Video Loans

Fort Clatsop offers several videos about the Lewis and Clark Expedition for two week loans to school groups. The following list of videos are available: (Fort Clatsop pays to ship them to you - your school pays to ship them back)

"We Proceeded On"

This is a story of the Lewis & Clark Expedition of 1804-1806. A journey of exploration, complete with journal excerpts, encounters with Indians, the sometimes beautiful and sometimes threatening landscape, and a summary of their objectives and accomplishments. 32-Minute movie on DVD

"Living History Demonstrations"

Costumed rangers demonstrating skills necessary for their survival of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. 20 minutes 9-short demonstration segments available only on our Youtube channel:

♦ Build a dugout canoe for stability in the rough waters of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
♦ Experience the brain tanning techniques they probably acquired from the Mandan Indians
♦ Learn how to keep the fires going with successful fire starting using flint and steel
♦ See how to make the candles Lewis and Clark needed for keeping journals

"A Clatsop Winter Story"

This 22-minute film tells the story of the 1805-1806 wintering over of the Lewis and Clark expedition from the perspective of the Clatsop Peoples and informed by the journals of Lewis and Clark. It features a descendant of Coboway, one of the Chiefs who greeted the Corps.

"Searching for York"

The Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) and co-produced by Oregon Historical Society. The 29-minute DVD illustrates a portrait of York. He was the only enslave African American member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Great for middle and high school classrooms.

We no longer send DVDs of this film, but it can be accessed at

"Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West"

This 40 minute National Geographic video recreates the events of the Corps of Discovery as they crossed what would become the United States.

The listed movies are available for purchase at:

Video Loan Program:

  • Loan period is for two weeks. (Videos will be mailed six days prior to your viewing date.)
  • After two weeks return the video(s) to Fort Clatsop. Either by mail or you delivery the day of your field trip.

Video Loan Reservation Form

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park,

Attn: Video Loan Coordinator,
92343 Fort Clatsop Road, Astoria, OR 97103.

or e-mail: Video Loan Coordinator

Please note that we no longer have fax capabilities. To ensure we receive your reservation please send by e-mail or mail. Thank you!

Last updated: February 5, 2020

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park
92343 Fort Clatsop Road

Astoria, OR 97103


503 861-2471
Rangers are available to answer your calls between the hours of 9 - 5 PST.

Contact Us