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image - Wine tester eneral Washington's military family quartered at the Ford Mansion included his aides-de-camp, officers and servants. They numbered ten to fifteen, and sometimes more at any given time. It was also not unusual for wives of high-ranking officers to join their husbands at camp. Martha Washington arrived on December 31 from Mount Vernon, Virginia to join her husband in Morristown.

ashington's entourage needed all the space the mansion afforded. Two of the four rooms on the first floor, the entire upper floor of five rooms, the kitchen, the cellar and the stable were put to use. Mrs. Ford and her four children retreated into two rooms on the eastside of the main hallway on the first floor.

Tricorn Hat - Click to expand

ides slept on their collapsible field camp beds in the mansion. They carried many of the comforts of home with them, including items of daily living, personal comfort, clothing, and entertainment. The paraphernalia of war, such as weapons and equipment also were housed at the Ford Mansion.

Wine bottle - click to enlarge Nutcracker - click to enlarge Shaving razor - click to enlarge
English flintlock pistols - click to enlarge Portrait of Richard Varick - click to enlarge Decanter - click to enlarge
ecause of the shortage of senior officers, Washington dealt with all the issues that reached his headquarters. His able aides had many duties that included assisting Washington with correspondence, running errands, and delivering messages. They also attended daily meetings and participated in discussions to attempt to solve the many problems facing the army.
Shaving bowl - click to enlarge Hat, tricorn - click to enlarge Cane - click to enlarge
Pocket Watch - click to enlarge Gentleman's Quequ Bag - click to enlarge Pocket Book - click to enlarge
Shaving bowl - click to enlarge
Brooch, Captain Daniel Parker (1757-1796) - click to enlarge Brooch, Governor Morris - click to enlarge Flint and steel fire lighter - click to enlarge
Wine tester - click to enlarge Camp Broiler - click to enlarge Compass and sundial - click to enlarge
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Last Modified: Friday, July 05, 2002