Visiting New Hall

Color photo of the exterior of the New Hall Military Museum, a two story red brick building, rectangular in shape with rows of windows flanked by cream shutters.

NPS photo


New Hall is located in Carpenters' Court at 320 Chestnut Street. The building sits next to Carpenters' Hall.


What to see and do
Originally built in 1791, this faithful reconstruction captures the dimensions of the building when it served as the United States Department of War. Inspect the exterior and imagine the meetings and discussions that took place about the Whiskey Rebellion, northwest expansion, and the French Revolution. While here, stop and enjoy the gardens and explore the rest of Carpenters' Court.


The exterior New Hall and Carpenters' Court are wheelchair accessible via curb cuts. Learn more about the accessibility services offered throughout the park on our website.


Images and Historical Information
Check out the photo gallery below for images of the exhibit. Additional historical information is available on the park's website.


More to Explore Nearby
Carpenters' Hall (owned and operated by the Carpenters' Company)
Franklin Court

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

143 S. 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106



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