As part of the Manhattan Project during World War II, Hanford (now known as the Hanford Site) produced plutonium for the Fat Man atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945. Many of the surrounding communities in the Tri-Cities region have connections to the Manhattan Project and Hanford's plutonium-production facilities, which continued operating through the Cold War. Start learning about the Manhattan Project by visiting our park visitor center in Richland. Continue learning through a variety of activities in the Tri-Cities Region.
Visitor Centers
Start with the Manhattan Project Visitor Center and the Visit Tri-Cities Visitor Center. Join a Ranger Program
Join a ranger program for an enjoyable time with the whole family. Tour Behind the Fence
Register for a guided tour of secure Manhattan Project facilities. Explore Local Museums
Visit local museums to learn about the people, places, and stories of the Manhattan Project. Have Fun with the Family
Find activities for the whole family to enjoy while learning about the Manhattan Project. Enjoy the Outdoors
Stay safe while exploring the Manhattan Project in the Tri-Cities. |
Last updated: June 26, 2024