Clark lower, mid, between mid and upper, upper
MOJA Spring ID(s): MIHI10-13
General Location: New York Mountains West Side
Elevation: 1445 – 1583 m
History: NA
Hydrogeology: NA
Type of spring: NA
Vegetation: grasses
Animal Use: NA
Aquatic biota: NA
Ephemeral: NA
Discharge: NA
Water quality: NA
Site Condition: undisturbed
Type of disturbance: none
Type of infrastructure/diversion: none
Photos: No
Sacaton Spring
General Location: New York Mountains West
Elevation: 1238 m
History: NA
Hydrogeology: NA
Type of spring: Seep
Vegetation: Willows
Animal Use: burros
Aquatic biota: NA
Ephemeral: Wet probably most years
Discharge: NA
Water quality: NA
Site Condition: highly disturbed
Type of disturbance: livestock, diversion, springbox
Type of infrastructure/diversion: The developed pool can hold about 25 gallon of storage. Rebar burro-fencing surrounds this pool/seep. An old spring box with unreachable water at the bottom is found upslope of fenced spring among a clump of willows. Two abandoned troughs are found downstream of spring source. No visible piping.
Photos: Yes