Museum Handbook: Primer on Disaster Preparedness
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Orange Line Graphic
Orange Block Graphic Hazardous Material Accident b>Civil Disorder and Demonstrations

In case of a demonstration or other form of civil disorder within
the area:

1.   Notify authorities immediately of any information received,
     factual or rumored, of a demonstration or other form of
     civil disorder which is planned or in progress in the vicin-
     ity of the facility.

2.   Follow the instructions of building Security and the emer-
     gency preparedness personnel.

3.   Assist with protecting objects.

4.   If an explosion occurs, take cover immediately and antici-
     pate there may be others.

5.   Notify Authorities of any potential/actual hazards (e.g.,
     fire, bomb threat) incurred during a threatening situation.

6.   Stay indoors and away from windows unless directed to evacu-
     ate by the emergency preparedness personnel.

7.   Evacuate when directed and follow the evacuation procedures
     included at the beginning of this handbook.

8.   If released from work early, follow instructions of the
     emergency preparedness personnel and the local authorities. 
     Do not remain in the vicinity of the disturbance to sight-

9.   Do not spread rumors.

