Minute Man Living History Authenticity Standards

The goal of the Minute Man National Historical Park Living History Authenticity Standards is to accurately represent (to the best of our ability) and honor the memory of those who lived through and participated in the events leading to our nation’s independence here in Massachusetts. These standards cover middling and lower sorts since they would have dominated the events in Concord, Lincoln, and Lexington on April 19, 1775. All clothing should be made using the materials, style, fit, and construction appropriate for 1775 New England.

These standards are listed in three categories: standard, exceeds standard, unacceptable

  • The "standard" category represents the basic requirement. Clothing in this category allows for machine stitching on seams and interior components. Hand-finishing is prefered but not required.
  • The descriptions in the "exceeds standard" category reflect the current research of members of the living history community. Clothing in this category is documented and hand-sewn. Please know that certain items in the "exceeds standard" category may be commercially unavailable at this time or expensive to obtain without sewing skills. We encourage but do not expect all our living history volunteers to outfit themselves as outlined in the "exceeds standard" category.
  • Items listed as Unacceptable may not be worn/used. In some cases they will be gradually phased out by 2023 when the standards will be fully implemented.

Your clothing, accessories, and all that you carry should reflect whom you are portraying. The types of fabrics, trims, and objects you carry should reflect your social class and the activities in which you are engaged. Please note that silk garments and other fine clothing and accessories appropriate to a better sort are not included here but may be suitable for particular impressions at certain events held at the Park.

We have updated our timeline for implementation to adjust for the covid 19 pandemic. Many of the changes to our previous standards will not be fully implemented until 2023. If an item is listed as “Discouraged but Acceptable” for the 2022 event, it will be “Unacceptable” by 2023.

One item we will be requiring for the 2022 are knapsacks for militia/minute man impressions. All militia/minute men will be required to field with a linen knapsack made in the David Uhl style.

Finally, if you have any questions or comments, or need assistance related to these standards, please feel free to contact the committee at: battleroad.standards@gmail.com. or Minute Man NHP Thank you for your support of Minute Man NHP and for helping to bring history to life for our visitors.

Minute Man National Historical Park Authenticity Standards Committee
Sharon Burnston, Alex Cain, Eric Chetwynd, Henry Cooke, Stephen Crosby,
Michele Gabrielson, Ruth Hodges, Jim Hollister, Steven Taskovics, Tommy Tringale, Russ Davis, Rory Nolan, Bob Falotico, and Park Rangers Jim Hollister & Jarrad Fuoss


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Mailing Address:

North Bridge / Park Headquarters
174 Liberty St.

Concord, MA 01742


978 369-6993

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