Springs & Seeps: Desert Spring (1:24,000)

Desert Spring
MOJA Spring ID:
General Location: Fenner Valley
Elevation: 982 m
History: NA
Spring type is a forced “rheocrene.” No facultative or obligate wetland plant species are present. “Spring” is located adjacent to wash on the E-NE side of the outcrop. It appears that water source completely comes from infiltration from the highly fractured granite outcrop.
Type of spring: Seep
Vegetation: Schismus, Lepidium probably lasiocarpa Rock crevices above impoundment have Lotus rigidus, Amsinkia tesselata, Nicotiana, Cryptantha barbigera in crevice of lower (front) dam face. Pectocarya platycarpa ;Lotus humistratus 5 m below dam in cobbley gravel; Cryptantha pterocarya in sandy, gravelly outwash from boulders, Eschscholzia minutiflora in main sandy wash with Cryptantha and Gilia; Small, white, salveriform corolla; divided, basal leaves with cobwebby hairs; Europpapus lyndleyi under Acacia greggii on raised, sandy bench in wash with Erodium; Camissonia clavaeformis in sandy wash and on gravelly slope—west facing. Eriogonum inflatum var. deflatum in wash; Cryptantha probably maritima next 6 plants on west facing gravelly sand slope. Willow herb looking thing with red, basal leaves. White daisy belly flower; White 5-petal brown dots daisy flower; Porophyllum gracile next to rock—woody; Plantago ovate; Phacecelia crenulata. In flat sandy area growing up out of Ambrosia Chaenactis in sandy level area.
Animals Use: NA
Aquatic biota:
Water quality:
Site Condition:
moderately disturbed
Type of disturbance:
Type of infrastructure/diversion: Mucked dam site - 1940 concrete dam.
Photos: Yes

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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