TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction Intrusions Chapter 2: From Portage to Park Indians and Trade Chapter 3: The Fort and Its Structure Bakehouse Chapter 4: Artifacts Building Hardware Chapter 5: The Times that Tried Men's Souls Living Conditions Appendices A. Cemetary Index (omitted from the online edition)
LIST OF FIGURES 1. Plan of downtown Rome, New York, and location of Fort Stanwix National Monument 2. Aerial view of Fort Stanwix during excavation 3. The Oneida Carrying Place and location of pre-1758 forts 4. 1758 plan of Fort Stanwix; Crown Collection (No. cxxi, 99) 5. 1764 plan of Fort Stanwix; Crown Collection (No. cxxi, 102) 6. Boundary line established by the 1768 Treaty of Fort Stanwix 7. Gansevoort Plan of Fort Stanwix, ca. 1777; New York Public Library 8. Architectural reconstruction of Fort Stanwix (three-dimensional projection view) 9. Architectural side elevation (reconstruction) of Fort Stanwix 10. Plan of the 18th-century remains of Fort Stanwix 11. View of the bakehouse excavation 12. Close-up of the steps leading into the bakehouse 13. Fireplace in the bakehouse 14. Plans of the east and west barracks 15. Sections through the east and west barracks 16. View of a clay-lined cellar (Feature 69) in the east barracks 17. View of rubble fill in a clay-lined cellar (Feature 57) in the west barracks 18. Plan of the northeast bombproof 19. Section through the northeast bombproof 20. Plan of the northwest bombproof 21. Section through the northwest bombproof 22. Plan of the southwest bombproof 23. Section through the southwest bombproof 24. Plan of the north casemate 25. Section through the north casemate 26. View of the westernmost fireplace (Feature 10) in the north casemate 27. Plan of the southwest casemate 28. Section through the southwest casemate 29. Brick rubble on top of a box (Feature 51) in the floor of the southwest casemate 30. Plan of the box (Feature 51) in the southwest casemate 31. Section through Feature 51 in the southwest casemate 32. Cross section of the north ditch 33. Plan of the sally port, drain, communication and redout 34. Section through the sally port, drain, communication and redout 35. View of the main gate 36. Fireplace on the east scarp 37. Graph showing iron nail sizes 38. Nails, staples, piton, rivets and bolts 39. Washers, flange, hinges and braces 40. Hinges and pintles 41. Hinge and pintle from the drawbridge 42. Hasps, doorpulls, hooks and keys 43. Gun furniture 44. Gun furniture, vent picks, scabbard hooks, scabbard tips and gunflints 45. Bayonet, spears, pistol barrel and gunflint pads 46. Cannonballs, mortar shell, cannister shot, sprue, musket balls, buckshot, birdshot and cannon primers 47. Grenadier's match-case 48. Braid and buttons 49. Buttons and sleeve links 50. Clasps and buckles 51. Buckles 52. Eyelet, bracelet, pendants, tinkling cones, earring, net sinker and beads 53. Spades and shovel 54. Picks 55. Axes 56. Hammers, frow, file, wedge, chisels, augers, screwdriver, cleaver, and billhook 57. Horseshoes, oxshoe, cotter pin, linch pins, axle hubs, harness fasteners, spur, stirrup and bridle bit 58. Oriental porcelain and white salt-glazed stoneware 59. White salt-glazed stoneware 60. White salt-glazed stoneware plates 61. Polychrome painted and "Scratch Blue" white salt-glazed stoneware 62. Tin-glazed refined buffware 63. Tin-glazed refined buffware and lead-glazed refined buffware 64. Polychrome-glazed refined buffware, lead-glazed slipped coarse buffware and black-glazed refined redware 65. Lead-glazed coarse redware 66. Bottles 67. Bottles 68. Decanters, wine glasses, beaker and ink wells 69. Kettles, pot lid and tin can 70. Griddle, griddle handles and pot hooks 71. Key plates, tacks, balance beam, rulers, protractor, plumb bob, scissors, thimbles, needle and pins 72. Pipes 73. Knives and razor 74. Forks and spoons 75. Combs, sad iron, coins, jetton, game counters, jews harp, whistle, bells, pencils, signets and bale seal 76. Ferrules, gunner's sight (?), brass plate, unidentified lead objects, button bit and blanks 77. Prehistoric Indian stone artifacts 78. Distribution of prehistoric Indian artifacts 79. Location of a fort cemetery LIST OF TABLES 2. Distribution of staples, screws, rivets, bolts, nuts and washers 3. Distribution of hinges, pintles, hasps and keys 4. Distribution of thicknesses of window glass in wood and clay-lined cellar holes 5. Distribution of weapons, weapon parts and accoutrements 6. Unmodified Dutch gunflints separated on the basis of color 7. Distribution of gunflint series 8. Comparison of sites by frequency percentage of gunflints 9. Distribution of cannonballs, mortar bombs, hand grenades and cannister shot 10. Comparison of cannister shot sizes in different areas 11. Distribution of musket balls by condition 12. Distribution of musket balls by calibers 13. Distribution of buckshot and birdshot 14. Distribution of sprues and lead waste 15. Distribution of button types 16. Distribution of sleeve links and clasps 17. Distribution of buckles 18. Distribution of eyelets, pendants, tinkling cones and beads 19. Distribution of axes and wedges 20. Distribution of horseshoes and oxshoes 21. Distribution of pottery types 22. Distribution of pottery vessel forms by type 23. Distribution of pottery vessel forms by area 24. Distribution of bottles, decanters, wine glasses, tumblers, beaker, glass cup (?) and ink wells 25. Distribution of kettle and collander fragments 26. Distribution of griddle handles, pot hooks and broilers 27. Distribution of brass tacks 28. Distribution of scissors 29. Distribution of straight pins 30. Distribution of pipe stems by bore diameter 31. Distribution of tobacco pipes 32. Distribution of knives, forks and spoons 33. Distribution of coins 34. Sizes of dated coins in millimeters 35. Distribution of lead pencils 36. Distribution of Indian stone artifacts 37. American casualties and desertions at Fort Stanwix 38. Minimum number of animals in the garbage dump in the sally port
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