In 1956, the National Park Service launched a 10-year
park conservation development program known as Mission 66. This was to
have great impact on the national monument. Under the program an expenditure
of nearly $5,000,000 for roads, trails, buildings, and utilities
was planned. Among the major projects undertaken and completed between
1956 and 1960 were a realinement and oil surfacing of main roads, the
development of the Conata Picnic Area and the Cedar Pass and Dillon Pass
campgrounds, and the erection of utility and storage buildings, three
multiple-housing units, five employee residences, and an amphitheater.
In May 1955 the Millard family donated two tracts of
land totaling 18.50 acres to the NPS. Of this total, 5.85 acres, located
in front of Cedar Pass Lodge, were donated for the right-of-way of the
relocated highway; the remaining 12.65 acres made possible the
development of Cedar Pass Campground. [241]
The visitor center was completed in May 1959. This
large structure houses the national monument headquarters, interpretive
exhibits, and an audiovisual presentation of the Badlands story. [242]
The installation of exhibits in the visitor center
was essentially completed by November 1960. [243]
Some of the materials used in the exhibits were donated by a number of
individuals and institutions. Mr. Herbert Millard, son of the late Ben
Millard, gave a large mass of sand calcite crystals now in the Small
Wonders Exhibit. Dr. Winter of the University of South Dakota at
Vermillion donated the plant collection in the Great Plains Grasslands
Exhibit. The mounted badger in the Wildlife of the Grassland Exhibit was
a gift from Orville Sandall of Kadoka, South Dakota. The skull of an
Audubon Bighorn, on display above the Breaks in the Grassland Exhibit,
was donated by Willard Sharp of Interior, South Dakota. In the exhibit
showing a number of Indian artifacts are casts of early-man points
donated by the University of Nebraska State Museum. [244]
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in
Rapid City, South Dakota, donated both the lower jaw and the upper jaw,
including skull, of a fossilized titanothere, which is in the Badlands
Bones Exhibit. The materials for the articulated oreodont fossil in the
same exhibit were also donated by the school. The oreodont fossil is of
particular interest because it was found northwest of Imlay, South
Dakota about 100 feet from where a famous fossilized oreodont with
unborn twins was excavated. The latter fossil is on display at the
Museum of Geology at the school (see Figure 5). [245]
The first full-time resident park naturalist for
Badlands National Monument was assigned in June 1958 to aid with the
local interpretive program. [246] For a number of
years previously, a park naturalist who had been assigned to Black Hills
areas of the NPS also served the national monument on an irregular
basis. [247]
loop trail, completed in 1962, is constructed over a geological slump
which has lush plant cover. To acquaint the visitor with the area's
natural history, a trail leaflet is provided. Here, naturalist-guided
walks are offered daily during the summer months. [250]
On September 16, 1959, following the completion of
the visitor center, the NPS dedicated Badlands National Monument. The
featured speaker for the event was Fred A. Seaton, Secretary of the
Interior, who gave the dedicatory address. Some 350 persons attended the
ceremony. [248]
Tragedy struck a short time prior to the dedication
with the sudden death of Superintendent George H. Sholly on August 19.
As a tribute to him, the new amphitheater was named the George H. Sholly
Memorial Amphitheater. [249]
After the boundary of Badlands National Monument was
redefined by secretarial order in March 1957, the NPS began a long-range
program for fencing it. The first segment of fencing was completed in
1957. By early 1961 some 108 miles were fenced with 20 miles still to be
completed. To fence non-federal land excluding state land within the national
monument would require an additional 92 miles of fence. [252]
In December 1961 letters were delivered to all
inholding owners and to all persons who grazed stock within the national
monument in that year. The letters terminated all grazing on federal
lands within Badlands, and gave a short history of grazing in the
national monument, the reason for termination, and the objectives and
plans of the Service now that grazing was no longer permitted. Most of
the private land located inside the boundary was not fenced, so unless
steps were taken to fence the tracts used for grazing, stock would still
trespass on federally owned lands. [253]
Superintendent John W. Jay and Chief Park Ranger James F. Batman
attended the legislative-committee meeting of the South Dakota
Stockgrowers Association in Rapid City on November 30, 1961, where the
matter of fencing the inholdings was discussed. Although at the time of
this meeting the Service had no plans to fence any of the private
inholdings, it later decided to assist with the fencing on an equal
cost-sharing basis in the interest of better landowner-Service
relations and in consideration of special situations relating to
livestock management that faced some of the owners of private land in
the national monument. [254] This offer was made to
the landowners by letter from Superintendent Jay dated May 9, 1962. As a
result three landowners accepted the offer. [255] By
1964 all of the inholdings on which grazing was being done were fenced
either on a 50-50 basis or by the individual owners. [256]
Completed in 1962, this paved trail is unique in that along it are
displayed partially excavated fossils protected by clear plastic domes.
A shelter, located midway along the trail, houses exhibits which tell a
brief story of Badlands fossils. [251]
Despite the Service's hope that grazing on the
national monument's federally owned land would be terminated at the end
of 1961, it continued. Due to drought conditions of 1961 and early
1962, Congressman Berry requested on behalf of the ranchers that grazing
be continued during 1962. NPS Director Wirth decided to set up an
emergency grazing program that would include only those ranchers who
held permits in 1961. Accordingly, special-use permits were issued to 26
ranchers during 1962. This was the last year that grazing was permitted
on federally owned lands in the national monument. [257]
Some livestock trespassing by local ranchers
continued, nevertheless. In November 1962, the United States Attorney
took direct action against five ranchers who had been in trespass for
some time. [258]
As early as 1919 a U.S. Forest Service report
expressed the idea that "Sage Creek Basin contains a large acreage of
land that can be used for a game preserve for buffalo, elk, deer,
antelope and mountain sheep." [259] In 1935 the
proposed Badlands National Monument plus the Badlands Recreational
Demonstrational Area (most of which was later included in the national
monument when it was established in 1939) were considered to be
favorable localities for the reintroduction of buffalo, mountain sheep,
and pronghorn. [260]
However, after the national monument was established,
the NPS believed that the area was too small to provide a wildlife
range. [261] Dr. Murie's report
recommended that no buffalo be introduced on the
monument because of the artificial conditions under which they would
have to be maintained. If it were deemed desirable to fence an area for
buffalo the most suitable spot would be north of Cedar Pass. [262]
Concerning bighorn sheep he "recommended that the
bighorn be introduced when the opportunity develops, and that Sheep
Mountain Peak be added to the monument for the use of the bighorn. [263]
Pronghorn, commonly referred to as antelope, were
seen during the 1940's on rare occasions in Badlands National Monument
and just outside the north boundary. However since 1959, 100 or more
head have been reported annually in the national monument. These animals
have come from the outside since there has not been any formal
reintroduction of pronghorn inside the boundary. [264]
BADLANDS. After an absence of about a century, buffalo were reintroduced
into the national monument in 1963. The fast-increasing herd roams
largely in the 45,000 acres of Sage Creek and Tyree Basins. [268]
SHEEP, 1964. These Rocky Mountain Bighorns are closely related to the
now-extinct Audubon Bighorns. [269]
Immediately after grazing was terminated on national
monument lands in 1962, the range underwent a remarkable recovery, due
to the abundant rainfall of the 1962 and 1963 seasons. Questions arose
as to why the range was not being utilized. Superintendent Frank Hjort
recommended that bison be reintroduced as a means of getting the
wildlife restoration program underway. [265]
In November 1963 the first herd of bison, comprised
of 28 head from Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park in North
Dakota and Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge in Nebraska, were
released in Sage Creek Basin. In October of the following year, this
herd was enlarged by an additional 25 head from Theodore Roosevelt. The
herd has done well and by the end of 1967 numbered 122 individuals. [266]
Since 1963 the buffalo have shown that they prefer
the remoteness of Sage Creek Basin and have demonstrated little desire
to leave that area. [267]
In January 1964 in cooperation with the South Dakota
Game, Fish and Parks Department, bighorn sheep were reintroduced. Twelve
head of Rocky Mountain Bighorns from Colorado were released in a
370-acre holding pen with the view toward eventually restocking Badlands
National Monument and other parts of South Dakota. This flock was
supplemented by ten more animals the following month. [270]
Unfortunately, losses were suffered by both adults
and lambs during the first two and one-half years. The situation
improved early in 1966 with no further losses until the summer of 1967
when the peak flock of 27 individuals suffered a severe setback. In
September, when all but 13 had succumbed to a respiratory infection, the
bighorn were released from the holding pasture. They now roam the rugged
Badlands south of Pinnacles Overlook. [271]
In February 1964, the NPS purchased Cedar Pass Lodge,
together with 72 acres of the surrounding land, for $275,000 from the
Millard family. The lodge is now being run on a contract basis by a
concessioner. [272]
Increased travel to the area during the years of
Mission 66 fully justified the expanded development program of the
national monument. From 1956 to 1966 the number of visitors increased 65
percent (see Appendix A).
Because of this great increase in travel, the summer
visitor may find some of the scenic-overlook parking areas full, the
visitor center crowded, and the nightly campground amphitheater program
with "standing room only." Since increased visitor use is practically
assured in the foreseeable future, plans are already being made to
provide additional facilities for visitors to Badlands National