Contact Us

The Greater Yellowstone Network is housed at the US Geological Survey Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center near the Montana State University campus.

Our mailing address:

Greater Yellowstone Network
National Park Service
2327 University Way Suite 2
Bozeman MT 59715

Contact Us

Greater Yellowstone Network staff include the program manager, ecologists and technicians, and a data manager. We work collaboratively with the U.S. Geological Survey Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Montana State University, the Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative, and other partners to bring in additional technical expertise and offer student internships.

Program Manager: Kristin Legg
Data Manager: Rob Daley
Physical Scientist/Aquatics Lead: Benjamin Lafrance
Ecologist (Vegetation): Erin Shanahan
Ecologist/Hydrologist : David Thoma (shared position with the Northern Colorado Plateau Network)
Field Crew Lead (Aquatic): Jana Cram
Biological Technician: Lydia Diehl
Science Communication Specialist (part-time): Sonya Daw 541-552-8578
Science Communication Specialist (part-time): Tani Hubbard 520-751-6881
Hydrologic Technician: Vacant
Field Crew Lead (Vegetation): Vacant
Biological Technicians (seasonal): filled annually

Last updated: February 11, 2025