Legacy of the Gold Rush:
An Administrative History of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
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Appendix D:
List of Staff at Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Seattle, 1979-1994

*Elaine Hounsell, 1980-1983
**Willie Russell, 1983-present

Supervisory Rangers:
*David Y. Maxon (SPR), 1979-1982 (Unit Manager, 1979-1980)
**Michael E. Gurling (SPT/PR), 1978-1986
*Mardi J. Butt (PR/LPR), 1987-1989
*Paul A. Henderson (PR/CPR), 1987-1990
**Marianne M. Mills (PR/SPR), 1988-1993
+Betsy Duncan-Clark (SPR), 1994-

Administrative Officers:
Mary Louise Hammond (ASA), 1979-1981
*Marlyn J. Birdsey (ASA), 1981-1984
*Elizabeth A. McCallum (CT/AC), 1984-1986
Paul A. Henderson (AC), 1986-1987
Mary Riddle (AC), 1987-1988
Elizabeth Cochran (AA), 1988-1989
Elizabeth A. Henderson (ASA), 1989-1990
Kathryn A. Carver (ASA), 1990-1991
Margaret Koehler (ASA), 1991-1992
Susan Keifer (ASA), 1993-present

Park Rangers and Park Technicians (Permanent Staff):
Kathy Maurich (PT), 1978-1980
Charles Konopa (PT), 1978-1980
Larry In-Hout (PT), 1979-1980
Leslie Murray (PT), 1979-1980
Else Doherty (PT), 1979-1981
Mary Casanova (PT), 1980
*+Rebecca Harriett (PT), 1980-1983
Tom Teaford (PT), 1981-1982
**Frank Soto (PT/PR), 1982-1988
+Andrea Sharon (PT), 1982-1984
Patricia A. Zuccaro (PT), 1983-1984
+R. Bruce Edmonston (PT/PR), 1984-1985
*+Scott B. Eckberg (PT/PR), 1984-1986
Ruth L. Scott (PR), 1985-1986
Detlef Wieck (PR), 1987-1988
Patrick R. Chapin (PR), 1988-1989
Kathryn A. Carver (PR), 1989-1990
John D. (Jay) Moeller (PR), 1990-1992
David F. Carroll (PR), 1991-1992
*Michael J. Murphy (PR), 1991-present
Edward (Ted) Haeger (PR), 1992-1993
*Sean O'Meara (PR), 1992-present
John Simmons (PR), 1993-1994
Chris Smith (PR), 1993-present
Tod Haskell (PR), 1994-present

Park Rangers and Park Technicians (Seasonal or Temporary Staff):
Danita Delamont (PT), 1979
Christie LeClair (PT), 1979
Mike Dedman (PT), 1980, 1981-1982
Elizabeth A. McCallum (PR), 1986-1987
Jill Campbell (PR), 1986-1987
Carol Hough (PR), 1987, 1988
Andrew C. Batten (PR), 1987-1989
John W. (Jack) Northcutt (PR), 1989-1991
Heather Smith (PR), 1991-93
Jim Hunter (PR) 1991
Michael J. Murphy (PR), 1991
Scott Bogle (PR), 1991
Carlotta Kelly (PR), 1992
Gary Panich (PR), 1992
Marc Blackburn (PR), 1993-present

Information Specialists (Permanent Staff):
Veronica Tomalick, 1979-1981
Ruth Nicholson, 1979-1980
Barb Withey, 1980-1981
Audrey Mesford, 1979?-1982
Teri Kornell, 1981-1982
Carol Tabladillo, 1981-1982
Janice Fikse, 1982-1983
Elizabeth McCallum, 1983-1984, 1988
**William E. Rose, 1984-1993

Information Specialists (Seasonal or Temporary Staff):
Diane Stilwell, 1982
Bill Deubel, 1982
William E. Rose, 1983, 1984
Eric Dierking, 1983
Esti Mintz, 1984
Francis Morrison, 1985
Michael Taylor, 1986
Donna Miller, 1986
Jane Leche, 1987
David J. Marshall, 1988, 1989
Mark Urick, 1988


AA=Administrative AssistantLPR=Lead Park Ranger
AC=Administrative ClerkPR=Park Ranger
ASA=Admin. Services Assistant/PT=Park Technician
Admin. Support AssistantSPR=Supervisory Park Ranger
CPR=Chief Park RangerSPT=Supervisory Park Technician
CT=Clerk Typist

Employees who have worked at KLSE for at least 24 months (two years) are indicated with an asterisk (*); those who have worked for 60 months (five years) are indicated with two asterisks (**). KLSE staff who have also worked at KLGO are indicated with a plus sign (+). The list does not include those from other parks who have worked on short-term details at KLSE.

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Last Updated: 24-Sep-2000