Vegetation Inventory and Map for Arkansas Post National Memorial

Park Lake
Park Lake

NPS Photo


Arkansas Post National Memorial is the site of over 300 years of European occupation. Consequently, the land-based portion presents a mosaic of difference successional stands. The land-based portion of the park, 117 hectares, is characterized by terrace landscapes, flat terrain, and various stands of upland and lowland hardwoods. Bayous and swamps are interespersed throughout the area. Manicured lawns, prairie, and tall-grass areas also exist within Arkansas Post. As such, an abundance of flora and fauna resides both on land and in water.

A vegetation classification and mapping project was initiated in 2012 and completed in 2014. Classification was based on 38 field plots and 75 georeferenced observation points. Mapping was based on air photo interpretation and heads-up digitizing of polygons. Accuracy assessment points obtained during 2014 verified that the map is 100% accurate.

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Last updated: September 20, 2018