Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

CARPENTER SHOP (continued)


a. Although the text of Mr. Caywood's archeological report states that the area of the Carpenter Shop was " completely uncovered" in 1948 and 1950, sheet 8 of his excavation drawings appears to show that certain portions of the site may have escaped exploration. The determination of the succession of structures in that section of the fort is so important that a fresh excavation of the entire area between the Wheat Store and the Jail is recommended. If evidence of even one or two footings could be found, it would be possible to speak with much more assurance concerning the physical structure of the Carpenter Shop.

b. Despite the paucity of information concerning its fabric and design, the reconstruction of the Carpenter Shop is recommended for the following reasons: the importance of this building for interpretive purposes indicates such a course; the approximate dimensions are known; and the physical structure could not have differed greatly from that of similar shops about which more is known.

c. It is suggested that the Carpenter Shop be refurnished and exhibited in accordance with the data provided in the body of this chapter.

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003