Rocky Intertidal Community Monitoring in Northeast Temperate Network parks

NPS techs monitoring in the rocky intertidal zone.
NPS techs monitor the rocky intertidal zone utilizing several different techniques.
Rocky intertidal program brief
Download the program brief.


The rocky intertidal zone is a unique habitat that is used by a variety of endemic plant and animal species, many of them at the edge of their physical and ecological tolerances. These species are important food for birds and mammals that forage along the shoreline, and several have commercial value.

Climate change, energy development, invasive species, over-harvesting, ocean acidification and oil spills are threats to these resources. In addition, the NPS is concerned that the popularity of rocky shores with park visitors can lead to adverse impacts on intertidal species. Long-term monitoring data are crucial for documenting the condition of the rocky intertidal zone, so that threats are recognized and can be addressed in a timely manner.

NETN monitors intertidal habitats in Acadia National Park and Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area. The primary objectives of this program are to:

• Determine long-term changes of target invertebrate and macroalgal species

• Evaluate long-term changes in the intertidal community to long-term changes in environmental factors (e.g., sea level rise, human trampling, etc).


Northeast Temperate Network Rocky Intertidal Monitoring Materials

Click on the links below to view protocols, reports, briefs, and other materials

Source: Data Store Saved Search 1094. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 2233. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 1831. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Source: Data Store Saved Search 2284. To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.


Staff Contacts for Rocky Intertidal Monitoring

Program Manager: Aaron Weed
Data Manager: Adam Kozlowski
Science Communication Specialist: Ed Sharron

Last updated: September 13, 2023