Granite Spring
General Location: Halloran Summit
Elevation: 1136 m
History: NA
Hydrogeology: NA
Type of spring: NA
Vegetation: NA
Animal Use: NA
Aquatic biota: NA
Ephemeral: no
Discharge: NA
Water quality: NA
Site Condition: NA
Type of disturbance: livestock recreation diversion etc.
Type of infrastructure/diversion: Old bathtub filled with water supplied by underground seep.
Photos: Yes
Henry Spring
General Location: Halloran Summit
Elevation: 830 m
History: pre-historic use, homestead, cattle grazing
Hydrogeology: NA
Type of spring: Qanat
Vegetation: Near the qanat are Amsinkia tesselata, Lepidium sp., weedy mustard, Schismus, Bromus rubens, herbaceous Fabaceae: Lotus/Melilotus. The Fabaceae, brome, and mustards are confined to the disturbed area. Typha in sandy soil, surface dry, wet below, with Bromus rubens, Cleomella, Schismus.
Animal Use: rabbits, quails, doves
Aquatic biota: none
Ephemeral: no
Discharge: none
Water quality: pH: 7.97, Conductivity: 1505 (µS/cm), DO: 6.0 mg/l, TDS: 748 mg/l, Salinity: 0.5 (0/00)
Site Condition: highly disturbed
Type of disturbance: livestock, diversion
Type of infrastructure/diversion: Site consists of a 50’ long backhoed trench downgradient from a large excavated qanat. The qanat opening is shored up with large timbers. The steep walls of the trench are 6-8’ high, becoming deeply eroded.
Photos: Yes