Hurricane Ridge Road to Close for Three Hours on October 19

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Date: October 14, 2011
Contact: Barb Maynes, 360-565-3005
Contact: Dave Reynolds, 360-457-0715

Olympic National Park road crews will remove a large rock that is obstructing the ditch near Milepost 11.5 of Hurricane Ridge Road.

The road will be closed to all pedestrian and vehicle traffic at points just above and below the "Double Parking" area on Wednesday, October 19 from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. 

Beginning Monday, Olympic National Park trail crews will drill blast holes using a pneumatic drill and air compressor, which will block one lane in this area for several hours. The lane will be coned off and flaggers posted as required, but no significant delays are anticipated during the drilling process. 

On the morning of October 19, crewmembers will place charges in the blast holes and fracture the rock. A loader will be on site to remove any debris on the roadway. This section of Hurricane Ridge Road will be reopened as soon as blasting and removal operations have been safely completed.

Clearing of the ditch line is required to allow natural flows from winter and spring snowmelt next season, keeping water off of the roadway and lessening the potential for a washout or ice build-up.

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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