Weather Stations

Please contact us with information on stations that may be missing.

When you click on a weather station circle on the map, a box will pop up with brief information about the station and a link to the station’s data. You can also view or download complete weather station data in table form. Definitions of the fields for this table and for the weather station boxes on the map are in the expanding panels below. The sources for the weather station data presented here are also listed below.

Some caveats

SCPN provides this information as a courtesy to visitors of this website. This map and accompanying list of stations were compiled by the SCPN from multiple weather data sources. Links to the weather data are included where known; however the source weather data are not collected or maintained by the SCPN.

SCPN does not guarantee that this map and list of stations are accurate or complete. Due to datum and rounding differences in the source data, mapped station locations may differ from physical location by as much as one kilometer.

In compiling this list, SCPN retained the records of any station that had a unique network affiliation, ID, operation dates or coordinates. As a result, it's likely that some station records are duplicates.

The term "data repository" in the map legend refers to the entity responsibile for maintaining each climate database, not to the operational network, which is the source of the data.

Field Definitions
Infobox Caption Table Field Name Description
Data availability data_start / data.data_end The date range data have been collected at this station.
Notes NOTE Additional information about this station.
URL URL Hyperlink - address of online data, when available.
Download instructions DWNLD_INSTR Instructions for how to retrieve data using the hyperlink.
Table Field Definitions
Field Description
ONLINE Yes/No field which indicates whether or not a link to the online data provider for the weather station is included.
PARK The four letter code designating the SCPN park(s) within 40 km of the station.
STATION_NAME The name given to the station by the source weather network.
STATION_START The date the station was established. This date will not always correlate with the earliest date data are available from an online resource.
STATION_END The date a station became inactive. If still operating, “Present” indicates operation at last verification date. See Date_Verified.
DATA_START The beginning date of data availability per the linked resource or station history record .
DATA_END The end date of data availability per the linked resource or station history record. An active station is designated as “Present”. See Date_Verified.
DATE_VERIFIED The date the station data accessibility was last checked and verified.
ACTIVE Indicates whether the station is currently collecting data.
STATION_ID The ID code attributed to the station by the data source weather network.
NETWORK The network/agency responsible for collecting the data.
DATA_DISTRIB Per online resource, the network/agency responsible for data manipulation/distribution.
LAT The latitude, in decimal degrees, of the stations’ geographic location.
LONG The longitude, in decimal degrees, of the stations’ geographic location.
ELEVM The reported elevation, in meters, of the stations’ geographic location.
IN_PARK Indicates whether the station is located within the boundary of a SCPN Park unit or not. If so, the four letter code of the park will be listed.
STATE Two letter abbreviation for the state location.
COUNTY The full name of the county location.
HCNM_NUM The ID number of the station as used in the Historical Climatological Network Modernization program.
NOTE Additional reference information about this station
DWNLD_INSTR Instructions for retrieving data using the hyperlink.
ICON Used for mapping purposes only
URL Online data access link
ORDER Used for mapping purposes only
Networks and Agencies
Acronym Name URL
ADWR Arizona Department of Water Resources
APRSWXNET Automatic Position Reporting System Weather Network
ASOS Automated Surface Observing Systems (NOAA)
AWOS Automated Weather Observing System
AZ-DCP Arizona Data Collection Platform Network --
AZDOT Arizona Department of Transportation
BLM Bureau of Land Management
CASTNET Clean Air Status and Trends Network (EPA)
COOP Cooperative Observer Program (NOAA NWS)
COAGMET Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (Colorado State University)>
CRBFC Colorado River Basin Forecast Center (NOAA)
CWOP Citizen Weather Observer Program
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FGZWFO Flagstaff Weather Forecast Office --
GPMP Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring Program (NPS)
GSE -- --
HADS Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (NOAA)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization --
ICS -- --
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
MESONET Oklahoma Mesoscale Weather Network (University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University)
MESOWEST Mesoscale Surface Weather Observation Network (University of Utah)
NOHRSC National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOAA)
NPS National Park Service
NRCS-SC Natural Resources Conservation Service - Soil and Climate
NWS National Weather Service (NOAA)
NWSLI National Weather Service Location Identifier
POMS -- --
RAWS Remote Automatic Weather Stations
SAO -- --
SNOTEL SNOwpack TELemetry (NRCS)
SNOWNET Snow Monitoring Network (University of Utah)
UCC Utah Climate Center (Utah State University)
USCRN US Climate Reference Network (NOAA)
USFS US Forest Service
USHCN United States Historical Climatology Network (DOE)
USRCRN U.S. Regional Climate Reference Network (NOAA
UTAH DOT Utah Department of Transportation
WBAN Weather-Bureau-Army-Navy (NOAA)
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WRCC Western Regional Climate Center (Desert Research Institute)
WXSVC Weather Service
WX4U Weather For You

Additional Sources of Weather Data

For more weather and climate information see the Climate Analyzer, which creates custom graphs and tables from historical weather station data for selected National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Networks.

In addition, NPS users may want to access the NPS I&M Enterprise Climate database which provides access to processed datasets and statistics for many stations.

SCPN welcomes suggestions, corrections, additions and comments on this webpage. Please contact us anytime. Thank you!

Last updated: December 20, 2022