United Nations Wall Visitors approaching the memorial come first to a granite curb on the north side of the statues. This low wall lists the 22 countries that battled the North Korean and Chinese Communist forces or gave medical support to the UN effort. Visitors are sometimes surprised to learn that the conflict involved other allied countries, a coalition of forces opposed to the spread of Communism and launched by a United Nations Security Council Resolution. These nations sent air, naval, and ground troops to stem the advance of the aggressors. Nearly 150,000 foreign service members joined American troops on the Korean peninsula. Over 3,300 of them died in the effort, and over 1,800 are still not accounted for. They were often alongside America's troops, facing the same obstacles, and encountering the same difficulties. The members of the United Nations coalition and the support they provided included (as they appear on the UN Wall): • Australia: Two Infantry Battalions, Naval Forces, One Fighter Squadron • Belgium: One Infantry Battalion • Canada: Reinforced Infantry Brigade, Naval Forces, One Squadron of Transport Aircraft • Colombia: One Infantry Battalion, One Naval Frigate • Denmark: Medical (Red Cross) • Ethiopia: One Infantry Battalion • France: One Reinforced Infantry Battalion • Greece: One Infantry Battalion, Transport Aircraft • India: Medical (Army) • Italy: Medical (Red Cross) • Luxembourg: One Infantry Company • Netherlands: One Infantry Battalion, Naval Forces • New Zealand: One Artillery Regiment • Norway: Medical (Army) • Philippines: One Infantry Battalion, One Tank Company • Republic of Korea: Numerous • South Africa: One Fighter Squadron • Sweden: Medical (Red Cross) • Thailand: One Infantry Regiment, Naval Forces, Air and Naval Transports • Turkey: One Fighting Infantry Brigade • United Kingdom: Two Infantry Brigades, One Armor Regiment, Three Artillery and Combat Engineer Regiments, The Far Eastern Fleet, Two Sunderland Squadrons • United States: Numerous |
Last updated: February 29, 2024
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