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Our Mission
The National Park Service is dedicated to conserving unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Service is also responsible for managing a great variety of national and international programs designed to help extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.
Our Role
The role of the Office of International Affairs is to serve the National Park Service by engaging more fully the talents and available resources of the Park Service for the implementation of its domestic and global missions. It evaluates opportunities and coordinates responses involving the National Park Service in international programs, projects and activities.
It also provides leadership in the fulfillment of U.S. foreign policy objectives through implementation of treaty obligations and other agreements.
The Office of International Affairs, utilizing its broad network of contacts, optimizes the Service's efficiency, responsiveness, and accountability in collaborating with its international partners. OIA initiates projects and responds to requests for assistance by: utilizing appropriate NPS field and program expertise, navigating requirements of domestic and international laws and customs, and leveraging financing and resources from partners in the national and global communities.
Our Purpose
OIA provides the overall framework for the Service's international programs and coordinates the fulfillment of the Service's mandates, obligations, and responsibilities for international activities. It collaborates and coordinates with the Service's partners for international programs on major global conservation and cultural issues.
OIA evaluates requests for assistance to maximize the impact and effectiveness of the Service's limited resources, OIA enhances the Service's ability to accomplish its domestic mission through increased experience and professional growth of its employees derived from their participation in international programs.
Last updated: March 24, 2017