
Audio/Visual Assistance

Sign Language Interpreters

Sign Language interpreters are available for ranger programs with three weeks notice. Call (864)543-4068 ext. 3 or email us. This length of time and specificity is needed because we contract for this service with people who may live hours away from the park.


The parks orientation film, "Ninety Six, Crossroads of a Revolution," is shown with closed captioning. centers are captioned.

Wheelchairs and Mobility

Visitor Center

The visitor center, theater, museum, and restrooms are accessible. There is a non-motorized wheelchair available for loan in the visitor center.

Park Trail

The one-mile paved interpretive loop is accessible with two hills. Traveling the opposite direction, will allow visitors to go down hill rather than up hill. Persons in wheelchairs should use caution.

Picnic Area

The picnic area located next to the Logan Log House contains two accessible tables.

Star Fort Pond & Fishing Pier

The Star Fort Pond is accessible by a concrete path the leads from the parking area to an accessible fishing pier as well as an accessible trail that runs along the bank to the tree line.

Administrative Offices

The administrative offices are accessible.

Service Animals

Qualified service animals assisting people with disabilities are allowed and must be kept on a six-foot "hard" (non-retractable) leash at all times. They are allowed in all park facilities and on all park trails unless the area is closed. A service animal is defined as a dog, and in rare cases a miniature horse, that performs some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform such as carrying a pack for persons with mobility impairments, assisting persons with balance, or alerting medically-dependent persons of specific conditions such as oncoming seizures.

Emotional support, therapy, and companion animals are not service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); they have not been trained to provide a task directly related to a disability. Regardless of type, they are subject to the same guidelines as other pets.

Last updated: September 4, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Ninety Six National Historic Site
1103 Hwy 248

Ninety Six, SC 29666


864 543-4068

Contact Us