What We Inventory

Natural resource inventories are extensive, point-in-time efforts to determine the location and/or condition of resources such as the presence and distribution of plants, animals, and nonliving resources such as water, landforms, and climate in the parks. Inventories provide managers with baseline information needed to make scientifically sound management decisions that ensure the future health of the parks.

The national Inventory and Monitoring Program provides guidance, funding, and technical assistance for a set of basic natural resource inventories at all parks with significant natural resources. These inventories provide park managers with the minimum information needed to effectively manage the natural resources of their parks. The program identified 12 basic resource inventories as those of greatest value to establish baseline conditions before long-term monitoring of natural resource "vital signs" began.

For details on the specific inventories conducted in Rocky Mountain Network, check out our collection of inventory & assessment reports.

Arenaria fendleri in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Species Lists

Generate species lists of plants and animals found in Rocky Mountain Network parks.

Pinecone in Great Sand Dunes.
Inventory & Assessments

Read about the natural resources inventories and assessments that have been conducted in the Rocky Mountain Network parks.

Last updated: April 11, 2018