Your Fee Dollars at Work

Thank you for supporting your public lands! The National Park Service collects Recreation Fees under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA), providing a vital source of revenue for improving facilities and services for park visitors. All of these visitor-funded projects are important to the continued preservation of your national parks.

Mojave National Preserve does not charge entrance fees; however, campground fees are used to directly support and improve visitor services. Take a look a some of the past, present, and future projects using your fee dollars.
Kelso Depot Restrooms
Kelso Depot Restrooms

NPS Photo/Dave Hursey

Previous Park Projects Supported by Fee Dollars:
  • Stained and sealed the concrete floor and refinished the staircase at Kelso Depot
  • Cleared brush along Zzyzx Road to improve the day use area and secnic lake views
  • Rehabilitated restrooms at Kelso Depot
  • Replaced deteriorated or missing wayfinding signs
Current Park Projects:
  • Rehabilitate the Kelso Depot HVAC and water heating systems
Planned Park Projects:
  • Correct ADA accessibility deficiencies at Hole-in-the-Wall Information Center and Campground
  • Replace deteriorated picnic tables at Hole-in-the-Wall Campground
  • Replace vault toilets at campgrounds

Last updated: July 2, 2024

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Mailing Address:

2701 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311


(760) 252-6100
For emergencies including vehicle breakdowns, dial 911

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