What We Inventory

an owl standing on the ground with big yellow eyes
Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia).

NPS photo / Ryan Manuel

Effective management and stewardship of natural resources in the Northern Great Plains Network parks begins with a basic understanding of the resources. To acquire this understanding, an inventory program was established by the National Park Service with the goal of acquiring baseline information for a set of resources, from bibliographic information to species occurrence and distribution.

Inventories assess and document the current condition of specific natural resources in network parks. A set of 12 basic inventories are defined in appendix A of the Natural Resources Inventory and Monitoring Guidelines (NPS-75). The inventories served as a common starting point for monitoring and were also intended to provide park managers with baseline information on the natural resources in their parks.

A hand on the bare stony ground next to a tiny catctus that has one bright pink flower
Inventory Reports

Explore the natural resource inventories that have been conducted in the Northern Great Plains Network

Brown mottled coloured lizard with round tummy and short tail basks on a rock
Species Lists

Use the online tool to search NPSpecies online database for park species lists

Last updated: August 20, 2018