
a red bike on a dirt road at sunset
Regular E-bikes are allowed on paved roads and dirt roads, but not off-road or on singletrack trails.

Photo courtesy K. Lewandowski

Mojave National Preserve has miles of paved and dirt roads for biking. Regular bikes and E-Bikes are only allowed on paved and dirt roads. Bikes are not allowed on single-track trails or off road.
Tips bikers should know before entering the Mojave National Preserve:
  • Cell phone service is mostly unavailable within the Preserve on paved roads and nonexistent on dirt roads.
  • Water is available at Kelso Depot and the Hole-in-the-Wall Campgrounds
  • Bikes are not available for rent in Mojave National Preserve
  • Mojave National Preserve does not have any designated bike paths or trails other than the existing paved roads and unmaintained dirt roads.
  • Bikers will need to be fully self-sufficient. There are no food services or lodging within the Preserve.
  • Camping at the Hole-in-the-Wall and Mid Hills Established Campgrounds is by reservation only at
  • Camping is available at numerous unimproved and dispersed campsites throughout the Preserve.
  • Be prepared for a variety of weather temperatures at different elevations, including snow and ice in the winter months.

Stay Safe Out There

  • Wear an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved bicycle helmet.
  • Watch for trains, fast moving vehicles, wildlife, and other road hazards.
  • Dress for the weather. In cold weather, it's better to wear several layers of clothing than one bulky item. To be more visible, wear bright or light colors, and at night, wear reflective clothing.
  • Use clips or rubber bands to keep long pants out of the chain.
  • Wear comfortable, lightweight low cut shoes with firm soles to protect your feet.
  • Check for proper air pressure and tire tread.
  • Adjust the seat and handlebars to fit and tighten loose parts.
  • Clean and oil moving parts, keeping oil off rubber.
  • Check the brakes. They should allow you to make a quick, smooth stop.
  • Obey all traffic signals, signs and pavement markings.
  • Ride on the right side of the road, close to the edge. If in a group, ride in single file at least one bike length apart. Infants under the age of one year should not be carried as bicycle passengers.
  • Avoid for potholes, bumps, cattle guards, ice and oil slicks, loose gravel or sand, and sewer grates.
  • Watch for parked cars with people in them - someone could open a door unexpectedly and constantly look for cars pulling out into traffic.
  • Do not carry passengers on a one-person bicycle. Keep packages in a luggage carrier so both hands can be on the handlebars.
  • Be alert. Give pedestrians and vehicles the right of way. Walk your bicycle across busy roadways and railroad crossings.
  • At night, ensure you have a working headlight visible for 500 feet, a red rear reflector and side reflectors.
  • Stop before entering a roadway from a sidewalk or driveway.
  • Ride only on authorized roads or trails. Select roads with low traffic usage whenever possible.

Last updated: February 14, 2025

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Barstow, CA 92311


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