site near milepost 7, almost a mile south of the Canyon City shelter.

33 Jerry Watson, trail foreman, recalls that several of the logs used in the replacement bridges were hauled to the site from Sitka, where they had been part of the Russian Bishop's House prior to NPS restoration efforts. Lynn Canal News, September 10, 1981, 1; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 6, 22; Karl Gurcke to author, email, May 30, 1995.

34 The 6.5 mile bridge was 76 feet long; the 11.5 mile bridge was 86 feet long.

35 David E. Snow to Ken Schoenberg, December 9, 1980, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 22; SAR, 1982, 1. In May 1982, park officials gave seasonal employee Roy Nelson a special achievement award for his work as crew leader on the two suspension bridges.

36 SAR, 1983, 2; SAR, 1984, 2; SAR, 1985, 2; SAR, 1987, 4; SAR, 1988, 3.

37 SAR 1991, 11; Karl Gurcke to author, April 16, 1996.

38 SAR, 1991, 11; NPS, "Chilkoot Trail Ranger Report," 1976, 11, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives; Southeast Alaska Empire, October 31, 1975, 8; November 5, 1975, 1; Carl Mulvihill to author, June 3, 1995.

39 Wellenhoffer, Norris, and Gurcke, "Personnel List for the U.S. and Canadian Parks."

40 John B. Warder, Jr. to Supt. KLGO, February 14, 1984, in "A-76" file, AHC; SAR, 1984, 4; John Warder, interview by author, May 11, 1995.

41 Pete Bathurst to Chief of Interpretation, PNRO, February 8, 1978, and R. E. Hoffman to Area Supt., Parks Canada, March 3, 1978, both in CF; Jay Cable interview, February 21, 1995.

42 NPS and Parks Canada, "Chilkoot Trail" (brochure), editions of 1981, 1984, 1986; NPS and Canadian Parks Service, "Chilkoot Trail," edition of 1988; SAR, 1990, 7; Karl Gurcke to author, March 15, 1991.

43 Marc Sagan, "Interpretive Work Program," February 1980, in "Skagway Special Planning" file, AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 30.

44 NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLGO, October 1981, 15.

45 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 7, 9, 14, 30.

46 Richard B. Hoffman, "KLGO, Wayside Exhibit Proposals," September 29, 1983, in "Waysides" folder, AHC; SAR, 1983, 3.

47 Jay Cable to Joe Pollack, November 9, 1983, in "MOAs with Federal, State & Local Agencies" file, AHC; SAR, 1983, 3; Contor to Chief, Division of Wayside Exhibits, HFC, May 25, 1984, in "Waysides" folder, AHC.

48 Skagway News, November 1985, 3; SAR, 1985, 1; Clay Alderson to Glenn Clark (ARO), September 30, 1986, in "Waysides" folder, AHC; Acting RD/ARO to Chief, Division of Wayside Exhibits, HFC, October 9, 1986; both in "Waysides" folder, AHC; SAR, 1986, 2.

49 Debra Sanders to author, email, July 6, 1995. Only 24 of the 32 exhibits were installed at that time; maintenance personnel put up only two of the six signs in Dyea and five of the nine in Canada. The remaining four Dyea signs were installed in the fall of 1995.

50 SAR, 1987, 6; SAR, 1988, 4; Karl Gurcke interview, May 2, 1995.

51 Steve Peterson, interview by the author, May 30, 1995; SAR, 1989, 2; n.a., "Cultural Landscape Recommendations, KLGO" (draft), unpub. mss., 1989.

52 Lynn Canal News, April 2, 1981, 1; April 9, 1981, 1, 8.

53 Skagway Resolution 81-12R, September 3, 1981; Lynn Canal News, September 10, 1981, 8.

54 Frank H. Murkowski to Ira Whitlock, October 19, 1981; Theodore J. Garrish to David A. Stockman, December 8, 1981; Garrish to Murkowski, December 8, 1981; all in "L58-General Correspondence, 1978-1985," AHC; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 24.

55 Skagway News, August 7, 1987, 9.

56 SAR, 1987, 7; SAR, 1988, 6; "West Creek Land Exchange" file, AKSO-EL.

57 Clay Alderson to Neil Johannsen, November 15, 1989, in "MU 9700-0-9001" file, AKSO-ABC; SAR, 1989, 5; SAR, 1990, 3; Clay Alderson interview, April 25, 1995.

58 SAR, 1989, 5; Clay Alderson to Neil C. Johannsen, November 15, 1989, in "MU 9700-0-9001" file, AKSO-ABC.

59 SAR, 1990, 4; Skagway News, February 22, 1991, 1.

60 SAR, 1991, 2; Clay Alderson to author, email, April 23, 1995.

61 BLM, "Decision," December 1, 1988, in file AA-6272. Each of the Mahle allotment files are located in the AKSO-EL Collection.

62 Allen to Cook, October 7, 1982, in File AA-6272.

63 Robert Spude, "Historic Use of the Chilkoot Trail, Alaska," data compiled for BLM Case File AA-37758, KLGO, March 1984, 13, in File AA-6272; William C. Welch to ARD Operations, March 23, 1984, in "CT-Native Allotment Findings" file, AHC.

64 Andrew Mahle to Paul O. Johnson (BLM), July 3, 1984; Paul O. Johnson (BLM), "Decision," July 9, 1984, in file AA-6272.

65 Robert Spude, untitled reports, in file AA-6272; Roger Contor to State Director, BLM, July 3, 1985, in "CT July 85 reports" file, AHC. The NPS also wrote to the BLM on July 11, 1985, requesting the agency to contest the applications.

66 Michael Penfold (BLM) to Ted Stevens, December 17, 1985, in AA-6272.

67 Choate obtained taped interviews from Barbara Kalen, William Feero, Les Fairbanks, Nova and Wanda Warner, Paul Sincic, Virginia Burfield, and Robert Rapuzzi. She also interviewed Jigger Hosford, Laura McCarley, Betty Selmer, and Manuel Yglesias. Spude to Choate, April 17, 1985; Choate to Spude, April 27, 1985; Choate to Spude, August 31, 1985; "Affidavit of Glenda Choate," January 21, 1986; all in "Glenda Choate" file, AHC.

68 Choate initially interviewed Thomas R. (Dick) Branton, Don Davis, John Hoyt, and Si Dennis, Sr. NPS personnel later spoke to Ed Hosford and obtained an affidavit from Fred Barker. Spude to Choate, December 16, 1985; Glenda Choate, "Chilkoot Trail Project II, National Park Service," February 24, 1986; Geoffrey L. Haskett to Paul Johnson, September 5, 1986; all in "Glenda Choate" file, AHC; "Affidavit of Fred Barker," March 13, 1986, in "Fred Barker" file, AHC.

69 Karl Gurcke to Craig Davis, August 16, 1985, in "Allotment Apps" file, AHC; Clay Alderson to Garey Coatney, June 23, 1987, in AA-6272.

70 BLM, "Decision," August 31, 1988, in file AA-6529; BLM, "Decision," December 1, 1988, in AA-6272; BLM, "Decision," December 1, 1988, in AA-6528.

71 Richard Stenmark to Regional Solicitor, Alaska, January 13, 1989, in file AA-6272; SAR, 1988, 7.

72 Dennis J. Hopewell to BLM and NPS, April 7, 1989, in AA-6272.

73 Richard Stenmark, notes of telephone conversation with Chris Bockmon, April 25, 1989.

74 Clay Alderson to Paul Hunter, June 15, 1990, in AA-6272; John T. Baker to Mark Regan, November 2, 1990, in AA-6272; SAR, 1990, 4.

75 SAR 1991, 2; Clay Alderson to Paul Hunter, June 15, 1990, in AA-6272.

76 Charles Gilbert to John Brower, notes of telephone conversation, February 8, 1993; Supt. KLGO to RD/ARO, March 15, 1993; Norman H. Lee to Chief, ARO-OL, May 5, 1993; John M. Morehead to Chief, Land Resources Division, WASO, May 13, 1994; all in "Tr. 102-15" file, AKSO-EL.

77 McAllister to Chief, ARO-OL, January 10, 1994, in "Tr. 102-15" file.

78 NPS, "Chilkoot Trail Ranger Reports," 1973 through 1978, in Box 1, RG 70, KLGO Archives; Jeff Brady to author, March 27, 1996.

79 Bonnie Kaden (Alaska Discovery) to Richard Sims, April 20, 1983; Richard E. McGowan (Mountain Travel) to Joe Alston, October 15, 1984; both in "Alaska Discovery" file. This and other concessioners' files are located in the AKSO-EC Collection.

80 Mike Cottingham to Rebecca Kaiser, May 5, 1988, in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file.

81 Rebecca Kaiser to Mike Cottingham, March 24, 1988, in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file.

82 Bonnie Kaden to Richard Sims, April 20, 1983; Sims to Kaden, May 17, 1983; Kaden to Contor, June 25, 1983; all in "Alaska Discovery" file.

83 Contor to Director NPS, September 21, 1984, in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file.

84 Contor to Director NPS, September 21, 1984; Stanley T. Albright (Acting Deputy Director, NPS) to Contor, October 15, 1984; both in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file.

85 Richard E. McGowan to Joe Alston, October 15, 1984, in "Alaska Discovery" file; Kaiser to Cottingham, March 24, 1988, in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file.

86 Ken Leghorn to Rebecca Kaiser, December 17, 1987, in "Alaska Discovery" file; SAR, 1987, 6.

87 Clay Alderson to Ken Leghorn, January 6, 1987, in "Alaska Discovery" file; Rebecca Kaiser to Mike Cottingham, March 24, 1988; Cottingham to Kaiser, May 5, 1988; both in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file.

88 Rebecca Kaiser to Mike Cottingham, March 24, 1988, in "Wilderness Ventures, Inc." file; SAR, 1988, 3; SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1990, 2; SAR, 1991, 1; Ken Leghorn to Lew Hamburger, February 8, 1989; Leghorn to Jay Cable, June 4, 1989; both in "Alaska Discovery" file.

89 Ken Leghorn to Rebecca Kaiser, December 17, 1987, in "Alaska Discovery" file; also see "Tamarack Camps" and Wilderness Ventures" files.

90 NPS, Commercial Visitor Service Directory, September 1993.

91 Ibid., August 1995.

92 Skagway News, November 25, 1992, 1, 3.

93 Bruce Reed to author, email, May 31, 1995.

94 Norris, "Knockdown Boats" chapter, in Chilkoot HSR; Lynn Canal News, June 12, 1980, 3; Karl Gurcke to author, April 16, 1996. Also see Robert L. Peterson to Ty Dilliplane, April 22, 1983, in "CT - Misc. Corresp." file, AHC.

95 Carley, Inventory of Cultural Resources, passim.

96 Lynn Canal News, January 29, 1981, 8; May 14, 1981, 7; Spude, Chilkoot Trail: from Dyea to Summit with the '98 Stampeders, 1980.

97 Dick Hsu (AAO Archeologist) to Chief, Cultural Resources, September 11, 1979; Ken Schoenberg to Bill Brown, November 14, 1979; both in "KLGO Misc. Corresp., 1977-1983" file, AHC; Meg Jensen to Bill Brown, November 10, 1979, in "KLGR-Compliance" file, AHC.

98 Bill Brown, RMP Meeting Notes, February 27, 1980; Wil Logan, Skagway Conference Notes [February 1980]; both in "Klondike Special Planning" folder, AHC; Douglas G. Warnock, "Report on Meeting with Skagway City Officials Concerning NPS/Skagway Relationships," March 13, 1981, in "Hist. District Issues, 1981" file, AHC; Lynn Canal News, March 12, 1981, 1; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 24.

99 James J. Berens (ARO) to State Director, BLM, April 4, 1985, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file, AHC; Spude to File, August 1, 1985, in "CT July 85 reports" file, AHC; Karl Gurcke, Cultural Resources Along the Chilkoot Trail: Trailhead to Finnegan's Point, unpub. mss., 1986, KLGO Collection.

100 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 44; NPS, FES/KLGR, 58.

101 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 12-14; NPS, Scope of Collections, KLGO, December 3, 1982, 2; Pardue and Cumberland, Collection Preservation Guide, KLGO, June 1983, 11. By allowing most of the gold rush-era objects to deteriorate, the park policy, at first glance, appeared to violate guidelines contained in both NPS-6 (pertaining to interpretation) and NPS-28 (pertaining to cultural resources preservation) as well as NPS management policies. But both the state (which owned the land) and the NPS wanted to keep the objects in situ. Financially, moreover, the NPS had no alternative but to allow the objects to remain where they were.

102 Louis Wall (ACHP) to John E. Cook, June 26, 1980, in "Coop Agreement KLGO" file, AHC.

103 SAR, 1982, 2; Melissa McDonald and Colleen Davenport, "Cataloguing of Significant Artifacts Along the CT in KLGO, Summer 1982," in "KLGO Artifacts" file, AHC.

104 Bill Brown to Frank Deckert, etc., June 24, 1983; Roger Contor to Neil C. Johannsen, June 29, 1983; Richard Sims to Brown, September 19, 1983; Sims to Brown, October 11, 1983, all in "KLGO Artifacts" file, AHC; SAR, 1983, 3; Heritage #10 (July 1983), 3.

105 Colleen Sinnott and Cathy Shank, "Cataloguing of Artifacts Along the Chilkoot Trail in KLGO," Summer 1983, in "KLGO Artifacts" file, AHC.

106 Brown to Frank Deckert, December 3, 1983, in "KLGO Artifacts" file, AHC; Wyatt, M. P., Conservation Recommendations, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park," 1982, KLGO Collection.

107 Brown, "Summary Report on Chilkoot Trail Artifact Recovery, Summer 1983," November 25, 1983, in "KLGO Artifacts" file, AHC.

108 Bill Welch (Acting RD/ARO) to Supt. KLGO, December 8, 1983; Sims to RD/ARO, January 31, 1984; both in "KLGO Artifacts" file, AHC; SAR, 1983, 3.

109 Leslie Starr Hart, "Work Plan, Historical and Archeological Evaluation of the Historic Townsite of Dyea and Outlying Sites Along the Chilkoot Trail, KLGO, Alaska, 1985," in "KLGO-C.T. Archeo Survey 1986" file, AHC; Spude to L. S. Hart, April 8, 1985, in "NPS Memoranda-KLGO, 1980-87" file, AHC.

110 Skagway News, August 20, 1986, 5; SAR, 1986, 1; Karl Gurcke, "Cultural Resources Along the Chilkoot Trail: Trailhead to Finnegan's Point," September 1986.

111 As noted in Appendix B, the 1990 archeological crew consisted of Karlene Leeper, Sarah Marshall, and Marty Simpson; in 1991, Diane Fenicle and Hugh Harris; in 1992, Ed Tyler, Diane Fenicle, Gretchen Guidotte, Davé Warren-Taylor, Karlene Leeper, and Monica Shah; in 1993, David Hayes, Gretchen Guidotte, Amy Orenstein, and Megan Wehrstedt; in 1994, David Hayes, Megan Wehrstedt, and James Lindbeck; and in 1995, Bill Fortini, Cassie Flynn, and Jeff Rasic. Gurcke, "KLGO, History of Cultural Resource Projects," February 1995, in KLGO Collection; SAR, 1991, 10; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, May 30, 1995.

112 Karl Gurcke, Archeological Features Found in the Dyea and Chilkoot Trail Unit, KLGO, June 1995, KLGO Collection.

113 Gurcke, "KLGO, History of Cultural Resource Projects," February 1995, in KLGO Collection.

114 SAR, 1991, 9.

115 Steve Paustian, Susan Trull, Rick Foster, and Brad Krieckhaus, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Ecological Reconnaissance Inventory, Final Report (Sitka, U.S. Forest Service), 1994.

116 N. Duane Atwood, KLGO, Ecological Reconnaissance Inventory, final report (Juneau, NPS/USFS), March 1994; Claudia Rector interview, September 6, 1995; Alderson to author, email, March 7, 1996.

117 North Wind, July 1977, 3.

118 Parks Canada was organized in 1973.

119 Between 1974 (when agency staff first began to patrol the area) and 1985, Chilkoot Trail personnel worked for Parks Canada; the agency was first part of the Department of Indian and Northern Development, then part of the Department of the Environment. In 1986, the agency became known as Environment Canada-Parks. Then, in 1988, another name change was recorded, and for the next several years the Chilkoot staff worked for the Canadian Parks Service (which was still part of Environment Canada). By 1994, the agency was once again being called Parks Canada, but it was part of the newly-designated Department of Canadian Heritage.

120 COSEP is an acronym for the Career Oriented Student Employment Program.

121 Wellenhoffer, Norris, and Gurcke, "Personnel List for the U.S. and Canadian Parks." Hedgecock's former surname was Jones, Verhalle's former surname was Tosczak, and Norris's former surnames were Dyer and Wellenhoffer. All three married during the years they worked on the trail.

122 SAR, 1982, 2. A few hikers during the mid-1980s left the trail corridor by taking a boat service down Lake Bennett from Bennett to Carcross. The vast majority of hikers, however, used the railroad right-of-way to walk from either Lindeman or Bennett to Log Cabin.

123 A Casey car is the popular name for a gang car or track maintenance car. The Northwestern Motor Company, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, began manufacturing the Casey Jones Motor Car prior to World War II. The WP&YR bought several, and the car proved so popular (both here and elsewhere) that the name was applied to a wide variety of work cars, regardless of make. Carl Mulvihill to author, June 3, 1995.

124 SAR, 1989, 3; Skagway News, May 13, 1994, 4; Karl Gurcke to author, email, May 30, 1995.

125 SAR, 1984, 4.

126 Christine Hedgecock, interview by author, October 21, 1993; Dave Neufeld to author, facsimile, February 6, 1995; Neufeld to author, facsimile, July 20, 1995.

127 The primary reason for the boundary change is that a national park (as was proposed in 1973) is managed according to watersheds, while the emphasis for a national historic site is the viewscape. Environment Canada-Parks, Proposed Chilkoot Trail National Historic Park, Management Planning Program, Newsletter No. 1 (May 1986), 2-3; North Wind. June 1973, 11; Dave Neufeld to author, facsimile, July 20, 1995.

128 Environment Canada-Parks, Proposed Chilkoot Trail National Historic Park, Management Planning Program, Newsletter No. 1 (May 1986), No. 2 (December 1986), and No. 3 (May 1987); Canadian Parks Service, Proposed Chilkoot Trail National Historic Park, Management Planning Program, Plan Summary (August 1988); Skagway News, September 3, 1986, 7; May 29, 1987, 7; Tom Elliot to Dave Neufeld, February 6, 1995.

129 In a confusing twist, the new unit is both a park and a site. It is a site under National Historic Site regulations but has certain provisions from the National Parks Act for law enforcement purposes. Skagway News, June 12, 1987, 1; April 23, 1993, 5; Parks Canada, Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site, Management Planning Program, Newsletter #3 (January, 1995), 5; Tom Elliot to Dave Neufeld, February 6, 1995.

130 Skagway News, March 24, 1995, 1; David Neufeld, interview by the author, June 1, 1996.

131 Clay Alderson to author, email, June 16, 1995.

Chapter 10

1 Blee, Spude, and Cloyd, Historic Structure Reports for Ten Buildings, 274-75; Bearss, Klondike Park Study, 79-84; Minter, The White Pass: Gateway to the Klondike, 46, 66.

2 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 1973, 48; NPS, FES/KLGR, 73.

3 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 48-49.

4 NPS, FES/KLGR, 10-11.

5 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 1973, 45, 46; Nathaniel Reed to Sen. Henry M. Jackson, May 9, 1975, in "Hearings on...S. 98, Establishment of the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park..." May 12, 1975, 17, in CF.

6 R. E. Hoffman to RD/PNRO, January 12, 1978, in CF.

7 Higgins to Ed Holm, September 29, 1977, in CF.

8 Jay Cable interview, May 1, 1995.

9 Claus-M. Naske and Herman Slotnick, Alaska: A History of the 49th State (Grand Rapids, Mich., William B. Eerdmans, 1979), 237, 279.

10 Anchorage Daily News, September 8, 1977, 1; September 9, 1977, 1; R. E. Hoffman to Chief, Lands, PNRO, September 19, 1977; Hoffman to Director AAO, January 19, 1978; both in CF.

11 Skagway News, June 15, 1978, 1.

12 Skagway News, August 17, 1978, 3; September 28, 1978, 1; November 2, 1978, 1, 6; December 14, 1978, 1, 3; January 11, 1979, 1, 8; Chicago Tribune, December 17, 1978.

13 Company representatives, apparently unaware of the park's historical resources, wrote in the pipeline application that "preliminary evaluations have indicated that there are no unacceptable environmental impacts in this area." R. E. Hoffman to RD/PNRO, February 22, 1979, in "KLGR-Pipeline" file, AHC.

14 Ibid.

15 Lynn Canal News, March 1, 1979, 1; March 8, 1979, 1.

16 "Hearing on Northern Tier Pipeline Set" (BLM Alaska news release, March 16, 1979; NPS, "KLGO, Position Statement, Skagway Pipeline," March 20, 1979, in "KLGR-Pipeline" file, AHC; Lynn Canal News, March 22, 1979, 1.

17 Lynn Canal News, March 29, 1979, 1; April 12, 1979, 1; Bill Brown to Howard Wagner, April 13, 1979; Brown to Wagner, May 11, 1979; both in "KLGR-Pipeline" file, AHC; Robert E. Ackerman, Carl E. Gustafson, and Timothy B. Riordan, Alaska Highway Oil Pipeline Project: Skagway-White Pass Archeological and Paleontological Survey, March 26-31, 1979 (Pullman, Wash., Washington State University, Laboratory of Anthropology), 1979.

18 Lynn Canal News, August 16, 1979, 3; October 15, 1981, 2; June 3, 1982, 6.

19 Lynn Canal News, January 15, 1981, 2; April 23, 1981, 2; April 30, 1981, 1.

20 Lynn Canal News, January 21, 1982, 1.

21 Carley, Inventory of Cultural Resources, 207-09, 225-27, 233-45, 471-72, 491-92. Carley concluded that the Porcupine Hill cabin and other features dated from the winter of 1898-99, when the WP&YR was being constructed up the east side of the valley. Several Skagway oldtimers, however, feel that the cultural materials are related to Charles Nye, the owner of the Home Power Company, who contemplated building a dam at the site during the 1920s. Barbara Kalen interview, October 24, 1985; Dynes' Alaska Directory Company, Southeastern Alaska Directory, 1921, 129.

22 Charles Konopa and Kathy Maurich, A Brief History of the White Pass Trail: Skagway Bay to White Pass Summit, c. 1979, in KLSE Collection.

23 John A. Rutter (RD/PNRO) to James L. Nelson (Alaska Department of Highways), January 21, 1974, in CF.

24 Luntey to State Director, Alaska, August 4, 1975, in CF.

25 NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLGO, 1976, 41; Pete Bathurst to Chief of Interpretation, PNRO, February 8, 1978, in CF; Jay Cable, interview by author, June 30, 1995.

26 n.a., "Park Chronology," c. 1979, in "Special Events" file, KLSE Collection; Marc Sagan and Dave Cohen, "Interpretive Work Program," February 1980, in "Klondike Special Planning" file, AHC; SAR, 1980, 2; Jay Cable interview, May 30, 1995.

27 WP&YR, "Re-Live 'The Gold Rush Trail of '98'" (pamphlet), n.d.; NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 19, 30; Skagway News, November 12, 1993, 2.

28 During the summer of 1986--four years after the railroad shut down--WP&YR official Paul Taylor donated the Inspiration Point plaque to the NPS, noting that "we wanted the NPS to have it because we know they will take good care of it." Acting Superintendent Jay Cable accepted the plaque and soon afterward had it installed in the visitor center. Skagway News, August 20, 1986, 11.

29 BLM, Historical Index, T26S, R60E, in Alaska State Office, BLM.

30 Skagway Resolution 81-12K, September 3, 1981; Lynn Canal News, September 10, 1981, 8. Why Taylor added the White Pass Unit to the resolution is uncertain. In his position as WP&YR's manager for rail and Alaska operations, he may have felt that the NPS unit was an encumbrance to rail operations; or, as a development-minded city official, he may have seen an opportunity to strip the park of all land that was not being actively used.

31 Sims to Director AAO, December 28, 1979, in "KLGO Misc. Correspondence, 1977-1983" file, AHC.

32 NPS, Cultural and Natural Resource Management Plan, KLGO, 18-19, 30.

33 Skagway News, May 23, 1984, 2; SAR, 1989, 5; Clay Alderson to author, email, May 6, 1995.

34 Skagway News, November 1985, 3; March 1986, 5; Clay Alderson, interview by Sandra Faulkner, September 29, 1989.

35 Author to Spude, May 21, 1986, in "Yukon and White Pass NHL/Correspondence" file, NHL files, AKSO-RCR Collection; author to Spude, November 5, 1986, in "Norris Letters to Spude" file, AHC; SAR, 1988, 2; Skagway News, March 13, 1992, 3.

36 Spude to Choate, September 17, 1986, in "Glenda Choate" file, AHC; author to Spude, November 5, 1986, in "Norris Letters to Spude" file, AHC; SAR, 1988, 2; NPS, "Supplementary Listing Record," February 26, 1991, in "KLGO-Final Nomination" file, NRHP Files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

37 Skagway News, March 1987, 6; Edwin C. Bearss to Marvin P. Taylor, April 22, 1987, in "Yukon and White Pass NHL/Correspondence" file; Karen Swanson-Iwamoto, "White Pass and Yukon Route railroad, Canol Pipeline, Telecommunication line" NRHP Nomination form, January 25, 1991; Karen Iwamoto, "Supplemental Information for the Determination of Eligibility for the Canol 2 Pipeline & Telecommunication System," June 1991; all in NHL files, AKSO-RCR Collection.

38 SAR, 1986, 1; Mark Bollinger and Frank Norris, "White Pass Field Investigations, 1986," in "Yukon and White Pass NHL/Correspondence" file, NHL files, AKSO-RCR Collection. Both the report and the original slides are located in the KLGO Collection.

39 Bearss, Klondike Park Study; Minter, The White Pass: Gateway to the Klondike; Skagway News, June 10, 1988, 5.

40 Skagway News, September 6, 1991, 1.

41 Skagway News, November 22, 1991, 5.

42 Chris Campbell, "An Archeological Reconnaissance Survey of Sections of the Brackett Wagon Road and the Remains of the Scenic Viewing Station at Pitchfork Falls in Conjunction with the Proposed Goat Lake Hydro Electric Project," January 16, 1994, in "Yukon and White Pass/Misc. Information" file, NHL files, AKSO-RCR Collection; Skagway News, June 10, 1994, 11.

43 Skagway News, June 14, 1996, 4. Since 1991, the location of the proposed penstock between Goat Lake and the powerhouse has shifted from the north to the south side of Pitchfork Falls. In early 1996, AP&T officials suggested that they might move the proposed powerhouse from the east to the west side of Skagway River. Karl Gurcke to author, April 22, 1996.

44 Skagway News, October 29, 1993, 1.

45 Skagway News, November 24, 1993, 1.

Chapter 11

1 Margaret A. Corley, "Pioneer Square National Register District Inventory and Boundaries," July 1969, in Urban Conservation Division files, City of Seattle; Pioneer Square Historic District Bulletin 5 (October 1972), 7.

2 Pioneer Square Historic District Bulletin 5 (October 1972), 7; Bill Speidel, Seattle Underground (Seattle, UnderGround Tours, 1968), 3; Katherine Krafft (Krafft and Krafft Architects), interview by author, June 15, 1995.

3 Seattle City Planning Commission, Pioneer Square: A Report (Seattle, the author, August 6, 1959), 1-3.

4 Notable buildings that did not survive included the Seattle Hotel and the Olympic Block, the latter being located at the southeast corner of First Avenue South and Yesler Way. The Olympic Block had housed the Cooper and Levy Company, a popular gold rush supply house. A corner of the building collapsed in 1972; it was immediately vacated and was demolished in 1974. The lot on which it stood remained vacant for years afterward. Jill Novik (Office of Urban Conservation, City of Seattle), interview by author, July 21, 1994; Katherine Krafft interview, June 15, 1995; Corley, "Pioneer Square National Register District;" Speidel, Seattle Underground, 3.

5 Bill Speidel, Seattle Underground, 2-3; Pioneer Square Business Improvement Area, "Discovering Pioneer Square" (promotional booklet), c. 1990; "Pioneer Square," Bill Speidel's Seattle Guide 67 (August 25-September 2, 1989), 30.

6 Corley, "Pioneer Square National Register District," July 1969; Pioneer Square Business Improvement Area, "Discovering Pioneer Square;" NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 34-35; Pioneer Square Historic District Bulletin, vols. 1-6, October 1972. The historic district has been expanded twice since 1970. On July 7, 1978, its boundaries were extended to the northeast and east; a decade later, they were extended to the southeast and south. The city's original preservation ordinance, passed in May 1970, was Ordinance #98852; Ordinance #103655, which provided for the district's first extension, was passed in July 1974.

7 Rutter to Uhlman, May 5, 1971; Bennett T. Gale to Henry M. Jackson, May 17, 1971; Pegues to Cornell, addendum to June 8, 1971 memo; Minutes of First Meeting of the Klondike Gold Rush International Advisory Committee, September 23, 1971; all in CF; Seattle Times, August 1, 1971, B6.

8 Donald A. Purse to Chief, Office of Planning and Design, San Francisco Field Office, December 6, 1971, in CF; Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 5, 1972, A15; NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 12.

9 Bennett T. Gale to Director, DSC, July 28, 1972; Joseph T. Shubert to Team Manager/PNRO, DSC; Bennett T. Gale to Director DSC, April 20, 1973; all in CF; Seattle Times, January 27, 1974, C1.

10 NPS, KLGR Master Plan, 34.

11 Don Campbell to Bruce K. Chapman, March 28, 1974; Bennett T. Gale to Bill Primavera (Bellevue), March 26, 1974; both in CF.

12 John Rutter to Arthur Coulter, February 1, 1974; Bill Speidel to NPS, November 26, 1975; both in CF.

13 George Duncan to Joel Pritchard, May 23, 1976; Burl Tudor to Don Campbell, June 18, 1976; both in CF. Duncan's building was located at 313-317 First Avenue South. The NPS also received several lease proposals from individuals whose properties were located outside of Pioneer Square; those replies were politely rebuffed by agency officials because the pending legislation would exclude those properties from consideration.

14 Daniel J. Evans to Stan Hathaway, July 1, 1975, in CF.

15 Ralph Munro to Glenn Gallison, July 11, 1975; Don Campbell to Glenn Gallison, July 23, 1975; John Rutter to Wes Uhlman, July 24, 1975; Kent Frizzell to Gov. Evans, September 4, 1975; all in CF.

16 Ralph Munro, in "House of Representatives, Transcripts of Proceedings, Hearing Held Before Subcommittee on National Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Internal and Insular Affairs, H.R. 1194...," Monday, November 17, 1975, Serial No. 94-42 (Washington, GPO, 1977), p. 39. The Seattle Unit of the park received no funding until Fiscal Year 1978; perhaps for that reason, none of the ideas suggested by Washington state officials were ever implemented by the NPS. The Alaska-Yukon Pioneers, a group which had originally suggested the Carmack memorial marker, erected such a marker in August 1975 using its own funds, as noted in James Albert Johnson's, Carmack of the Klondike (Seattle, Epicenter Press, 1990), 157. The Maud Building and the Carmack home were restored with private funds. No Klondike sculpture has yet been erected in the Pioneer Square area.

17 Glenn Gallison to Peter Bennett, January 16, 1973, in File L58, AHC; Don Campbell to Bruce K. Chapman, March 28, 1974; Ralph Munro to John Rutter, March 4, 1974; both in CF.

18 The larger-sized historic district, as noted above, was not established until July 1978.

19 Bruce Chapman, Joel Pritchard, and Brock Adams to Dr. Horace Sheely, June 1, 1975; Cornelius W. Heine to Chapman, September 1, 1975; Louise Dewey to Wes Uhlman, etc, December 1, 1975, all in CF; Douglas M. Whisman to Robert B. Moore, July 25, 1973, in "KLGO General (Planning)" folder; "Pioneer Square," Bill Speidel's Seattle Guide, 30. *

20 U.S. Senate, Report to Accompany S. 98 (Calendar No. 158, Report 94-166), June 2, 1975, p. 6.

21 Dickenson to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976, in L58, AHC.

22 Ibid.; Dickenson to ARD/M&O, December 7, 1976, in CF; Thompson to Chief, I&VS, December 7, 1976, in CF.

23 Ira Whitlock (Acting Associate Director, Legislation) to RD/PNRO, August 17, 1976, in L58, AHC.

24 Dickenson to ARD/M&O, December 7, 1976; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, December 7, 1976; both in L58, AHC; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, January 11, 1977; Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 13, 1977, in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 7/76-11/77," KLSE; Carlos A. Young (SAE) to Earl Chase (NPS), June 7, 1977, in "K1817 Interpretive Planning, FY 79" file, KLSE.

25 Dickenson to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976; Edward J. Kurtz to Burl Tudor, July 21, 1976, in CF; James B. Thompson to Duncan, August 10, 1976, in CF.

26 NPS to J. Wayne Roy (GSA), August 23, 1976, in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 7/76-11/77," KLSE; Dickenson to ARD/M&O, December 7, 1976, in CF.

27 James B. Thompson to George Duncan, August 10, 1976, in CF; Louis C. Warner (President, Systems Architects Engineers, Inc.) to Earl Chase, September 14, 1976, in CF.

28 ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, December 7, 1976, in "KLSE Space Acquisition, 7/76-11/77" file, KLSE Collection; Pioneer Square Association, Pioneer Square Newsletter 5 (March 11, 1977); Seattle Times, March 20, 1977, B14.

29 Edward J. Kurtz to Burl Tudor, July 21, 1976; William L. Carpenter, (Director, M&O, OSI) to J. Wayne Roy (GSA), September 7, 1976; both in CF.

30 Dickenson to David L. Head (GSA), October 27, 1976; Charles Gebler (Chief, I&VS) to ARD/M&O, January 6, 1977; both in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 7/76-11/77," KLSE. The site not picked, at 612 First Avenue, was the Howard Building. The current (1996) first-floor Howard Building occupants are the Pioneer Square Pizza shop and Klondike Sam's delicatessen.

31 Dickenson to David Head (GSA), January 12, 1977; Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 13, 1977; Glenn Hinsdale to ARD/M&O, January 27, 1977; all in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 7/76-11/77," KLSE; Seattle Times, March 20, 1977, B14; NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, December 21, 1981, 4. The site was established by publication in the Federal Register 42 (June 21, 1977), 31501.

32 Russ Hendricks to Chief, I&VS, March 4, 1977, in CF; Glenn Hinsdale (Chief, U&EA) to ARD/M&O, January 13, 1977; James Richardson to Glenn Hinsdale, March 10, 1977; both in "KLSE Space Acquisition, 7/76-11/77" file, KLSE.

33 Carlos A. Young (SAE) to Earl Chase (NPS), June 7, 1977, in "K1817 Interpretive Planning" file; Charles Gebler to Jim Thompson, September 22, 1977, in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 7/76-11/77;" Gebler to Temple A. Reynolds (ARD/M&O), January 25, 1979; Michael R. Sorenson to Karl Popp, April 9, 1979; both in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 1/78-4/79;" all at KLSE.

34 Hinsdale to ARD/M&O, May 23, 1977; Hinsdale to RD/PNRO, August 17, 1977; both in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 7/76-11/77," KLSE.

35 Chief, U&EA to Chief, I&VS, April 27, 1978; NPS to R. Allan Strader, June 26, 1978; NPS to Strader, September 15, 1978; Henry Dun (GSA) to Strader, April 23, 1979; all in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 1/78-4/79," KLSE.

36 Seattle Times, March 20, 1977, B14; Higgins to Ed Holm, September 29, 1977, in CF; Richard E. Hoffman (Supt. KLGR) to Heath Pemberton (HFC), December 12, 1977, in CF; W. C. Quick (PNRO) to Charles Guetle (GSA), November 28, 1978, in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 1/78-4/79," KLSE; NPS, NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, November 1993, 1; GSA "U.S. Government Lease for Real Property" No. GS-10B-04523, May 27, 1977, KLSE.

37 R. E. Hoffman to Director AAO, October 21, 1977, in CF.

38 Temple A. Reynolds (ARD/M&O) to Charles Gebler & Glenn Hinsdale, January 15, 1979, in "KLSE Space Acquisition, 1/78-4/79" file, KLSE.

39 Chief, I&VS to Ruben Sierra, March 22, 1978; Barry Pritchard to Rocky Richardson, November 20, 1978; both in "K1817 Interpretive Planning, FY 79" file, KLSE.

40 Chief, I&VS to ARD/M&O, January 25, 1979; Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 29, 1979; both in "KLSE Space Acquisition, 1/78-4/79" file, KLSE.

41 Charles Guetle (GSA) to Dickenson, March 15, 1979; Gebler to ARD/M&O, March 30, 1979; Reynolds to Chief, I&VS, April 3, 1979; all in "KLSE Space Acquisition File, 1/78-4/79," KLSE.

42 Edward J. Kurtz to Louis C. Warner (SAE), April 10, 1979; Chief, I&VS to Chief, U&EA, April 12, 1979. SAE had installed the exhibits by April 10, soon after Hinsdale uttered his warning plea.

43 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 13, 1977; Chief, I&VS to Chief, U&EA, April 12, 1979; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, May 10, 1979; all in "KLSE Space Acquisition, 1/78-4/79" file, KLSE Collection.

44 Dickenson to Directorate, PNRO, July 14, 1976, in L58, AHC.

45 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, April 19, 1979, in "KLSE Space Acquisition" file, 1/78-4/79," KLSE. See Chapter 12 for a list of the video offerings.

46 Charles Konopa, A Bibliography of the Klondike Gold Rush, January 1979, 55 pp.; Konopa, Seattle Bibliography: The Early and Turn-of-the-Century Gold Rush Days, February 1979, 7 pp.

47 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 29, 1979; Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, April 19, 1979, in "KLSE Space Acquisition, 1/78-4/79" file, KLSE.

48 Seattle Times, May 13, 1979; Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 1, 1979, 206; June 3, 1979, A3; NPS, Interpretation and Visitor Services Staff Meeting Notes, June 7, 1979, KLSE; Press Release (undated), "K3415 News Media" file, KLSE.

Chapter 12

1 Chief, I&VS to ARD/M&O, August 13, 1979, KLSE; Supervisory Ranger, KLSE to ARD/M&O, June 6, 1980, in File A2623 ("Reports; Situation, 1977-81"), KLSE; NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, December 21, 1981, 16; Elaine Hounsell, interview by author, October 26, 1994; Mike Gurling to author, January 13, 1995.

2 NPS, "Superintendent's Annual Report," KLSE (hereafter known as SAR), 1982, 2; SAR, 1985, 4; Willie Russell, interview by Sandra Faulkner, August 31, 1989; Mike Gurling to author, January 13, 1995.

3 SAR, 1986, 3; SAR, 1987, 2; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, June 1990, 14; Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

4 ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, June 26, 1979; NPS, "Operations Evaluation, KLSE," March 25-27, 1987, in "Miscellaneous Inactive Records" file, KLSE.

5 SAR, 1980, 2; NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE, June 1981, 11; Willie Russell, interview by author, October 19, 1994; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

6 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, April 19, 1979; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, May 10, 1979; both in KLSE Collection.

7 NPS, Annual Statement for Interpretation and Visitor Services, KLSE, June 1981, 11; Willie Russell, interview by author, July 21, 1994.

8 NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, November 23, 1993, 1; GSA, "U.S. Government Lease for Real Property," May 27, 1977, KLSE.

9 NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, June 1990, 14; SAR, 1991, 3; John M. Morehead to "Follower of National Park Planning," June 15, 1992; GSA, "U.S. Government Lease for Real Property" for Lease No. GS-10B-05386, (September 14, 1987) and for Lease No. GS-10B-05696, (February 28, 1992).

10 The noise problem was resolved through cooperation with fellow tenants, and by pointing out to them that the park's noise levels remained within legal limits. Supervisory Ranger KLSE to ARD/M&O, June 6, 1980; SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1991, 3; Willie Russell interview, October 19, 1994.

11 Laurin Huffman interview, October 19, 1994.

12 Willie Russell, interview by author, May 5, 1995.

13 NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, February 7, 1983, 16; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, June 1990, 17.

14 Tobin to Supt. Russell (KLSE), Interpretive Prospectus cover letter, May 15, 1985; NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, July 1986.

15 NPS, "Operations Evaluation, KLSE," March 25-27, 1987, in "Miscellaneous Inactive Records" file, KLSE.

16 Willie Russell interview, October 19, 1994.

17 SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1993, 1; Willie Russell interview, July 21, 1994.

18 Willie Russell interview, May 5, 1995.

19 Mike Gurling to author, January 13, 1995.

20 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 13, 1977; Chief, I&VS to Chief, U&EA, April 12, 1979; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, May 10, 1979; all at KLSE; U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of the Interior Budget Justifications, Fiscal Year 1982; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

21 RD to ARD/M&O, July 12, 1979; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, July 13, 1979; ARD/M&O to Maxon, August 16, 1979; all at KLSE; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

22 RD/PNRO to Maxon, June 24, 1980, KLSE; SAR, 1980, 1.

23 U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of the Interior Budget Justifications, 1982 through 1995; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

24 SAR, 1983, 1; Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

25 SAR, various years, 1980-1993.

26 Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989. Soto worked from 1982 until 1988, while Rose worked on a permanent basis from 1984 through 1993 after having served in two seasonal appointments.

27 In 1990, for example, park staff had to cancel its off-site programs due to the lack of staffing; two years later, park staff noted that the visitation figures had not grown due to lack of staff time to work on press releases. SAR, 1990, 2, and SAR, 1992, 2.

28 NPS, "Operations Evaluation, KLSE," March 25-27, 1987; SAR, 1993, 1.

29 Willie Russell interview, July 21, 1994; Paul Henderson, interview by Sandra Faulkner, August 22, 1988. The 1993 SAR, p. 1, dramatized the problem of insufficient pay when it noted that "Park Ranger Edward Haeger resigned in October due to experiencing a financial hardship living in the Seattle area on GS-5 wages."

30 Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994; Willie Russell interview, July 21, 1994.

31 NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE (draft), 1989, 19; USDI, Department of the Interior Budget in Brief, fiscal years 1982-1995; U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract, 1993 (Washington, GPO, 1992), 481.

32 William Ingersoll, Interpretive Prospectus, KLGR, June 3, 1977, 19-27.

33 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, April 19, 1979, KLSE; SAR, 1980, 2; SAR, 1981, 4; NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLSE (Harpers Ferry, the author, April 1985), 13, 17.

34 Maxon to ARD/M&O, September 28, 1979, KLSE.

35 SAR, 1980, 1; SAR, 1981, 4. In 1986, the Washington State Parks Commission joined the NPS and USFS in sponsoring the JIO; in April 1990, the center was moved back to the new Federal Building. SAR, 1986, 2; SAR, 1993, 1; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

36 In 1982, the PNNPA became known as the Pacific Northwest National Parks and Forests Association; in 1990, it changed its name again to the Northwest Interpretive Association. Receipts during the first year's operation (FY 1981) totalled $1,848. Michael Murphy to author, email, September 28, 1994; SAR, 1990, 2; Joanne Conrad, interview by author, October 19, 1994; Appendix C. The Joint Information Office, noted above, also sold interpretive materials through the cooperating association; JIO receipts sometimes exceeded those of Klondike-Seattle's.

37 SAR, 1981, 3; SAR, 1982, 3; SAR, 1984, 3; SAR, 1985, 4; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, April 25, 1980, 14.

38 The 1981 brochure was revised or reprinted in 1991 and 1993, and perhaps also in intervening years. Audrey Mesford and Michael E. Gurling, Scope of Collections, KLSE, September 15, 1980; Supervisory Ranger KLSE to ARD/M&O, June 6, 1980; SAR, 1980, 2; SAR, 1981, 4. In 1996, staff in the Seattle and Alaska units began work on a combined park folder.

39 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, April 19, 1979; SAR, 1982, 3; NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE (draft), 1989, 7; Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

40 SAR, 1982, 3; Supt. KLSE to ARD/M&O, Statement for Interpretation and Visitor Services (updated), December 8, 1982; NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE (draft), 1989, 24.

41 SAR for 1982 (p. 3), 1983 (pp. 2-3), 1984 (p. 2), 1985 (p. 3), 1986 (p. 2), 1987 (p. 2), and 1988 (p. 3).

42 SAR, 1983, 3; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, February 7, 1983, 16; SAR, 1984, 3; SAR, 1985, 4.

43 NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLSE, April 1985, 14-16, 21; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, December 1985, 19-27; NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE (draft), 1989, 7.

44 NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, April 25, 1980, 1; SAR, 1982, 3.

45 SAR, 1983, 4; NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLSE, April 1985, 20; SAR, 1985, 4.

46 Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989 and October 19, 1994; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, June 1990, 16.

47 In 1993, Satterfield completed Klondike Park: from Seattle to Dawson City, which in some ways fulfilled the ideas which Gurling had suggested eight years earlier. Archie Satterfield to Mike Gurling, October 15, 1985; Willie Russell to Acting RD/PNRO, December 9, 1985; James A. Richardson to Frank Deckert (ARO), March 20, 1986; all in "KLGO Handbook Proposal" file, AH Collection.

48 SAR, 1982, 2; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, February 7, 1983, 9.

49 SAR, 1987, 3; SAR, 1988, 3; SAR, 1990, 2; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, June 1990, 1.

50 SAR, 1987, 3; SAR, 1988, 3; Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989.

51 SAR, 1988, 3; SAR, 1990, 1; SAR, 1992, 2.

52 SAR, 1990, 2; Willie Russell interview, October 19, 1994.

53 SAR, 1993, 1; Karl Gurcke, interview by author, October 26, 1994.

54 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 29, 1979; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, February 20, 1979; ARD/M&O to Chief, I&VS, May 10, 1979; Chief, I&VS to ARO/M&O, August 13, 1979; all at KLSE; Mike Gurling to author, January 13, 1995.

55 Chief, I&VS to ARD/M&O, September 5, 1979, KLSE; SAR, 1980, 2; SAR, 1981, 2; SAR, 1982, 2; SAR, 1983, 2; Paul Henderson interview, August 22, 1988.

56 NPS, Interpretive Prospectus, KLSE, April 1985, 11; SAR, 1988, 4; SAR, 1990, 1; SAR, 1992, 3; SAR, 1993, 5.

57 SAR, 1980, 2; NPS, Statement for Management, KLSE, April 25, 1980, 9.

58 SAR, 1987, 2; SAR, 1988, 4; SAR, 1989, 4.

59 SAR, 1982, 2; SAR, 1983, 2; SAR, 1989, 4-5; SAR, 1990, 2; SAR, 1984, 3-4.

60 Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989; SAR, 1985, 3.

61 Willie Russell interview, August 31, 1989; SAR, 1987, 2; SAR, 1988, 4; SAR, 1989, 4; SAR, 1990, 1; SAR, 1992, 2.

62 SAR, 1988, 3; SAR, 1989, 3; SAR, 1990, 2; SAR, 1992, 2; Willie Russell interview, October 18, 1994.

63 Elaine Hounsell interview, October 26, 1994.

64 SAR, 1988, 4; SAR, 1989, 3; Willie Russell interview, October 19, 1994.

65 SAR, 1987, 2; SAR, 1989, 3.

66 SAR, 1993, 2.

67 Mesford and Gurling, Scope of Collections Statement, KLSE, September 15, 1980, 1; SAR, 1980, 2; Tod Haskell (KLSE), interview by author, February 23, 1995.

68 SAR, 1980, 2; SAR, 1981, 3; Diana Pardue, Lynnette Arthur, and Kent Bush, Collections Management Plan, KLSE, August 1984, 5.

69 NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE (draft), 1989, 9; NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, November 23, 1993, 2.

70 SAR, 1988, 3.

71 Pardue, Arthur, and Bush, Collections Management Plan, KLSE, August 1984, 3, 5; SAR, 1981, 3.

72 NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, December 21, 1981, 5, 14; SAR, 1982, 2; SAR, 1983, 3.

73 SAR, 1987, 2; SAR, 1988, 3.

74 NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, December 21, 1981, 2; SAR, 1988, 3; SAR, 1989, 2; SAR, 1990, 1.

75 SAR, 1989, 4; SAR, 1990, 1, 2.

76 Chief, I&VS to Chief, U&EA, June 18, 1979, KLSE; Mesford and Gurling, Scope of Collections Statement, KLSE, September 15, 1980.

77 NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, December 21, 1981; Ibid., February 11, 1983; Ibid., April 18, 1984.

78 SAR, 1983, 3; Pardue, Arthur, and Bush, Collections Management Plan, KLSE, August 1984.

79 SAR, 1990, 1; SAR, 1991, 3; NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, November 23, 1993, 3.

80 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 29, 1979; NPS, Statement for Interpretation, KLSE (draft), 1989, 9; SAR, 1993, 1.

81 SAR, 1980, 2; SAR, 1987, 2; NPS, Resource Management Plan, KLSE, November 23, 1993, 3.

82 Chief, U&EA to ARD/M&O, January 29, 1979; Konopa, A Bibliography of the Klondike Gold Rush, January 1979; Konopa, Seattle Bibliography, February 1979.

83 Maxon to ARD/M&O, November 26, 1979; SAR, 1987, 4; Robert F. Hogg, Ambition and Ability; A History of Moran Brothers Company, With an Emphasis on its Role in the Klondike Gold Rush, July 28, 1986.

84 Willie Russell interview, July 21, 1994.

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