Horsepower Limits

A jet boat glides across the surface of a river.
The proposed rule on motorboats will include horsepower limits and seasonal non-motorized zones that were established in the 2015 General Management Plan.

NPS Photo / Jessica Poppa


Changes to Motorboat Rules

The National Park Service (NPS) is implementing amendments to the special regulations for motorized vessels within Ozark National Scenic Riverways. The changes will create seasonal non-motorized zones, legalize the use of 60/40 horsepower (HP) motors with jet propulsion, and establish a 150 HP limit for motors between the lower end of the Van Buren Gap to the park’s southern boundary on the Current River.

Note: Any mention of "jet" or "jet propulsion" systems being allowed on the river refers to outboard motors only. Inboard motors are prohibited within park boundaries.

Changes to the park’s horsepower regulation were proposed in the park’s 2015 General Management Plan as part of the Preferred Alternative. The original proposal was to establish a 150 HP limit below Big Spring on the Current River. After analyzing public comment on the proposed rule in early 2022, the NPS determined that the 150 HP limit should be extended north of Big Spring to the southern end of the Van Buren Gap.

To implement these proposals, the NPS will amend the special regulation at 36 CFR § 7.83. This modification to the special regulation requires an amendment to the original proposal in the park’s 2015 Final GMP. Details about the amendment, including updated charts and maps, are documented in an Errata Sheet.

The final rule can be viewed in the federal register. The following tables are included in the final rule and summarize the changes for each river:

A map distinguishing various sections of the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers.
The new rule establishes a non-motorized season along sections of the park, shown above. Written descriptions of these sections can be found in the charts below.

NPS Photo / Wil Marischen

Current River - Horsepower Limit Table [§ 7.83]

The use of a motorized vessel is allowed on the Current River according to the seasonal restrictions and maximum horsepower limits set forth in the table below.
Locations and boundaries referenced here can be found on our park map.

Section of River

Maximum Horsepower During
Peak Season

Maximum Horsepower During
Off-Peak Season

Upper Section
Northern boundary downstream
to Round Spring

Motorized vessels prohibited

25 hp (motor with jet unit)
18 hp (motor with propeller)

Middle Section
Round Spring downstream
to upper (northern) end
of the Van Buren Gap

60 hp (motor with jet unit)
40 hp (motor with propeller)

60 hp (motor with jet unit)
40 hp (motor with propeller)

Lower Section
Lower (southern) end of the
Van Buren Gap downstream to
the southern boundary
of the Riverways

150 hp (motor with jet unit)
105 hp (motor with propeller)

150 hp (motor with jet unit)
105 hp (motor with propeller)

Jacks Fork River - Horsepower Limit Table [§ 7.83]

The use of a motorized vessel is allowed on the Jacks Fork River according to the seasonal restrictions and maximum horsepower limits set forth in the table below.
Locations and boundaries referenced here can be found on our park map.

Section of River

Maximum Horsepower During
Peak Season

Maximum Horsepower During
Off-Peak Season

Upper (Western) Section
Western boundary downstream
to the upper (western) boundary
of the Eminence Gap

Motorized vessels prohibited

25 hp (motor with jet unit)
18 hp (motor with propeller)

Middle (Eastern) Section
Lower (eastern) boundary of
the Eminence Gap downstream
to Two Rivers

60 hp (motor with jet unit)
40 hp (motor with propeller)

60 hp (motor with jet unit)
40 hp (motor with propeller)


Background on the Amendments

Seasonal Non-Motorized Zones

The NPS proposes to create seasonal non-motorized zones along the upper stretches of the Current and Jacks Fork rivers, where lower water levels during the peak season typically limit access for motorboats. These zones would provide areas where motorized and non-motorized vessels would not conflict during peak visitor season, when it can be challenging for non-motorized vessels and motorboats to navigate narrow river channels at the same time.

Peak visitor season usually begins the day after the last day of spring trapping season and ends the day before gigging season, which would currently be April 1 - September 14 for 2024. The non-motorized zone on the Jacks Fork River would be from the western boundary of the park to the boundary at West Eminence. The seasonal non-motorized zone on the Current River would be from the northern boundary of the park to Round Spring.

60/40 HP Motors

The new rule will allow the use of outboard 60/40 HP jet propulsion systems that are most popular with motorboat users today.

Under existing (prior to 2024) regulations for motorized vessels within Ozark National Scenic Riverways, the 60/40 HP motors are not legal because they exceed 40 HP at the powerhead. The new rule will allow the use of these motors and clarify HP limits at the powerhead for both motors with jet propulsion units and motors with propellers, which produce differing horsepower outputs.

150 HP Limit

A 150 HP limit for motors equipped with outboard jet propulsion and 105 HP limit for motors with a propeller will be implemented on the Current River between the lower end of the Van Buren Gap and the southern boundary of the park. These limits were established to address visitor concerns about safety, degradation of visitor experience and increasing boat sizes resulting from no limits on boat motor size.


Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions


Last updated: December 12, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 490
Van Buren, MO 63965


(573) 323-4236
Call (573) 323-4236 for Big Spring Entrance Station, located south of Van Buren, MO. Call (573) 226-3945 for the Alley Spring General Store, located west of Eminence, MO. Call (573) 858-3297 for Round Spring Ranger Station, located north of Eminence, MO.

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