The National Park Service (NPS) Tribal Historic Preservation Program (THPP) reviews and approves applications from federally recognized Tribes to establish Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPOs) under Section 101 of the National Historic Preservation Act. On behalf of the Act, NPS enters into Memoranda of Agreement with the tribes who apply. Tribes submit annual reports of their accomplishments. Please see the pages Facts and Stats and Vignettes of THPO Accomplishments for a few of their accomplishments. Also, these tribes may choose to apply for funding through the office of State, Tribal, Local Plans and Grants Division.

Find a THPO
Use this link to find the THPO of a particular Tribe

THPO Application
Here you can find the most updated THPO Program application. Use this application and application guidance to craft your THPO program plan.

Annual THPO Grants
A modest amount of annual funding is available to support THPOs who have entered into an agreement with the National Park Service.

THPO Statistics
Summed statistics as reported on THPO accomplishments Reports

Vignettes of THPO Accomplishments
Vignettes of THPO Accomplishments as noted on their annual reports

THPP 25th Anniversary Report
This issue highlights successes from across the nation and the close preservation partnerships that have developed over the years.
Last updated: October 27, 2023