Cover Page
Presidential Statement
Author's Preface
Part I
Part II
Part III
Yellowstone National Park: Its Exploration and Establishment
Part II: Definitive Knowledge
Mammoth Hot Springs, 1871, by
William Henry Jackson. (U.S. Geological Survey)
Background for Exploration
The exploring parties of 1869, 1870, and 1871, whose cumulative
accomplishment was a definitive knowledge of the Yellowstone region,
were a direct outgrowth of an earlier interest in the area's wonders.
Thus, it is necessary to go back a few years for the genesis of those
efforts through which the true nature of "wonderland" became generally
An incidental outcome of the visit of Father Francis Xavier Kuppens
to the Yellowstone region in the company of Blackfoot Indians in the
spring of 1865 (see Part I) was his relation of that experience to a
party of gentlemen who were stormbound for several days at the old St.
Peter's Mission near the mouth of Sun River the following October. These
men, among whom were acting Territorial Governor Thomas Francis Meagher,
Territorial Judges H. L. Hosmer and Lyman E. Munson, two deputy U.S.
MarshalsX. Beidler and Neil Homieand a young lawyer named
Cornelius Hedges, were traveling from Helena to Fort Benton to assist in
negotiating a treaty with the Piegan Indians when overwhelmed by a
sudden, savage blizzard and forced to seek shelter at the mission.
Hedges says: ". . . We were received with a warm welcome and all our
wants were abundantly supplied and we were in condition to appreciate
our royal entertainment." [1] Concerning the
story-telling with which the time was passed during that stay at the
mission, Father Kuppens adds: [2]
On that occasion I spoke to him [Meagher] about the wonders of the
Yellowstone. His interest was greatly aroused by my recital and perhaps
even more so, by that of a certain Mr. Viell [3]an old Canadian married to a Blackfoot
squawwho during a lull in the storm had come over to see the
distinguished visitors. When he was questioned about the Yellowstone he
described everything in a most graphic manner. None of the visitors had
ever heard of the wonderful place. Gen. Meagher said if things were as
described the government ought to reserve the territory for a national
park. All the visitors agreed that efforts should be made to explore the
region and that a report of it should be sent to the government.
As previously mentioned, the Indian unrest occasioned by the opening
of the Bozeman Trail route prevented an implementation of Meagher's
suggestion during 1866, and, when conditions were at last satisfactory
for an expedition into the Yellowstone regionthrough establishment
of Fort Elizabeth Meagher and Camp Ida Thoroughman by the Montana
volunteers early in 1867the tragic death of Acting Governor
Meagher cooled the enthusiasm of most of the gentlemen who had made
plans to explore the headwaters of the Yellowstone River. While a party
did go as far as Mammoth Hot Springs (the Curtis-Dunlevy expedition
mentioned in Part I), their visit was essentially a prospecting
No effort was made during 1868 to organize a general exploration of
the Yellowstone region, at least so far as the public records show; but
there was individual interest in such a project. Of this, Charles W.
Cook says:
The first attempt made by me to make an exploration trip to the
headwaters of the Yellowstone and Madison rivers was in 1868. At that
time I had charge of the "Boulder Ditch Company" at Diamond City. A Mr.
Clark, who as I remember, was connected with some mining operations was
at Diamond City, and since there was no hotel, was staying at the "Ditch
Office." I found he had traveled extensively and had, at times
contributed articles to magazines. I told him about the region at the
headwaters of the Yellowstone and Madison rivers, which had not been
explored, and he became very much interested. We went to Helena to see
H. H. McGuire, who published a paper called the Pick and Plow at
Bozeman, Montana, but who was at that time visiting Helena. Mr. McGuire
advised us that since it was getting late, being then about the middle
of September, it was not best to attempt the trip that year. [4]
The following summer, 1869, there was a renewed interest in
implementing Meagher's suggestion that the Yellowstone region should be
explored. This was publicized in the Helena Herald, in an item
A letter from Fort Ellis, dated the 19th, says that an expedition is
organizing, composed of soldiers and citizens, and will start for the
upper waters of the Yellowstone the latter part of August, and will hunt
and explore a month or so. Among the places of note which they will
visit, are the Falls, Coulter's Hell and Lake, and the Mysterious
Mounds. The expedition is regarded as a very important one, and the
result of their explorations will be looked forward to with unusual
interest. [5]
That notice is undoubtedly the "rumor" which Cook notes as inducing
himself and his friend, David E. Folsom, to hold themselves "in
readiness to make the trip," to which he adds:
. . . but sometime in the month of August, not having heard from the
party, I made a trip to Helena to find out if anyone intended going, and
was unable to find anyone who had any intention of making the trip that
year. After I returned to Diamond City, David E. Folsom and William
Peterson volunteered to make the trip with me. [6]
The manner in which that decisioncertainly no trivial
onewas arrived at is indicated in the reminiscences of William
Myself and two friendsCharley Cook and D. E. Folsom who worked
for the same company at Diamond that I didafter having made a trip
to Helena to join the big party and finding out that they were not going
to go, decided to go ourselves. It happened this way: When we got back
from Helena, Cook says, "If I could get one man to go with me, I'd go
anyway." I spoke up and said, "Well, Charley, I guess I can go as far as
you can," and Folsom says, "Well, I can go as far as both of ye's," and
the next thing it was, "Shall we go?" and then, "When shall we start?"
We decided to go and started next day . . . . [7]
NEXT> The Folsom Party (1869)