Women In Parks

A Century of Action

The 19th Amendment was signed into law on August 26, 1920. This amendment guarantee the right to vote for all citizens regardless of sex. People of many different backgrounds worked for years to achieve the passage of the amendment. At Montezuma Castle National Monument, we recognize that the work toward equality based on gender and sex is still ongoing. We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of this historic event by telling a stories of women in the National Park Service and at our monument.
Grace Sparkes
Grace Sparkes

Learn more about Grace's contributions to many NPS units.

Anna's hummingbird
Betty Jackson (née Morris)

Learn how Betty made significant contributions to our Natural Resource program.

Sallie Pierce-Harris
Sallie Pierce-Harris

Learn more about Sallie Pierce-Harris and her legacy.

Last updated: July 29, 2020

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