News Release

Trump Administration Invests $202,660 in Preservation Technology and Training Grants

Black and white photo of a wooden cottage with a large tree in the yard.
Dwelling of Enslaved Africans, VA, c. 1820. With this funding, the Database of Vernacular Architecture will create the first interdisciplinary database that archives, curates, and disseminates vernacular building information in the Western Hemisphere.

Photo courtesy of Willie Graham.

News Release Date: August 3, 2020


WASHINGTON – The Trump Administration announced today $202,660 in grants for projects to develop or adapt techniques to preserve historical sites and cultural heritage in nine states.

"Historic preservation depends on advancements in science and technology," said NPS Deputy Director David Vela, exercising the authority of the Director. “These grants will help educational institutions, states, local governments, and non-profit organizations foster innovative research and training projects that preserve aspects of our history.”

Examples of projects funded this year include:

  • The City of Fairfax, VA will conduct research aimed at implementing new methods for assessing and preserving interior surfaces of historic structures with advanced imaging.

  • Texas Tech University will investigate measuring pitch pine physical and chemical defense mechanisms in historically and culturally important forests in Concord, MA, and how those defense mechanisms may protect them from the expected arrival of the southern pine beetle.

  • The University of Texas San Antonio will examine the potential impact of automated heated and cooling systems on historic stone buildings.

The National Park Service’s National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT) administers the grants as part of its efforts to create new technologies and training opportunities to preserve historic and cultural resources. Funded by the National Recreation and Preservation account, NCPTT has awarded more than $11 million in grants to fund science and technology-based landmark preservation projects since 1994. A full list of this year’s grant recipients is below.

For more information about the NPS Center for Preservation Technology and Training, including these grants, visit




Grant Amount


Rapid Midden Assessment of the Cross Florida Greenway -South Barge Canal

Gulf Archaeology Research Institute



Systemic Capture and Processing of Digital Documentation of Historic Landscapes to Promote Active Management and Broad Accessibility

This award will be made directly to the park and not awarded as a grant.

Isle Royal National Park


New Mexico

Mud Talks: Preserving Earthen Architecture

Cornerstone Community Partnerships


New York

Open-Access Remote Sensing Toward an Online Repository of Archaeological Geophysical Data

Research Foundation for SUNY



Tri-Cure Hybrid Organo-Silicone Coatings for Monument Preservation

Bowling Green State University


South Carolina

Keeping History Above Water -- Charleston: A Workshop for Communities in Action

Clemson University



Database of Vernacular Architecture

Texas A&M University



Measuring pitch pine physical and chemical defense mechanisms in historically and culturally import forests in Concord, MA

Texas Tech University



A Methodical Investigation of HVAC Integration and Impact on U.S. Historic Stone Buildings

University of Texas San Antonio



Virtual Field Trip of Sleeping Rainbow Ranch in Capitol Reef National Park

Utah Valley University



New Insights into Interiors Surfaces of Historic Structures with Advanced Imaging Research

City of Fairfax, Office of Historic Resources


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Last updated: August 6, 2020