Record of Determination for allowing E-Bikes

Record of Determination for allowing e-bikes within National Mall and Memorial Parks

Pursuant to NPS Policy Memorandum 19-01 and 36 CFR 1.5(a)(2) National Mall and Memorial Parks, allows E-bikes where traditional bicycles are allowed. E-bikes are prohibited where traditional bicycles are prohibited. Except where use of motor vehicles by the public is allowed, using the electric motor to move an e-bike without pedaling is prohibited.

The term “e-bike” means a two- or three-wheeled cycle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 h.p.).

A person operating an e-bike is subject to the following sections of 36 CFR part 4 that apply to the use of traditional bicycles:
  • § 4.12 Traffic control devices.
  • § 4.13 Obstructing traffic.
  • § 4.20 Right of way.
  • § 4.21 Speed limits.
  • § 4.22 Unsafe operation.
  • § 4.23 Operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • § 4.30 Bicycles.
Except as specified in the Superintendent’s Compendium, the use of an e-bike within National Mall and Memorial Parks is governed by District of Columbia law, which is adopted and made a part of the Superintendent’s Compendium. Any violation of District law adopted by this paragraph is prohibited.

National Mall and Memorial Parks will incorporate the e-bike language in all future updates of the Superintendent’s Compendium annually per National Park Service policy memorandum 19-01 and will continue to evaluate the e-bike use taking into consideration public health and safety, natural and cultural resource protection, and other management activates and objectives.

Within National Mall and Memorial Parks, bicycles and e-bikes are allowable on sidewalks outside of the memorials; bicycle and e-bike users must walk bicycles and e-bikes through the memorials and along the Tidal Basin walks. Bicycles and e-bikes are not allowed on the steps, colonnades, or within the chambers of the District of Columbia War Memorial, Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson Memorials, nor inside the Washington Monument. In addition, bicycles and e-bikes should be parked in the bicycle racks at each Monument and Memorial. Commercial or guided bicycle or e-bike groups are not permitted in any 36 CFR 7.96 restricted area.

Finally, pursuant to 36 CFR 1.7, this determination is available to the public via the park website, and in writing upon request.

Jeffrey Reinbold, Superintendent /s/ 9.26.2019

Last updated: October 1, 2019

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