NPS International Related Links

A blue and white globe.

A collection of useful links related to NPS programs, other federal agencies or organizations dealing with international activities.

Other National Park Service Sites with International Components

Shared Beringian Heritage Program (Russia)

NPS Office of Tourism

International Biosphere Reserves

Training Manuals

Manual Para La Capacitacion del Personal de Areas Protegidas (Spanish):

Module One: Orientacion General

Module Two: Proteccion de Areas Protegidas

Module Three: Interpretacion y Educacion Ambiental

Module Four: Manejo de Recuros Naturales y Culturales

Module Five: Administracion y Relaciones Humanas

Module Six: Mantenimiento

Training Manual for Protected Area Personnel (English) (4.1 MB PDF)

U.S. Government International Environment Sites

U.S. Department of the Interior Office of International Affairs

U.S. Department of the Interior: U.S. - Mexico Field Coordinating Committee

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service International Affairs

USGS International Programs

U.S. Forest Service International Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency International Cooperation

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: International Programs

U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service:
International Programs

USAID Environment and Global Climate Change

U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental
and Scientific Affairs

National Marine Protected Areas Center

International Park and Protected Area Organizations

Friends of World Heritage

International Ranger Federation

Natural Resources Defense Council

ParksWatch: Strengthening Parks to Safeguard Biodiversity

UNESCO World Heritage

World Commission on Environment and Development

World Conservation Monitoring Centre

World Parks Congress (Sydney, 2014)

World Wilderness Congress (Spain, 2013)

Protected Planet: Database of World Protected Areas

EuroParc Federation

International Volunteer Opportunities

United Planet

Peace Corps: Environment Opportunities

Projects Abroad

Last updated: April 22, 2024