As a participant in the National Park Service Climate Friendly Parks (CFP) program, the National Mall and Memorial Parks is putting climate friendly behavior at the forefront of sustainability planning. Through the CFP program, the park conducted a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, set emissions reduction targets, and developed a Climate Action Plan to reduce emissions. The plan also establishes a commitment to educating park staff, visitors, and community members about climate change. The total amount of GHG emissions from park operations, concessioners, and visitors for FY 2008 was estimated to be 22,680 metric tons of carbon dioxide (or equivalent greenhouse gas). This is equal to the emissions from the combined electricity use of 10,000 homes for one year. National Mall and Memorial Parks is actively working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from park energy use, transportation, and waste, and to develop programs to help educate the public about climate change.
Park rangers work with local school teachers during a summer Climate Change in the Classrooms program
Last updated: April 10, 2015