
Large group of people gathered in the grass, trees in background. Some wearing pioneer clothing, two in park ranger uniforms, others in regular clothing posing facing forward.
Volunteers and park staff following recognition ceremony.


Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial depends on dedicated volunteers to perform duties and complete projects that would not be completed without them. Over 6,000 hours were donated by over 50 individual volunteers last year.

Volunteer interpreters assist at the information desk and the Living Historical Farm, present history and nature programs to the public, and do a variety of other activities related to the park's education program. Maintenance opportunities are probably the most varied, in terms of types of work and volunteer skills required.

Volunteers help protect our valuable resources and help visitors learn about, and safely enjoy the many aspects of Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial.


Should you have any questions, please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator, at 812-937-4541 x106.

To view more NPS volunteer opportunities, go to Volunteer.gov.

Thank you for your interest in Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial!

The Student Conservation Association (SCA) places volunteers in land management agencies, including the National Park Service. More information may be obtained at their website www.thesca.org.

Last updated: November 12, 2022

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Mailing Address:

3027 East South Street
PO Box 1816

Lincoln City, IN 47552


812 937-4541

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