Jefferson County Begins Bridge Repair on Upper Hoh Road

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Date: August 1, 2011
Contact: Dave Reynolds, 360-457-0715

The Jefferson County Public Works Department has announced that repairs to the Willoughby Creek Bridge, on Upper Hoh Road near milepost 3.5, will start on August 1.

Access to the Hoh Rain Forest of Olympic National Park will remain open throughout the repair work, but some traffic delays are anticipated. According to Jefferson County officials, the repair work will require a limited number of one-hour closures.

These one-hour closures are scheduled to occur starting August 8 through August 11, and will only occur between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Jefferson County, which maintains the first 12 miles of the road off of Highway 101, says that electronic message boards, with road closure dates and times, will be posted on each side of the project at least three days in advance of any scheduled road closure.

Olympic National Park visitors can check on the status of park roads online by accessing the Current Conditions section of the park website.

Seton Construction of Port Townsend, Wash. will repair damage caused by erosion in order to prevent bridge failure. Repairs will include driving sheet pile in order to stabilize the slope, placement of streambank protection and installation of logjams to divert water under the bridge.

Work is expected to last through mid-September, though no additional closures are expected.

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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