Integrated Pest Management

a tan colored gypsy moth pinned and mounted next to a centimeter rule.
Spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) is an invasive pest that damages eastern hardwood forests.



The Regional Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinator assists parks with management of pests using effective low-risk methods that protect resources, visitors, and staff. Pests include insects, plants, diseases and other organisms that threaten natural and cultural resources or pose a threat to human health. Methods include manual, mechanical, cultural, biological and chemical applications. All pesticides used on national park lands must be approved prior to use. The regional coordinator reviews and approves pesticides, biological control agents and genetically modified organisms proposed by park IPM coordinators. Pesticide usage is reported and tracked on an annual basis.


Dorothy Borowy, Integrated Pest Management Coordinator, 202-339-8318.
If you need assistance from Resource Stewardship and Science (RESS), you may submit a Solution for Technical Assistance Requests (STAR) request online (NPS Only).


  • Pesticide Use Review- Assists parks with pesticide use requests and documentation (ongoing)
  • Pest Inspection and Identification - Identification of pests, assessment of damage, and recommendations for control. (ongoing)


NCR Integrated Pest Management Topics

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    Last updated: February 2, 2024