
Tribal Leaders Guide to the NPS Plant Gathering Regulation Now Available

The NPS has released public guidance for the NPS Plant Gathering Regulation (36 CFR 2.6). The NPS Plant Gathering Regulation was finalized on August 8, 2016 and provides a mechanism for federally recognized Indian tribes to negotiate and enter into a plant gathering agreement with the NPS to continue cultural traditions that pre-date the establishment of a NPS unit. The "Tribal Leaders Guide to the National Park Service Plant Gathering Regulation" provides guidance on how to request and develop a plant gathering agreement with the NPS. Read more on the NPS Plant Gathering Regulation webpage.

An Interview with Joe Watkins and Jennifer Talken-Spaulding

Joe Watkins and Jennifer Talken-Spaulding talk with Anthropology TV at the American Anthropological Association meeting in Washington, DC in December, 2014.

AAA Webinar, Wednesday - March 18, 2015

An American Anthropological Association (AAA) webinar entitled Applied Anthropology in the National Parks explains the research and services that National Park Service anthropologists provide.

We are the National Park Service

This video -- "Yeah, We're Beautiful" -- invites you to explore and engage in the diversity of people and places within the National Park Service.

Last updated: November 14, 2023