Photos & Multimedia

Photograph of hikers on a green grassy trail with trees in the background.

National Park Service / Billy Flynn


Chronolog Timelapse Station

Screenshot of a single timelapse photo of a grassy green hillside with trees in the background and a blue sky.
Screenshot from Chronolog timelapse station in Cross Plains, WI.
Photograph of person holding phone on top of post in front of a green field with tall grasses.
Chronolog timelapse station in Cross Plains, Wisconsin on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.

NPS Photo

Help us monitor the Ice Age National Scenic Trail's restoration efforts with Chronolog, a pioneering project that combines science and community action. Visitors can actively contribute to ecological restoration study by capturing and submitting photos. This Chronolog station is located on NPS property in Cross Plains, Wisconsin, where you’ll see a brome field currently undergoing restoration aimed at transforming it back to Oak Savanna.

View photos from the Chronolog station.




Last updated: August 28, 2024

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8075 Old Sauk Pass Road
Cross Plains, WI 53528



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