Last updated: March 29, 2022
Lesson Plan
Virtual Field Trip - Revolutionary War National Parks
- Grade Level:
- Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 90 Minutes
- Common Core Standards:
- 11-12.RH.2, 8.RI.2, 8.RI.8
- State Standards:
- 8.H.2.2 Summarize how leadership and citizen actions (e.g. the founding fathers, the Regulators, the Greensboro Four, and participants of the
Wilmington Race Riots, 1898) influenced the outcome of key conflicts in North Carolina and The United States.
Essential Question
What is the significance of the American Revolution stories that National Parks protect?
● Students will be able to summarize a battle from the Revolutionary War.
● Students will be able to identify National Parks related to the Revolutionary War.
● Students will be able to accurately locate a battle on a map of the United States of America.
Be sure students are already familiar with causes of the Revolutionary War
○ Issues in Boston
○ New government policies
○ Increase in taxation
● Teach the relevant vocabulary
2. Gather Materials ● Relevant Vocabulary ● Copies of the “Find your Park” Handout - 1 per student ● Copies of the “Virtual Field Trip” Handout - 1 per student ● Technology - students will need access to an internet capable device to complete the assignments.
This document serves as the beginning resource for this lesson plans and contains several helpful links.
Download Find Your Virtual Park!!
Lesson Hook/Preview
Let's take a journey through America's National Parks and discover the places associated with the American Revolution that they take care of!
● First, students will complete the “Find Your Park” Handout - 30 Minutes ○ Add 15 minutes if students complete the Bonus Activity ● Then, students will complete the “Virtual Field Trip” handout. Students should only use the National Park website. - 15-20 minutes ○ Add 30 minutes if students complete the Bonus Activity
All handouts are included in the main packet.
1. National Park - a naturally or historically significant area set aside and protected by the national government
2. Preservation - to maintain
3. Revolution - overthrow of a government in favor of a new system
4. Boycott - to refuse to buy or use goods
5. American Colonists - people living in North America under British rule
6. Loyalists (Tories) - colonists who remained loyal to the king of Great Britain
7. Patriots - colonists who argued for freedom from British rule
8. Minutemen - American colonists who volunteered to be ready for battle a minutes notice.
9. Treason - turning against one’s country
10. Flintlock - a revolutionary gun fired by a spark from a flint.
Assessment Materials
Formative and Summative GradingFormative Grading: ● Have students present their finding to the class. - 20 minutes depending on the size of the class.
Summative Grading: ● Use the answer key to check student accuracy on each sheet. ● Use the Rubric to grade the Bonus activity