Photo/Makenzie Baker
National Park Service Route 66 Cost-Share Grant Program
The Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program provides cost-share grant assistance to support the preservation of the most significant and representative historic Route 66 buildings, structures, road segments, and cultural landscapes in the eight states through which the route passes. Assistance is also provided to support research, planning, oral history, and educational outreach projects related to the preservation of Route 66.
Program cost-share grant funds are provided through congressional appropriations, which are determined each new fiscal year. Project eligibility criteria requires a minimum 50% (1:1) cost-share match provided by the applicant. All preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation projects are required to conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
The cost-share grant program is subject to revision based on congressional appropriations and continued development of programmatic strategies and guidelines. A grant cycle will NOT be offered in 2025. Please refer to the many other grant opportunities being offered in 2025, as follows:
Illinois Department of Commerce: Route 66 Grant Program
Illinois Historic Preservation Division: CLG Matching Grants and other Financial Incentives
Landmarks Illinois: Grant Programs
Missouri State Historic Preservation Office: Preservation Fund Grants
Missouri Preservation: Historic Preservation Funding
Kansas Historical Commission: Preservation Grants and Incentives
Oklahoma Department of Commerce: Route 66 Revitalization Grant Program
Oklahoma Historical Society: Heritage Preservation Grant Program
Local/other grants in Oklahoma
Texas Historical Commission: Grants, Tax Credits and Funding
New Mexico
New Mexico Tourism Department: Route 66 Centennial Grant Program
New Mexico Historic Preservation Division: Cultural Properties Restoration Fund Grant Program
Historic Route 66 Association of Arizona/Arizona Community Foundation: Grant and Cost Share Grant Programs
Arizona State Parks: Grant Programs
California State Parks Office of Historic Preservation: Incentives and Grants for Historic Preservation
National/All States
National Trust for Historic Preservation: Preserve Route 66 Legacy Business Grant Fund
National Trust for Historic Preservation: Preserve Route 66 Grant Fund
National Trust for Historic Preservation: Backing Historic Small Restaurants Grant Fund
The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership: Black Experiences Grant Program
The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership: Extraordinary Women Micro-Grant Program
US Department of Agriculture (USDA): Rural Economic Development Loans and Grants
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH): Grants
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA): Grants
US Small Business Administration (SBA): Grants
Be sure to check your local/regional municipality, state, corporate, USDA, NEH,NEA, and SBA offices for other opportunities not listed here.
Last updated: January 14, 2025