Junior Ranger

picture of junior ranger book
Oklahoma City National Memorial Junior Ranger book.


Oklahoma City National Memorial Junior Rangers

Earn your Junior Ranger badge and learn more about the Memorial by completing our Junior Ranger program booklet.

Download the booklet before your visit, or get one from a park ranger on the Memorial grounds or by calling 405-609-8859. If mailing in your booklet, be sure to include a return address.

Be sure to include a return address within your email.
Send digital books to: larry_toll@nps.gov
Mail paper copies to:
Junior Ranger c/o National Park Service
301 NW 6th St., Ste. 305
Oklahoma CIty, OK 73102

Last updated: May 17, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Oklahoma City National Memorial NPS Office
301 NW 6th Street, Suite 305

Oklahoma City, OK 73102-0676


405 609-8855

Contact Us