Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II

CARPENTER SHOP (continued)


Available inventories provide a reasonably complete picture of the tools and equipment found in the Carpenter Shop. One item, "1 Screw pr bench," indicates that there was at least one workbench and that it had a wood vice. It seems reasonable to assume, however, that a shop for four carpenters would have had more than one workbench. There may also have been several stools or benches. Evidently there was no stove or other means of heating.

If the Carpenter Shop is to be refurnished and exhibited, evidence of work in progress should also be visible. Partly finished window sash, shutters, a simple chair or two, wheel spokes, benches, and handles for farm and garden tools would illustrate the range of tasks assigned to the depot carpenters.

Because paintbrushes and paint kettles are listed in the inventories, it is possible that a small part of the depot's stock of paint and linseed oil was kept in the Carpenter Shop, ready for mixing and use as needed. A supply of window glass also was probably kept on hand. For descriptions of the types of paint and oil and of the sizes of windowpanes kept in stock at Fort Vancouver, see pages 266 and 271, volume I of this study.

The loft over the Carpenter Shop was probably reached by a ladder and trapdoor, although it is possible that there was no loft flooring over the ground-floor ceiling beams. This space under the roof almost certainly contained a stock of seasoned and seasoning planks and timbers.

One of the best available lists of items in the Carpenter Shop is the following found under the heading "Articles in Use" in the Fort Vancouver Depot inventory taken in the spring of 1844:

Carpenters Shop
4Carpenters Adzes
3large square head Axes
6grooving Axes
1broad Axes
2half round head Axes
5Shingling Axes
4screw Augers of sizes
9shell Augers of sizes
2large spoon Augers
1Brace & 36 bits
3paint Brushes
1Crow Bar
7socket Chisels
9firmers Chisels
2Mortice Chisels
3Cold Chisels
1pair Compasses
2screw Drivers
4iron Dogs
2flat rasp Files 10 ins.
1hlf. ro[un]d rasp Files 10 ins.
2hlf. ro[un]d bastard Files 14 ins.
4flat bastard Files old
3hlf round bastard Files ass[orted]
1three square Files
1rattail Files
3hand saw Files
2cross cut saw Files
4assd. Gouges
4spike Gimlets
3small Gimlets
4large Kent Hammers
1small Kent Hammers useless
2paint Kettles
1Chalk Line
1long jointer Plane
4trying Plane
4Jack Plane
3hand Plane
4p'rs grooving Plane ass.
2p'rs plough Plane
2bead Plane
6mould Plane
1long rabbit Plane
1long rabbit Plane
1foot Rule 4 fold
5hand Saws
3tenon Saws
3cross cut Saws
1Saw Set
2Key hole Saw[s]
2oil Stones
1square 12 ins
1Screw pr bench
1p'r Pincers
5Wrenches [21]

The list in the inventory taken in the spring of 1845 was some what shorter but contained a few interesting additional items:

--Carpenters Shop--
4large sqre head Axes
12grooving Axes
8Screw Augers
6Shell Augers
1Brace 36 Bitts
1hand saw File
1pr. Compasses
1Screw Drivers [sic]
1sml square 6 in
3assd Gimlets
4spike Gimlets
1jointer Plane
3trying Planes
4jack Planes
1hand Planes
2pr grooving Planes 11-1/8
3Bead Planes
2mould Planes
1hand Saw
3tenon saw[s]
2window Planes
1case Planes
1rubber Planes
1hf round File 12 ins
3bastard File
1pit saw File
1X cut File
2rattail File
3flat bastard File
3Plough Keys
1Oil Stone
6Shingling Axes
2Key hole saws
1pr pincers
10assd. Chisels
9sockets Chisels
3Kent Hammers
3foot rules [22]

The list in the 1847 inventory is not much different from that of 1848, which is reproduced below, but there are a few distinctive items that might be noted:

2Crow Bars
3paring Chisels
2pr. Casements
1Drill 8 ins
1Glue Kettle
1Moulding Plane
1Wainscot Plane
3Smoothing Plane
2Carpenters Rules
3Iron Squares
1plated Squares [23]

The Fort Vancouver Depot inventory of "Articles in Use" taken in the spring of 1848 contains the following detailed list:

--Carpenters Shop--
2foot Adzes
3hollowing Adzes
11screw Augers
17shell Augers
4large square headed Axes
1small headed Axes
1broad Axes
10grooving Axes
8shingling Axes
1bung Borer
1Brace and Bitts
1pr Callipers
8firmers Chisels
11socket Chisels
3Mortice Chisels
2prs compasses
1iron Cramp
1glaziers Diamond
1screw Driver
3Files assorted
2Gages [sic]
3spike Gimlets
4firmers Gouges
4socket Gouges
1large Grindstone
1small Grindstone
5claw Hammers
2screeving Irons
1drawing Knife
3chalk Lines
1pr pincers
2bead Planes
6prs grooving Planes
3hand Planes
5jack Planes
1jointer Planes
1moving philister Planes
1post [port?] Planes
1rabbit Planes
2sash Planes
1sash gothic Planes
1round sole Planes
4trying Planes
2cross cut Saws
4hand Saws
3tenon Saws
1Saw set
1iron Square, 2 plated steel Saws
1oil Stone
3iron Wrenches [24]

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003