The horsepower limits listed below are currently being reviewed and may be adjusted based on the park's 2014 General Management Plan. For more information and to comment on the proposed change to horsepower regulation, click here.
Horsepower Limits*
Personal watercraft (skidoos, jetskis, etc,) are prohibited in the park, as well as, all other inboard powered vessels.
Limit |
Two Rivers upstream to Round Spring (Lower Access) |
40 HP |
Above Round Spring Lower Access (Except above Akers from May 1 - September 15 10 HP Maximum) |
25 HP |
Two Rivers upstream to Alley Spring Campground Access |
40 HP
Above Alley Spring Campground Access(Except above Bay Creek from March 1 to Saturday before Memorial Day - 10 HP)
25 HP |
Two Rivers downstream to Big Spring John boat landing |
40 HP
Big Spring Johnboat Landing downstream to park boundary |
No limit |
Notes: These regulations went into effect October 1, 1993
*Horsepower measurements are the industry standard as measured at the propeller shaft.
Vessels are limited to an outboard motor only. Personal watercraft (skidoos, jetskis, etc,) are prohibited in the park.
These limitations do not apply from two miles above to two miles below the cities of Van Buren and Eminence, or outside the boundaries of Ozark National Scenic Riverways.