The Sweet Auburn Community

Ebenezer Baptist Church, Birth Home, Queen Anne Homes
Ebenezer Baptist Church, Birth Home, Queen Anne Homes on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. Copyrighted image(s).  Contact Intellectual Properties Management for authorized use at

Designed by Donald Bermudez

Martin Luther King, Junior. National Historic Site represents the lives and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior and his wife Mrs. Coretta Scott King. Contributing features include his birthplace and childhood home on 501 Auburn Avenue; a portion of the surrounding neighborhood, including a 1894 fire station; The King Center complex; the entombment of Dr. and Mrs. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Ebenezer Baptist Church (circa 1922) the Masonic Lodge Building that housed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the King family home.

Birth Home neighborhood:

The park protects a significant portion of the “Sweet Auburn Community,” and cultural resources related to “M. L.’s” childhood. In addition to the Birth Home, other resources in the neighborhood include the original firehouse and the Victorian residences immediately surrounding the Birth Home. Prior to Dr. King’s death, Coretta Scott King worked closely with the Atlanta community to preserve the immediate “Sweet Auburn” neighborhood surrounding Dr. King’s birthplace and to assist neighborhood residents with the care of their properties. This community serves as a prime example of the flourishing segregated neighborhoods founded by African Americans during the Jim Crow era in the South. The neighborhood was home to countless businesses, congregations, and social organizations.




Last updated: October 8, 2020

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Mailing Address:

450 Auburn Avenue, NE
Atlanta, GA 30312


404 331-5190 x5046

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