News Release
Date: October 13, 2017
Contact: Rob Parrish, 917-509-4426
San Juan, P.R. – The NPS Eastern Incident Management Team (EIMT) has begun the process to shift management of hurricane recovery for the Caribbean parks to the bureau’s Pacific West IMT. The NPS continues its effort to stabilize, recover, and ultimately open the parks for public enjoyment.
The NPS incident management team remains based in Puerto Rico's Convention Center within the FEMA Emergency Operations Center. There is an IMT branch director assigned to each park with supporting positions on site within the park unit. An NPS facility assessment team is in the Caribbean assessing all park structures and infrastructure. IMT employee assistance efforts are ongoing.
Douglas W. Domenech, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Areas, visited Virgin Islands National Park on Thursday and San Juan on Friday.
The six national parks in the Caribbean are closed.
Virgin Islands National Park, St. John – CLOSED
- Repairs are being made to housing areas and support facilities.
- Assessments of damage to natural and cultural resources are continuing.
- The Arrowhead Hotshots continue to make progress in clearing debris from roadways, providing critical access to areas of the park that were previously unassessed.
Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument, St. John – CLOSED
Christiansted National Historic Site, St. Croix – CLOSED
- All debris has been removed from the park.
- Efforts are underway to safely restore power and water service to park facilities.
Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix – CLOSED
- Navigation buoys are being repositioned.
Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve, St. Croix – CLOSED
San Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico – CLOSED
- Clearing the wall drainages at Santa Elena and San Augustine Bastions continues.
- Temporary roof repairs have been completed at El Banico (“the Fan”) to prevent further damage.
- Repairs to the Castillo San Cristóbal main generator have been completed to facilitate incident command operations at the park.
Last updated: October 14, 2017