Executive Re-election Debatered

Gouverneur Morris
Gouverneur Morris
Edward Dalton Marchant, 1873-1874

Independence National Historical Park

Executive Re-election Debated

"Our Country is an extensive one.We must either then renounce the blessings of the Union, or provide an Executive with sufficient vigor to pervade every part of it."

-Gouverneur Morris in Madison's Notes on the Convention

The Convention proceeded to debate whether or not the executive should be eligible for re-election.

Gouverneur Morris, in a lengthy speech, noted the need to consider everything that related to the executive in one view, ending with a motion to reconsider "the whole Constitution of the Executive." As Morris saw it, the executive must be given power to guard the people against the legislature. How to balance the way the executive would be elected, eligibility for re-election, authority to veto laws and the power given him so as to produce an independent executive, but not a potential dictator, took up the entire day, and several more days to come.


Friday, July 20, 1787
Debate on Impeachment for the Executive

HOME The 225th Anniversary of the Constitution Convention

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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