Operating since about 1935, this development was run on a seasonal
basis. It offered summer visitors a few accommodations, souvenirs,
refreshments, and gasoline until abandoned in 1950. The buildings were
removed shortly afterward. [118]
Among local persons who worked hard toward the
establishment of Badlands National Monument after it was authorized in
1929 were Ben H. Millard, the original owner of Cedar Pass Lodge; A.G.
Granger of Kadoka; Leonel Jensen, local rancher; Ted E. Hustead, owner
and operator of the well-known Wall Drug Store; and Dr. G.W. Mills of
Wall. [113]
Of these individuals, Mr. Millard made the greatest
contribution to the establishment and development of the national
monument. Born September 15, 1872, in Minnesota, he moved to South
Dakota in 1893 with his parents. Millard entered the banking business in
Sanborn County in 1899. In 1917 he sold his banking interests and
entered the State of South Dakota Banking Department. On an assignment
to Philip, South Dakota, Millard first saw the Badlands and became
interested in them. He left the Banking Department and moved into the
Badlands in 1927, homesteading below Cedar Pass on the present site of
Cedar Pass Lodge, which he later built and operated. [114]
Millard worked closely with Senator Norbeck on
development plans for the proposed Badlands National Monument. From
September 1934 through July 1936, he was employed as a local
Resettlement Administration project manager. In this capacity he was
responsible for federal acquisition of private lands, most of which
later became part of the national monument after it was established in
1939. The alignment of the first Badlands road, alternate U.S. 16, was
largely a result of his ideas. In 1931 he selected what he believed to
be the most scenic route, and staked it out with the aid of his
employee, E.N. "Curley" Nelson (who returned to the Badlands in 1964 to
become the first concessioner of Cedar Pass Lodge). Millard and his
sister, Mrs. Clara Jennings, and later his son, Herbert, operated the
Pinnacles concession from about 1935 to 1950. [115]
Three important parcels of land were donated by Millard to the NPS in
1941, 1946, and 1955 for inclusion in Badlands National Monument. [116] Millard died at Cedar Pass Lodge in March 1956.
In special ceremonies on June 28, 1957, Millard
Ridge, a prominent portion of the Badlands wall six-tenths of a mile
long just east of Cedar Pass, was named and dedicated to his memory. [117]
In 1929 western South Dakota, in common with most of
the farm belt, had been suffering almost a decade from the deflation
which followed World War I. Both farmers and ranchers had been unable to
fulfill obligations assumed during an earlier period of high prices.
Many of the banks of the state were forced to close. [119]
With the beginning of the Great Depression in the
fall of 1929, conditions became increasingly worse. A combination of
disasters which included grasshopper infestations, crop failures, and
drought struck the country. The south central and western counties of
the state were most severely affected by these disasters. [120]
Several government programs on both the federal and
state levels were authorized to assist those in need. The NPS made use
of a number of these programs in various ways during the 1930's.
In November 1934, NPS Director Arno B. Cammerer
recommended to Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes that additional
area be approved for inclusion in the proposed Badlands National
Monument. He contended that the proposed additions, which included a
portion of Sheep Mountain, were as outstanding as the area originally
authorized by Congress in 1929. Wildlife problems and administrative
difficulties of the originally proposed area would be lessened by the
change in boundary. [121]
In order to implement the proposed boundary change
Mr. Cammerer recommended (1) that the President should be asked to issue
an Executive Order withdrawing all public lands involved; (2) that all
privately owned lands be acquired through an existing federal government
relief program; and (3) that the next session of Congress be asked to
establish the Badlands National Monument with the boundaries now
recommended. [122]
The Secretary of the Interior approved the proposal
for the boundary extension and in the same month President Franklin D.
Roosevelt ordered that all unreserved and unappropriated public lands in
Pennington, Jackson, Fall River, and Custer Counties be
temporarily withdrawn from settlement, location,
sale, or entry, for classification and use as a grazing project pursuant
to the submarginal land program of the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration. [123]
By January 1, 1935, the NPS had already obtained
options for 23,000 acres from private land owners living within the
proposed boundary extension area. This work was being done under the
auspices of the Land Program section of the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration (FERA) which had been authorized by Congress in 1933. [124]
Early in April 1935, the NPS completed the "Final
Report on the Badlands National Monument Extension Project, South
Dakota R-1." The report included both the area previously authorized
under Public Law 1021 and the proposed extension. The area, to be known
as the Badlands Recreational Demonstration Project, would include
119,557.88 acres, of which 72,316.22 were privately owned. The proposed
boundary extension received the support of Governor Tom Berry, Senator
Norbeck, President C.C. O'Harra of the South Dakota School of Mines, and
a number of prominent geologists, naturalists, educators, and others.
In a letter to Harry L. Hopkins, FERA Administrator,
on April 15, 1935, Acting Secretary of the Interior T.A. Walters
I hereby recommend for purchase certain lands for a
project known as the Badlands National Monument Extension in Jackson,
Pennington, Washington and Washabaugh Counties, South Dakota, proposed
by the National Park Service of this Department for the conservation
and development of the natural resources of the United States, within
the meaning of Section 202 of Title II of the National Industrial
Recovery Act, pursuant to which funds have been allotted and transferred
to the Land Program, Federal Emergency Relief Administration. [126]
Secretary Walters further stated that this project
came within the classification of lands as stated in a memorandum to him
dated July 16, 1934. In it the Director of the Land Program said:
Demonstration Recreational Projects: These
include projects in which the land to be purchased is to be used
primarily for recreational purposes, as submitted by the National Park
Service, Department of the Interior. [127]
The Secretary of the Interior recommended that the
Badlands National Monument Extension be accepted as a Demonstration
Recreational Project of the Land Program, FERA. The project was approved
and adopted by the Land Program. The NPS expected that the cost of all
the lands considered would not average more than $2.66 per acre. [128]
Meanwhile, President Roosevelt, by a series of
executive orders, created the Resettlement Administration, an
independent agency, and transferred to it the land and related
activities of the FERA. The Resettlement Administration operated until
the end of 1936 when its powers, functions, and duties were transferred
to the Secretary of Agriculture. Later, the name "Resettlement
Administration" was changed to the Farm Security Administration. [129]
The work of appraising, securing options on, and
purchasing private lands, begun under the submarginal land program of
the FERA, continued under the Resettlement Administration.
In a 1935 letter to Assistant NPS Director Conrad L.
Wirth, Senator Norbeck pointed out some of the problems and drawbacks of
the land acquisition program by writing:
The land varies a great deal in quality, and the poor
lands are being obtained for the scheduled price, but the good lands are
He went on to say that
A very large percentage of this land, maybe thirty to
fifty percent, is on the tax delinquency list, with about four years of
taxes. The price offered is less than the taxes held against the land,
and the owner is not anxious to sell if he cannot get a nickel out of it
. . . .
Considerable of these lands, however, have already
been abandoned by the owner on account of the amount of taxes due. [130]
Counties were reluctant to sell land to the federal
government because this would mean withdrawal from the tax lists, thus
reducing the counties' incomes. Norbeck recommended that the federal
government pay more for the land by a "boost of one dollar an acre . .
." [131] Meetings were being held in various parts
of the region to protest the low prices being offered. [132]
The desperate situation of the times was expressed
well in a letter dated September 2, 1935, from a local rancher's wife
who wrote:
After 6 years [of] crop failures on the so called
submarginal land of Western South Dakota we are facing financial
disaster unless we sell our land to the government. [133]
During the same month, the average price being
offered per acre was $2.85. [134]
To gain Congressional approval for the boundary
extension of the proposed Badlands National Monument, the proponents
secured the attachment of a rider to the Taylor Grazing Bill revision
authorizing the enlargement. The grazing bill was vetoed in 1935
although there was no opposition to the rider. [135]
The bill was reintroduced the following year and was
passed. Approved June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1979), the law authorized the
President to round out the authorized national monument boundary by
proclamation within five years and stipulated that the entire area could
not exceed 250,000 acres. Lands to be included must be "adjacent or
contiguous thereto, . . . including, but not being restricted to, lands
designated as submarginal by the Resettlement Administration ..." [136] This law gave the NPS sufficient flexibility in
fixing a suitable boundary.
Norbeck worked tirelessly in promoting every aspect
of the area's development until his death in December 1936. He actively
participated in securing aid from various governmental relief agencies
for the land acquisition program of the area, and for building roads,
erecting buildings, and other purposes. [137]
As early as February 1935 Governor Tom Berry of South
Dakota urged Secretary Ickes to establish the national monument formally
through a presidential proclamation. He pointed out that the basic
conditions of Public Law 1021 had been met: (1) a 30-mile highway, built
at a cost of approximately $320,000, starting at Interior and going over
Big Foot Pass and on to Sage Creek, was completed in 1935 by the state
and approved by the NPS; (2) the state had acquired such privately owned
lands within the area as were required by the Secretary of the
Interior. [138]
However, NPS Director Cammerer deferred making such a
recommendation until some 9,780 acres of state lands, located within
the authorized national monument boundary, had been transferred to the
Service. [139]
Also, it was not until three years later, in 1938,
that the United States formally accepted title to 1,395.79 acres of land
donated by the trustees of the Custer State Park board who acted as
purchasing agents for the State of South Dakota. Senator Norbeck had
been a member of this board. The land was purchased from private owners
with funds authorized by the state legislature for the expressed
purpose of fulfilling partial requirements of Public Law 1021. Cost to
the state was approximately $12,000 for 1,280 acres of this donated
land. [141]
By early July 1938 Director Cammerer considered that
South Dakota had met all the conditions of Public Law 1021. Under this
act the federal government had acquired title to about 48,000 acres of
the 50,830 authorized. Within the extension authorized by the act of
June 26, 1936, the NPS included an additional 97,976 acres. In all, the
boundary recommended by the Service included some 148,806 acres (later
revised to 150,103.41, and still later revised again to 154,119.46 acres
for the same amount of land [142]) of which the
government owned 113,578.59 acres.
Director Cammerer therefore asked the Secretary of
the Interior to approve the establishment of the national monument and
that a proclamation be submitted to the President for final approval.
[143] On January 25, 1939, President Roosevelt
formally proclaimed the establishment of Badlands National Monument.
[144] It became the 77th national monument and the
151st area in the federal park system which is administered by the
National Park Service. [145]
The complicated land-ownership pattern in the
national monument along with grazing would plague the NPS for years.
When the area was proclaimed in 1939, the NPS administered substantial
tracts of land outside the national monument's boundary. These tracts
were located in the land utilization projects of the Department of
Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service. On the other hand, the SCS had
land utilization tracts under its jurisdiction within the boundary. [146]